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Document Collections

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White House Tapes


Oral Histories

White House Communications Agency (WHCA) Sound Recordings

Dictabelt Collection

Exit Interviews

Online Exhibits

Photo Gallery

Video Oral Histories

To date the Nixon Library has released 104 video oral histories conducted between 2006 and 2011.

White House Communications Agency (WHCA) Sound Recordings

The White House Communications Agency (WHCA) was a permanent organization within the White House Military Office responsible for preparing audio, motion picture, film, and photographic records of White House events. The WHCA Sound Recordings record the public utterances of President Nixon as well as selected speeches and remarks by other members of the Nixon Administration.

Dictabelt Collection

The Dictabelt Collection at the Nixon Presidential Library and Museum represents an artificial gathering of dictabelts by format from across multiple collections, especially the White House Special Files Staff Member and Office Files. Archivists have tracked the original file location for each dictabelt object. Dictabelts include dictations of memorada by staff members and the President. At times, staff members, in particular John D. Ehrlichman, also used their dictation machines to record conversations, especially telephone conversations. Dictations usually resulted in typed textual documents that may be available in the files. Secretaries for staff members sometimes transcribed conversations that may also be available in the files.

Exit Interviews

During the Nixon administration, the National Archives Office of Presidential Libraries maintained a liaison Office of Presidential Papers and Archives (OPPA). One of the functions of OPPA was to conduct exit interviews with departing staff members.

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