January 11, 2010 Materials Release

NOTE: Since the January 11, 2010 opening, all of these documents have been consolidated and are available for research at the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California. The locations given below indicate where the documents were at the time of the opening.


On January 11, 2010 the Nixon Library opened additional materials from the Nixon Presidential Materials. Below are scans of nearly one hundred documents that represent the variety of subjects and wealth of historical information included in this new release.

The documents are from file segments for the White House Special Files, Staff Member & Office Files; White House Central Files, Staff Member & Office Files; and the National Security Council File series, including the Henry A. Kissinger Telephone Conversation Transcripts (Telcons).

The following abbreviations are used below to identify original collections of the scanned documents:

Formerly Restricted Documents (College Park, MD)

Gordon Strachan’s Daily Notes
Gordon Strachan, staff assistant to White House Chief of Staff H. R. [Bob] Haldeman kept daily notes of his conversations with Haldeman and other administration officials. The Daily Notes below provide additional information on how the political espionage capability of the Committee for the Re-Election of the President evolved out of the White House’s efforts to spy on former Senator Ted Kennedy [EMK]. The Daily Notes also indicate White House involvement in the hiring of Donald Segretti, who would engage in campaign dirty tricks; how Haldeman’s office handled President Nixon’s June 23, 1971 request to use the Internal Revenue Service against political opponents and a bribery scheme to influence the presidential campaign of George Wallace.

Strachan used abbreviations to refer to specific individuals. The Greek letter PI appears to be President Nixon, H appears to be Haldeman, E appears to be John D.Ehrlichman, JM appears to be John Mitchell, JSM appears to be Jeb Stuart Magruder, K appears to be Herbert Kalmbach, Don Seg appears to be Donald Segretti, and G appears to be Strachan himself. Finally, the initials EMK appear to stand for Senator Edward M. Kennedy.

  1. Daily Note for May 17, 1971, folder Daily Notes; Box 327; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  2. Daily Note for June 3, 1971, folder Daily Notes; Box 327; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  3. Daily Note for June 23, 1971, folder Notes 350; Box 297; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  4. Daily Note for July 23, 1971, folder Daily Notes; Box 327; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  5. Daily Note for July 26, 1971, folder Daily Notes; Box 327; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  6. Daily Note for July 29, 1971, folder Daily Notes; Box 327; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  7. Daily Note for December 17, 1971, folder Daily Notes; Box 327; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  8. Daily Note for August 23, 1972, folder Daily Notes III; Box 327; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman

Political Espionage, 1971-1972
This release includes a record of President Nixon’s desire to improve political intelligence in April 1971 and of White House Chief of Staff Haldeman’s familiarity with what would become known as the SANDWEDGE proposal from Jack Caulfield in June 1971 to improve political intelligence.

  1. Gordon Strachan to H. R. Haldeman Re: John Mitchell's meeting with President Nixon, April 22, 1971, folder HRH and AG Meeting-June 30, 1971 [2 of 2]; Box 296; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  2. Gordon Strachan to H. R. Haldeman, June 11, 1971, folder HRH and AG Meeting-June 30, 1971 [2 of 2]; Box 296; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  3. Daily Note for June 23, 1971, folder Notes 350; Box 297; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  4. Gordon Strachan to H. R. Haldeman, "Chapman's Friends Report," November 10, 1971, folder Press Reports [Chapman's Friend Reports]; Box 303; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  5. Jeb Stuart Magruder to Dick Howard, Chapman's Friends reports, June 14, 1972, folder Chapman's Friends; Box 296; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman

SANDWEDGE and the Origins of GEMSTONE, October-November 1971
This release contains additional information that sheds light on how G. Gordon Liddy was hired to develop a political espionage capability for the Committee to Re-Elect the President in 1971. White House assistant Gordon Strachan attended the meeting between Attorney General John Mitchell and White House Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman on November 4, 1971, where the two men decided that Liddy should run the secret intelligence operation instead of Herbert Kalmbach, Jack Caulfield, or Roger Barth, the other candidates for the job. Strachan’s handwritten notes outline the nature of the discussion that resulted in the choice of Liddy. Strachan’s handwritten notes from an earlier October conversation with Magruder and Mitchell, are also included to provide the context for the November decision. The October 18 note of Strachan’s conversation with “L” [possibly Haldeman’s assistant Lawrence Higby] appears to list the special operations tasked to White House Counsel John Dean as of the fall of 1971.

