July 2, 2010 Materials Release


On July 2, 2010 the Nixon Library opened additional materials from the Nixon Presidential Materials. Below are scans of nearly one hundred documents that represent the variety of subjects and wealth of historical information included in this new release.

The documents are from file segments for the White House Special Files, Staff Member & Office Files; White House Central Files, Staff Member & Office Files; White House Central Files: Alphabetical Name Files; and the National Security Council Files series, including the Henry A. Kissinger Telephone Conversation Transcripts (Telcons).

The following abbreviations are used below to identify original collections of the scanned documents:

Mandatory and Systematic Review Documents

The U.S. and the Vietnam War, March 1969

  1. Melvin Laird to the President Re: Possible Responses to Enemy Activity in South Vietnam, March 4, 1969, with cover memorandum by Henry A. Kissinger, folder 8-F Reappraisal of Vietnam Commitment Vol. I; Box 64; Vietnam Subject Files; NSC Files

Operation Buttercup [US/National Liberation Front (NLF) prisoner exchanges], 1969

  1. State Department telegram to Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State William Rogers, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Richard Helms, January 24, 1969, folder Buttercup; Box 67; Vietnam Subject Files; NSC Files

Vietnam Peace Negotiations, November 1972

  1. Memorandum of Conversation between President Nixon; Dr. Henry A. Kissinger; General Alexander M. Haig, Jr.; Nguyen Phu Duc; and Tran Kim Phuong, Ambassador to the United States, November 29, 1972, folder Camp David - Sensitive - Vol. XXII; Box 859; President's Files; NSC Files

The road to the Arab-Israeli War, 1973

  1. Report II, "Four Eyes Only" Conversation Between G. & P. Preceding Meeting of March 24[, 1973], folder Rabin/Kissinger 1973 Jan.-July [2 of 3]; Box 135; Country Files: Middle East; HAK Office Files
  2. Report V, Personal Remarks by P. & K., March 26, 1973, folder Rabin/Kissinger 1973 Jan.-July [2 of 3]; Box 135; Country Files: Middle East; HAK Office Files
  3. Peter Rodman to General Scowcroft, [May 1973], King Hussein of Jordan warning Israel that "a major military fiasco in the area is inevitable," folder Rabin/Kissinger 1973 Jan.-July [2 of 3]; Box 135; Country Files: Middle East; HAK Office Files
  4. United Kingdom Prime Minister Edward Heath to President Nixon, June 14, 1973, warning President Nixon about the imminence of an Arab Oil Embargo, folder United Kingdom PM Heath, 11/1971-3/1974 [3 of 4]; Box 764; Presidential Correspondence; NSC Files

U.S. military intelligence and the Yom Kippur War of October 1973

  1. DIA [Defense Intelligence Agency] Spot Report #1 Re: Israeli Mobilization, October 6, 1973, 0700 EDT, folder 1973 Middle East War: File 1, October 6, 1973 [1 of 2]; Box 1173; Saunders Files: Middle East Negotiations; NSC Files
  2. Telegram to DIA Re: IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] Mobilization, October 6, 1973, folder 1973 Middle East War: File 1, October 6, 1973 [1 of 2]; Box 1173; Saunders Files: Middle East Negotiations; NSC Files
  3. DIA Spot Report #2 Re: Middle East Hostilities, October 6, 1973, 1725 EDT, folder 1973 Middle East War: File 1, October 6, 1973 [1 of 2]; Box 1173; Saunders Files: Middle East Negotiations; NSC Files
  4. DIA Spot Report #3 Re: Middle East Hostilities, October 7, 1973, 0200 EDT, folder 1973 Middle East War: File 2, October 7, 1973; Box 1173; Saunders Files: Middle East Negotiations; NSC Files
  5. DIA Spot Report #4 Re: Middle East Hostilities, October 7, 1973, 0740 EDT, folder 1973 Middle East War: File 2, October 7, 1973; Box 1173; Saunders Files: Middle East Negotiations; NSC Files
  6. DIA Spot Report #6 Re: Middle East Hostilities, October 7, 1973, 2240 EDT, folder 1973 Middle East War: File 2, October 7, 1973; Box 1173; Saunders Files: Middle East Negotiations; NSC Files
  7. DIA Situation Report #18 Re: Middle East Hostilities, October 9, 1973, 2130 EDT, folder 1973 Middle East War: File 4, October 9, 1973 [2 of 2]; Box 1173; Saunders Files: Middle East Negotiations; NSC Files

The Black September Organization terrorist attack at the 1972 Olympics

  1. Richard T. Kennedy to General Haig Re: Munich Situation, September 5, 1972, folder 1976 Olympics; Box 368; Subject Files; NSC Files

Weapons of Mass Destruction, 1969:

