Savannah River Site


The Recovery Act Is At Work at Savannah River Site (SRS). Through a $1.6 billion allocation by Congress in February 2009 a plan was set in motion to jumpstart the economies of counties surrounding SRS. The plan will also provide important environmental cleanup of legacy waste at SRS.
  • Through the ARRA, Congress and the U.S. Department of Energy are creating about 3,000 jobs at SRS with more than 60 percent of these positions going to people in the communities that surround the SRS.
  • The ARRA will further stimulate the local economy through awarding procurements and business contracts, when possible, to businesses in South Carolina and Georgia.
  • Lastly, ARRA allows SRS to accelerate environmental clean-up projects that were previously planned for the future. These stepped-up projects are what fuel the additional jobs and procurements that can impact you, or someone you know, and the businesses you rely on in your day-to-day life.
These area initiatives are part of a bigger plan being carried out across the United States. Nationwide, the Recovery Act includes measures to modernize infrastructure, enhance energy independence, expand educational opportunities, preserve and improve affordable health care, provide tax relief, and protect those in greatest need. Recovery Act progress will be conveyed to you through different avenues. Bookmark this web site to stay informed about the latest statistics on jobs filled, procurements awarded, and clean-up project milestones. Here you will also find up-to-date information on the ARRA program, a calendar on Recovery Act events in the community (job fairs, town hall meetings), our footprint reduction strategy, and profiles of the people and businesses that are a part of the Recovery Act At Work at the Savannah River Site.
Department of Energy Savannah River Site Savannah River Nuclear Solutions Savannah River Remediation