  1. Gordon Strachan note, “L 10/18,” folder HRH and AG Meetings 11/4/71 [1 of 2]; Box 296; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  2. Gordon Strachan note, “JSM AG 10a-1p 10/25 [1971],” folder HRH and AG Meetings 11/4/71 [1 of 2]; Box 296; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  3. Gordon Strachan memcon, “H, AG, JSM,” November 4, 1971, Folder HRH and AG Meetings 11/4/71 [1 of 2]; Box 296; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman

On the Washington Post

  1. Charles W. Colson to President Nixon, January 15, 1973, folder P Memos 1973; Box 230; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman

Selling Ambassadorships

  1. “No commitments except to Farcas, 250 for Costa Rica,” folder Finances #2 [2 of 2]; Box 300; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  2. Gordon Strachan to H. R. Haldeman, “Ambassadorships-Flanigan’s Office,” August 10, 1971, folder Ambassadorships/Flanigan; Box 294; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  3. Gordon Strachan to H. R. Haldeman, “Kalmbach’s commitments to De Roulet and Symington,” August 13, 1971, folder Ambassadorships/Flanigan; Box 294; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman

President Nixon on Churchill and Speechwriting

  1. President Nixon to Raymond Price, April 12, 1972, folder Memos - April 1972; Box 3; WHSF: SMOF: President's Personal Files

Conservatives and Liberals

  1. William Loeb to Harry Dent, October 29, 1969, folder Haynesworth [2 of 3]; Box 80; WHSF: SMOF: Harry Dent
  2. President Nixon to H. R. Haldeman, December 11, 1970, folder P Memos 1970, Part II; Box 229; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  3. President Nixon to H. R. Haldeman, January 20, 1971, folder P Memos 1971; Box 230; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  4. President Nixon to H. R. Haldeman, May 18, 1971, folder Memos - May 1971; Box 3; WHSF: SMOF: Presidents Personal Files
  5. Patrick J. Buchanan to President Nixon, “Media Memorandum for the President,” May 21, 1970, folder [CF] FG 6-11-1/Haldeman, H.R. 1/20/69-8/31/70 [1969-1970]; Box 15; WHSF: White House Subject Files: Confidential Files
  6. “Report on Meeting of Southerners and other Conservatives with the President,” August 6, 1970, folder HRH - Political - 1970; Box 292; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  7. Tom Charles Huston to President Nixon, “1970 Election and Prospects for 1972,” folder HRH 1972-Political Strategy [2 of 2]; Box 298; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  8. News Summaries-Sept. 1969. President Nixon comments on Buchanan’s advice, folder News Summaries - September 1969; Box 30; WHSF: SMOF: President's Office Files
  9. News Summary –January 1972, President Nixon comments on William F. Buckley, folder [Jan. 4-8, 1972]; Box 37; WHSF: SMOF: President's Office Files
  10. Jerry Jones to Alexander M. Haig, Jr, “Howard Phillips, Jr.,” August 2, 1973, folder August-Jerry Jones [1 of 4]; Box 3; WHSF: SMOF: Alexander M. Haig, Jr.