  1. Telegram from American Embassy, Bonn, to Secretary of State Re: US-FRG Mutual Weapons Data Exchange Agreement [on West German request for "chemical warfare agents" from the U.S.], April 18, 1969, folder Germany-Griffith Report on Germany and Eastern Europe; Box 681; Country Files - Europe; NSC Files
  2. Colonel Al Haig to Colonel Robert Pursley (Office of Secretary of Defense) Re: Assessment of Soviet MRV [Multiple Reentry Vehicle] Tests, May 27, 1969, folder MIRV Test program Vol. 1; Box 845; ABM/MIRV; NSC Files

The U.S. and Cambodia, 1969

  1. Countering Possible Use of Cambodian and Laos Bases by North Viet-Nam, Post-War, [January 1969], folder 5-D Cambodia; Box 64; Vietnam Subject Files; NSC Files
  2. U.S./Cambodian Relations, March 15, 1969, folder Sihanouk Statements on US Activities on Vietnam – Cambodian Border; Box 67; Vietnam Subject Files; NSC Files
  3. Background on U.S. and South Vietnamese Relations with Cambodia, May 28, 1969, folder Midway Meeting w/Pres. Thieu 6/8/1969 Briefing Book Vol. II [1 of 2]; Box 71; Vietnam Subject Files; NSC Files

U.S. and Laos, 1969

  1. Kissinger Telcon with Under Secretary of State Elliot Richardson, September 22, 1969, folder Telephone Conversation Transcripts [07] Chron: September 19-30, 1969; Box 2; Henry A. Kissinger Telphone Conversation Transcripts

U.S. and the Bombing of Northern Laos, December 1971

  1. Admiral Tom Moorer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to Secretary of State Re: B-52 Strike in Northern Laos, December 10, 1971, folder Special Report for the President; Box 24; WHSF: SMOF: David Young
  2. Henry A. Kissinger to President Nixon Re: U.S. Efforts in Laos Outside the Area of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, n.d., folder Haig Chron Files [Donelay Col. Kennedy] [1 of 2] December 29, 1971-January 13, 1972; Box 990; Haig Chron Files; NSC Files
  3. Melvin Laird to President Nixon Re: US Efforts in Laos Outside the Area of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, December 26, 1971, folder Haig Chron Files [Donelay Col. Kennedy] [1 of 2] December 29, 1971-January 13, 1972; Box 990; Haig Chron Files; NSC Files

U.S. Congressional Visits to Laos, 1971

  1. Henry A. Kissinger to the President Re: Ambassador Godley's Report on Visit by Congressman [Paul "Pete"] McCloskey and [Jerome "Jerry"] Waldie to Vientiane, [April 1971], folder McCloskey; Box 149; Agency and Congressional Files; HAK Office Files

The United Kingdom and China

  1. United Kingdom Prime Minister Edward Heath to President Nixon [Re: British trade with China, April 1973], folder United Kingdom PM Heath, 11/1971-3/1974 [3 of 4]; Box 764; Presidential Correspondence; NSC Files

The Heath Government and Northern Ireland

  1. United Kingdom Prime Minister Edward Heath to President Nixon [Re: Northern Ireland situation], July 29, 1972, folder United Kingdom PM Heath, 11/1971-3/1974 [2 of 4]; Box 764; Presidential Correspondence; NSC Files

Franco-American relations after the death of Charles de Gaulle

  1. Memorandum of Conversation between President Nixon, French President Georges Pompidou, Mr. Constantin, Major General V. A. Walters, November 12, 1970, folder Haig Chron.: November 19-24, 1970 [1 of 2]; Box 973; Alexander M. Haig Chronological Files; NSC Files

The US, UK and King Constantine of Greece, 1972

  1. Henry A. Kissinger to President Nixon Re: Message on King Constantine, February 17, 1972, folder United Kingdom Vol. VII Sept. 1971-Sept. 1972 [2 of 4]; Box 729; Country Files - Europe; NSC Files

Pakistan and the Indo-Pakistani War of December 1971

  1. Ambassador Farland to Henry A. Kissinger, [Pakistan warns the U.S. about Soviet military assistance to India], December 16, 1971, folder Rabin/Kissinger 1973 Jan.-July [2 of 3]; Box 135; Country Files: Middle East; HAK Office Files

Daniel Patrick Moynihan Documents

White House Central Files: Staff Member & Office Files

Welfare Reform

  1. Daniel P. Moynihan to John Campbell, January 27, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: John Ehrlichman [01/26/1970 - 02/04/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  2. Daniel P. Moynihan to H. R. Haldeman, January 23, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: Bob Haldeman [01/21/1970 - 03/10/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  3. Donald Rumsfeld to Daniel P. Moynihan, October 15, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: Donald Rumsfeld [11/13/1969 - 10/15/1970]; Box 8; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  4. Daniel P. Moynihan to Donald Rumsfeld, January 20, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: Donald Rumsfeld [11/13/1969 - 10/15/1970]; Box 8; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Urban Reform

