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Document Collections

Presidential Daily Diary

National Security Memoranda

WHSF Returned Materials

Exit Interviews

Public Papers of the President

Pentagon Papers

President Nixon's Grand Jury Testimony

The Nixon Library has almost 50 million pages of documents and is working toward making more of this massive collection available to the researcher via the Internet.

Presidential Daily Diary

The Presidential Daily Diary is the official record of President Nixon’s meetings and telephone calls. Documents in this digital copy of the PDD include daily appointments calendars, lists of attendees at official functions, and passenger manifests for presidential transport.

National Security Memoranda

At the direction of President Nixon, the National Security Council established the National Security Study and Decision Memoranda on January 20, 1969, as the main tools for studying and deciding upon issues of national security and foreign policy.

Nixon Presidential Returned Materials Collection: White House Special Files (WHSF)

The Nixon Presidential Returned Materials Collection: White House Special Files, consist of materials designated by archivists of the National Archives and Records Administration’s Nixon Presidential Materials Project as political or personal. These materials were returned to the Nixon estate beginning in April of 1994, were made available for research in Yorba Linda on July 11, 2007, and made available online on January 11, 2010.

Exit Interviews

During the Nixon administration, the National Archives Office of Presidential Libraries maintained a liaison Office of Presidential Papers and Archives (OPPA). One of the functions of OPPA was to conduct exit interviews with departing staff members.

Public Papers of the President

The Public Papers of the Presidents, Richard Nixon contain Presidential messages and statements, including speeches, White House news releases, and press conference remarks. These volumes can be found in many libraries around the United States as well as online:

Pentagon Papers

This series contains the complete report titled United States-Vietnam Relations, 1945-1967 written by the OSD (Office of the Secretary of Defense) Vietnam Task Force. This report was commissioned by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in 1967 and was completed in January 1969. The 47 volume study traces the role of the United States in Vietnam from the 1940's, but primarily focuses on the evolution of war during the administrations of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. Portions of the report were leaked by Daniel Ellsberg, a RAND Corporation employee, and published by the New York Times beginning June 13, 1971. These leaked documents became known as the Pentagon Papers.

President Nixon's Grand Jury Testimony

The National Archives in College Park, MD, on November 10, 2011 opened 26 files from its Records of the Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF) collection including transcripts of President Nixon’s grand jury testimony of June 23-24, 1975, pursuant to the July 29, 2011, order by Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. In response to a petition filed in the case In Re Petition of Stanley Kutler, et al., Chief Judge Lamberth, ordered that the transcript of Mr. Nixon’s testimony and the “Associated Materials” to that testimony be released to the public following the review of these documents for any information that must be redacted as required by law.



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