De-Segregation and Busing

  1. Bryce Harlow to the Staff Secretary, Memorandum on President Nixon’s meeting with Senator Richard Russell of Georgia, February 19, 1970, folder Beginning February 15, 1970; Box 80; WHSF: SMOF: President's Office Files
  2. President Nixon to John Ehrlichman and H. R. Haldeman, January 28, 1972, folder Memos - Jan. 1972; Box 3; WHSF: SMOF: President's Personal Files

On the Environment

  1. John Whitaker to John Ehrlichman, [with President Nixon’s handwriting], June 9, 1971, folder President's Handwriting June 1-10, 1971; Box 11; WHSF: SMOF: President's Office Files
  2. John Whitaker to John Ehrlichman, [with President Nixon’s handwritng], June 29, 1971, folder President's Handwriting June 21-30, 1971; Box 12; WHSF: SMOF: President's Office Files

Politics and the Bureau of Labor Statistics

  1. Jerry Jones to H. R. Haldeman, “BLS-Shiskin,” April 3, 1973, folder H. R. Haldeman [Chron.] April 1973; Box 202; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman

Politics and the Census

  1. Peter Flanigan to Maurice Stans, November 25, 1970, Folder [Stans, Maurice Memoranda] [Apr 1969 - Dec 1971] [1 of 2]; Box 10; WHSF: SMOF: Peter M. Flanigan

President Nixon on the 1970 Election

  1. President Nixon to H. R. Haldeman, November 22, 1970, folder P Memos 1970, Part II; Box 229; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman

President Nixon on the Administration at Midterm

  1. Richard Nixon to H. R. Haldeman, December 21, 1970, folder P Memos 1970, Part II; Box 229; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman

On the Second Term

  1. President Nixon to H. R. Haldeman, November 29, 1972, folder P Memos 1972; Box 230; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  2. Frederic Malek to H. R. Haldeman, September 28, 1972, folder Campaign 26 Part IV Oct 1 [Folder 1] [1 of 2]; Box 320; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman

On the New Majority

  1. Michael P. Balzano to H. R. Haldeman, “The Destruction of the New Majority,” February 17, 1973, folder New American Majority; Box 6; WHSF: SMOF: W. Richard Howard

President Nixon and Television

  1. President Nixon to Rose Mary Woods and H. R. Haldeman, “Johnny Carson,” January 31, 1970, folder P Memos 1970; Box 229; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  2. Patrick J. Buchanan to Charles W. Colson, March 4, 1971, folder March 1971; Box 1; WHSF: SMOF: Patrick J. Buchanan
  3. Charles W. Colson to H. R. Haldeman, “Dick Cavett Show,” June 11, 1971, folder [CF] FG 233 Veterans Administration [1971-74]; Box 25; WHSF: White House Subject Files: Confidential Files
  4. Richard Howard to Jon M. Huntsman, “Leaks-Rather,” August 30, 1971, folder [Staff Secretary] Action Memos [May 11, 1971-Feb 4, 1972] [2 of 3]; Box 2; WHSF: SMOF: W. Richard Howard
  5. Dwight Chapin to H. R. Haldeman, December 20, 1972, folder Chapin Chron -- December 1972; Box 17; WHSF: SMOF: Dwight L. Chapin
  6. Clay Whitehead to Al Haig, the Future of Public Broadcasting, June 7, 1974, folder June-Miscellaneous; Box 35; WHSF: SMOF: Alexander M. Haig, Jr.

On White House Official Dinners and Guest Lists

  1. President Nixon to H. R. Haldeman, April 21, 1970, folder P Memos 1970; Box 229; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  2. Charles W. Colson to H. R. Haldeman, November 24, 1970, folder Memoranda Received July-Dec. 1970; Box 8; WHSF: SMOF: Alexander Butterfield

President Nixon on Modern Art

  1. President Nixon to H. R. Haldeman, January 26, 1970, folder P Memos 1970; Box 229; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman, folder P Memos 1970; Box 229; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

  1. News Summary, May 1971, Folder News Summaries - May 1971; Box 33; WHSF: SMOF: President's Office Files
  2. Rose Mary Woods to President Nixon, re: Draft Letter to Jackie Kennedy Onassis, folder Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy; Box 14; WHSF: SMOF: President's Personal Files