  1. Martin Anderson to President Nixon Re: Urban Renewal, December 4, 1969, folder National Growth Policy Conference: Background Materials IV [1 of 4]; Box 15; Meetings; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  2. John D. Ehrlichman to the Staff Secretary Re: Moynihan Memorandum--Social Programs with Great Britain, March 29, 1969, folder Conference of Arts and Sciences: Boston, Mass. on May 2 and 3 [1969]; Box 9; Meetings; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  3. Daniel P. Moynihan to President Nixon, June 18, 1969, folder Memos to Staff: Bob Haldeman [06/18/1969 - 01/19/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  4. Daniel P. Moynihan to Henry A. Kissinger, January 21, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: Henry Kissinger [10/15/1969 - 01/21/1970]; Box 8; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  5. Daniel P. Moynihan to the Staff Secretary, March 5, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: Kenneth Cole [01/07/1970 - 03/05/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  6. Daniel P. Moynihan to the Staff Secretary, January 7, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: Kenneth Cole [01/07/1970 - 03/05/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Family Assistance Plan

  1. Ken Cole to Pay Moynihan, April 14, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: Kenneth Cole [01/07/1970 - 03/05/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  2. John Ehrlichman to Pat Moynihan, January 9, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: John Ehrlichman [01/17/1970 - 01/21/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  3. Arthur M. Klebanoff for Dr. Moynihan to H. R. Haldeman, April 13, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: Bob Haldeman [03/11/1970 - 07/13/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  4. Daniel P. Moynihan to Ken Cole, September 17, 1969; folder Memos to Staff: Kenneth Cole [06/26/1969 - 12/06/1969]; Box 6; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  5. Bob Dole to President Nixon, September 14, 1970, folder Cabinet (Department of Health, Education and Welfare) [6 of 8]; Box 19; Subject File 1; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  6. Daniel P. Moynihan to John D. Ehrlichman, December 3, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: John Ehrlichman [07/07/1970 - 12/03/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  7. Daniel P. Moynihan to H. R. Haldeman, January 21, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: Bob Haldeman [01/21/1970 - 03/10/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  8. Daniel P. Moynihan to John O. Wilson, January 29, 1970, folder W [12/2/1969 - 03/24/1970]; Box 6; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  9. Herbert Stein to D. P. Moynihan Re: Proposed FAB (Family Assistance Bank), January 16, 1970, folder Council of Economic Advisers (Paul W. McCracken, Chairman): Paul McCracken Articles and Remarks [4 of 4]; Box 21; Subject File 1; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Civil Rights

  1. H. R. Haldeman to Dr. Moynihan, March 13, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: Bob Haldeman [03/11/1970 - 07/13/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  2. Henry A. Kissinger to Dr. Moynihan Re: Your Comments on the Ljubljana Seminar, September 26, 1969, folder Memos to Staff: Henry Kissinger [10/15/1969 - 01/21/1970]; Box 8; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  3. Daniel P. Moynihan to John Ehrlichman, May 8, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: John Ehrlichman [03/13/1970 - 07/06/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  4. Daniel P. Moynihan to President Nixon, January 16, 1970, folder Fire; Box 25; Subject File 1; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  5. Daniel P. Moynihan to Maurice H. Stans, May 1, 1969, folder Cabinet (Commerce Department - Maurice H. Stans) [1 of 2]; Box 18; Subject File 1; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Climate Change

  1. Hubert Heffner to Dr. Daniel P. Moynihan, January 26, 1970, folder H [12/04/1969 - 01/26/1970]; Box 3; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  2. Daniel P. Moynihan to John Ehrlichman, September 17, 1969, folder E [03/13/1969 - 11/12/1969]; Box 2; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  3. Daniel P. Moynihan to John D. Ehrlichman, August 13, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: John Ehrlichman [07/07/1970 - 12/03/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Campus Violence

  1. An Open Letter to College Students from J. Edgar Hoover, September 21, 1970, with cover letter, folder Campus Unrest [3 of 8]; Box 20; Subject File 1; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  2. Art Klebanoff to Bud Krogh, May 1[, 1970], folder Memos to Staff: Bud Krogh [12/15/1969 - 08/19/1970]; Box 8; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  3. Daniel P. Moynihan to John Ehrlichman and Bob Finch, November 18, 1970, folder Campus Unrest [4 of 8]; Box 20; Subject File 1; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  4. Daniel P. Moynihan to Mr. Haldeman, September 14, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: Bob Haldeman [08/13/1970 - 12/01/1970]; Box 8; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan


