
Don’t be afraid to deport

The recent call for comprehensive immigration reform by President Barack Obama and the eight senators who cobbled together a new bipartisan framework proposal as a basis for future legislation is simply a bad idea.

Make no mistake about it, comprehensive immigration reform is just an excuse to create a pathway to citizenship, which is simply a euphemism for amnesty for criminals who have broken our laws. These are not “undocumented workers.” They are foreign invaders upon our sovereign soil who have invaded our country and violated our group property rights. Group property rights are just as sacred as individual property rights and need to be protected as vigilantly.

We’ve had eight amnesties since the 1980s and, after each one, more [illegal immigrants] keep coming in! With that first one, estimates were that only 1 million were here and would apply [for citizenship]. But 2.7 million applied amid widespread document fraud. With each amnesty, more came in, with conservative estimates now being 11 million [illegal immigrants in the U.S.]. Edwin Meese, who was a key player in the process back then as U.S. attorney general under President Ronald Reagan, wrote in The New York Times in 2006 that the amnesty only made the problem worse.

As in the 1980s most likely that number is low and the high-end estimates of 20 million are more accurate. And as before, if amnesty is granted again, even greater numbers than 20 million will eventually flood in.

We must start deporting these invaders. It’s been argued that it is too expensive to do so. Estimates of deporting all the illegal aliens have been in the $280 billion range. But can we afford not to? According to a recent Daily Caller article, Robert Rector, a senior research fellow with The Heritage Foundation, says this current bipartisan immigration reform proposal, which includes a path to citizenship, will end up costing taxpayers more over time than the trillion-dollar calculations he testified to during debate over the 2007 immigration reform bill. So the $280 billion would be well-spent, actually saving us trillions of dollars.

Just say “no” to amnesty and “yes” to deportation.

Master Sgt. Matthew Brandstetter (retired)
Grayslake, Ill.

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