Daniel Patrick Moynihan and the “Moratorium” Peace Demonstration, 1969

  1. “Oct. 15 Plan 9/26/69,” [Dwight Chapin?] notes from 7:45 a.m. White House Staff Meeting, September 26, 1969, folder 7:45 am Meeting-Chapin March-October 1969; Box 1; WHSF: SMOF: Dwight L. Chapin

Kent State

  1. John Ehrlichman to President Nixon [with Presidential Handwriting] and attached Department of Justice document, November 24, 1970, folder President's Handwriting November 1970; Box 8; WHSF: SMOF: President's Office Files

President Nixon and Frank Sinatra

  1. H. R. Haldeman to Gordon Strachan, September 14, 1971, folder Strachan Chron - HRH only February 1972 Book I; Box 236; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  2. Gordon Strachan to H. R. Haldeman, “Muskie use of Sinatra Plane,” September 16, 1971, folder Strachan Chron - HRH only February 1972 Book I; Box 236; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  3. Charles W. Colson to H. R. Haldeman, “Frank Sinatra,” October 25, 1971, folder Strachan Chron - HRH only February 1972 Book I; Box 236; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  4. Gordon Strachan to David Parker, “Frank Sinatra,” October 30, 1971, folder Strachan Chron - HRH only February 1972 Book I; Box 236; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  5. Dwight Chapin to H. R. Haldeman, “Frank Sinatra,” November 9, 1971, folder Strachan Chron - HRH only February 1972 Book I; Box 236; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  6. Gordon Strachan to H. R. Haldeman, February 14, 1972, folder Strachan Chron - HRH only February 1972 Book I; Box 236; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman

The Vice Presidency

  1. C. Stanley Blair to Alexander Butterfield, 1970, folder Memoranda Received Jan. - June 1970; Box 8; WHSF: SMOF: Alexander Butterfield
  2. Bruce Kehrli to H. R. Haldeman, March 9, 1973, folder Vice Presidential Staff; Box 191; WHSF: SMOF: Staff Secretary
  3. Arthur Burns to President Nixon, May 3, 1973, folder President's Handwriting May-Sept. [1973]; Box 13; WHSF: SMOF: Alexander M. Haig, Jr.

Replacing Vice President Spiro T. Agnew

  1. Anne Armstrong to President Nixon, October 11, 1973, folder Old Joulwan Material [2 of 3]; Box 13; WHSF: SMOF: Alexander M. Haig, Jr.
  2. George H. W. Bush to President Nixon, October 11, 1973, folder Old Joulwan Material [2 of 3]; Box 13; WHSF: SMOF: Alexander M. Haig, Jr.

Tom Charles Huston in 1970-71

  1. Bud Krogh to H. R. Haldeman, “Internal Security,” January 26, 1970, folder Higby Memos to Haldeman Chron - January [1970]; Box 214; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  2. Tom Charles Huston to H. R. Haldeman, “Vietnam Bombing Halt,” February 23, 1970, folder John Dean Demon. Memos; Box 205; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  3. [Gordon Strachan] Daily Note for April 6, 1971, folder Daily Notes; Box 327; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman

John W. Dean, III in 1970

  1. Dwight Chapin to H. R. Haldeman, June 30, 1970, folder [CF] FG 6-11-1/Initial [1969-70]; Box 14; WHSF: White House Subject Files: Confidential Files

On Jimmy Hoffa

  1. Handwritten notes from a meeting between H. R. Haldeman and John Mitchell, December 8, [1971], folder Notes 350; Box 297; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman

General Alexander M. Haig, Jr. in 1971

  1. Dwight Chapin to H. R. Haldeman, “General Haig,” November 9, 1971, folder Chronological - Chapin, Dwight - Nov. 1971; Box 15; WHSF: SMOF: Dwight L. Chapin