  1. Daniel P. Moynihan to John D. Ehrlichman and Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, January 28, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: John Ehrlichman [02/07/1970 - 03/11/1970]; Correspondence; Box 7; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan

District of Columbia

  1. Irving Kristol to Daniel P. Moynihan, January 13, 1970, folder Basic Books (Irving Kristol) [3 of 5]; Box 18; Subject File 1; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  2. Daniel P. Moynihan to John D. Ehrlichman, January 26, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: John Ehrlichman [01/26/1970 - 02/04/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  3. Daniel P. Moynihan to The Attorney General and John Ehrlichman, October 24, 1969, folder Memos to Staff: Kenneth Cole [01/07/1970 - 03/05/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  4. Daniel P. Moynihan to John D. Ehrlichman, January 28, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: John Ehrlichman [01/26/1970 - 02/04/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Earth Day

  1. Daniel P. Moynihan to John D. Ehrlichman, January 22, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: John Ehrlichman [01/22/1970 - 01/23/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Moynihan on Vietnam

  1. Daniel P. Moynihan to H. R. Haldeman, October 1, 1969, folder Memos to Staff: Bob Haldeman [06/18/1969 - 01/19/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Jackie Kennedy Onassis

  1. Daniel P. Moynihan to Jacqueline Onassis, May 29, 1970, folder O [04/03/1970 - 11/05/1970]; Box 4; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Moynihan on Government

  1. Daniel P. Moynihan to Bayard Rustin, September 30, 1969, folder R [09/02/1969 - 10/01/1969]; Box 5; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  2. Arthur M. Klebanoff for Dr. Moynihan to John Ehrlichman and Bob Haldeman, March 21, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: Bob Haldeman [03/11/1970 - 07/13/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  3. Daniel P. Moynihan to Roy L. Ash, August 8, 1969, folder Ash Council [2 of 2]; Box 17; Subject File 1; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  4. Daniel P. Moynihan to John D. Ehrlichman, February 2, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: John Ehrlichman [01/26/1970 - 02/04/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  5. Daniel P. Moynihan to John Ehrlichman, January 19[, 1970], folder Memos to Staff: John Ehrlichman [01/17/1969 - 01/21/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  6. Daniel P. Moynihan to Robert H. Finch, H. R. Haldeman, and George P. Shultz, November 5, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: Robert Finch [06/09/1970 - 11/05/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  7. Daniel P. Moynihan to H. R. Haldeman and John D. Ehrlichman, February 12, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: Bob Haldeman [01/21/1970 - 03/10/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  8. Daniel P. Moynihan to H. R. Haldeman, July 30, 1969, folder Memos to Staff: Bob Haldeman [06/18/1969 - 01/19/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  9. Daniel P. Moynihan to President Nixon, February 11, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: John Ehrlichman [02/07/1970 - 03/11/1970]; Box 7; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  10. Daniel P. Moynihan to President Nixon, July 17, 1969, folder Domestic Hours (with the President) [1 of 3]; Box 23; Subject File 1; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan


  1. Daniel P. Moynihan to President Nixon Re: Commission on Goals for 1976, April 1, 1969, folder Bicentennial Commission [1 of 6]; Box 18; Subject File 1; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan


  1. Nathan M. Pusey to Daniel P. Moynihan, December 2, 1969, folder P [11/24/1969 - 01/15/1970]; Box 5; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Moynihan v. Ziegler

  1. Ronald L. Ziegler to Daniel P. Moynihan, July 10, 1970, folder Memos to Staff: Ron Ziegler [06/10/1970 - 12/10/1970]; Box 8; Correspondence; WHCF: SMOF: Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Alphabetical Name File Documents

The Alphabetical Name Files were used for routine materials filed alphabetically by the name of the correspondent.

Charlie Chaplin

  1. Ken W. Clawson to David Parker Re: Charlie Chaplin, folder Chaplin, A-C; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files

Joseph Heller

  1. Joseph Heller to President Nixon, May 25, 1969, folder Heller, J.; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files

Earl Mazo

  1. Earl Mazo to President Nixon, September 19, 1970, folder Mazo, Earl; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files
  2. Earl Mazo to President Nixon, August 2, 1971, folder Mazo, Earl; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files
  3. Earl Mazo to Rose [Mary Woods], November 29, 1968, folder Mazo, Earl; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files

Yoko Ono

  1. Frank Gannon to John D. Ehrlichman, Ken Cole, Tod Hullin, and Craig Gosden, April 16, 1973, folder Ono; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files

Garry Trudeau

  1. John D. Ehrlichman to G. B. Trudeau; folder Trud; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files

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