John Ehrlichman in 1973

  1. John Ehrlichman to H. R. Haldeman, January 25, 1973, folder P Memos 1973; Box 230; WHSF: SMOF: H. R. Haldeman
  2. John Ehrlichman to President Nixon, June 11, 1973, folder From Oval Office - Aug. 9, 1974 [Economic Policy, 1973; JDE ltr., 6/11/73]; Box 185; WHSF: SMOF: President's Personal Files

Frederic Malek Documents (Yorba Linda, CA)

White House Central Files: Staff Member & Office Files

White House Investigation of Bureau of Labor Statistics

This release of documents from Frederic V. Malek’s White House Personnel Operation (WHPO) files supplements previously opened materials indicating that in July 1971 at the President’s request, H. R. “Bob” Haldeman asked Malek to determine both the number of democrats and the number of Jewish-Americans in the BLS. This release provides evidence that the political evaluation of the BLS staff and leadership had begun as early as February 1971. Although some of the documents had been released before, this is the first time that the entire run of relevant materials from Malek’s office can be researched. Below are selected documents on this matter from the newly released Malek WHPO collection.

Office of Management and Budget

Below is a memorandum from Fred Malek to George Shultz, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, outlining Malek’s recommendation for personnel changes at OMB.

Creation of the Environmental Protection Agency

As deputy undersecretary of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare in 1970, Frederic V. Malek participated in developing a staffing plan for the proposed EPA. That year, President Richard Nixon had proposed to Congress the development of a new agency to deal with environmental issues. Below you can access a collection of documents from Malek’s HEW files that shed light on the administration’s thinking about environmental protection.

Robert Finch

Below is a letter from outgoing Secretary of HEW Robert Finch to Frederic V. Malek thanking Malek for his service during Finch’s tenure as secretary.  

Welfare Reform and the Family Assistance Plan

Below is an early draft administrative history, from Malek’s HEW files, of the Family Assistance Plan. Requiring “one of the most complex administrative mechanisms in history,” this attempt at welfare reform occurred in the first Nixon administration. The draft includes Malek’s handwritten marginal notes.

Women in Government

Below is a December 1971 memorandum from Federick V. Malek to Charles W. Colson suggesting the appointment of a woman to the Department of Labor. The documents contains Colson’s handwritten response, “No! No!”

Committee for the Re-Election of the President Collection

Campaign Organization

Below is a memorandum written by Frederic V. Malek to H. R. Haldeman discussing the issues with the Committee for the Re-Election of the President (CRP) setup and organization. Malek at this time was unofficially running parts of the campaign. On June 17, 1972, individuals affiliated with CRP were arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate Hotel. By July 1st, Campaign Director John Mitchell will have resigned from CRP, and Clark MacGregor will be named as his replacement. Frederic V. Malek will officially become Deputy Campaign Manager (Jeb Magruder remains in his job as Deputy Campaign Manager) and continue running the Citizens Division and Political Division.

Security Sweep

Below is a memorandum from the CRP’s new head of security, Steven King, after conducting a security evaluation of the CRP office after the break in at the Democratic National Committee. A search for “any electronic monitoring devices” is mentioned, as well as ideas to prevent future placement of “bugs.”

The Youth Crew

Below is a memorandum from Robert Anthony Podesta, staff member of the Committee, to the staff of the Youth Citizens Group. The document indicates Podesta’s view of the “youth” protesting at the Capitol.

Mandatory Review Documents (College Park, MD)

Cambodia in May 1970 (Lon Nol and Henry A. Kissinger)

The Jordan Crisis, September 1970

President Nixon and Charles de Gaulle, 1969

Withdrawing from Vietnam

The CIA and Chile

The First Energy Crisis

Sadat and the Soviets

The Radford Affair

Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan on India in 1973

CIA briefing on the People's Republic of China, 1969

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