
mPowering Frontline Health Workers

Jun 14 2012
The power of mobile phones to impact health

USAID and the mHealth Alliance announced the creation of mPowering Frontline Health Workers, an innovative public‐private partnership designed to improve child health by accelerating the use of mobile technology by millions of health workers around the world.

The mHealth Alliance will coordinate and amplify the  resources and expertise of the partnership’s ten founding members: USAID, UNICEF, Frontline Health Workers Coalition, Qualcomm, Vodafone, Intel, MDG Health Alliance, GlaxoSmithKline, Praekelt Foundation, and Absolute Return for Kids.

10 high-tech startups win the USAID-Microsoft iMulai 4.0 competition

May 24 2012
The iMulai 4.0 competition sponsored by USAID and Microsoft Indonesia

The iMulai 4.0 competition sponsored by USAID and Microsoft Indonesia, recognized 10 entrepreneurs for their innovations in business products and services.  The competition, in its fourth year, provides incentives for high-tech startups to create new software products and services that improve the way entrepreneurs do business. 

USAID & Intel Sign MOU

Indonesian students use the Intel Classroom PC
Date Published: 
March 13, 2012
Today, USAID and Intel signed a new 5-year MOU to collaborate on a range of ICT development projects. The two organizations launched 20 partnerships over the last five years in Latin America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

Fishing with 3G Nets

Oct 1 2011
Fishing with 3G Nets

BAHIA, Brazil—Is it a tool to catch fish or a nickname for the Internet? In this small fishing community, the answer is decidedly both.

In Bahia, the word “net” refers to a combination of digital technologies that is improving the local fishing industry and making life better for about 200 families in Santa Cruz Cabrália—a municipality best known as the place where the explorer Pedro Álvares Cabral landed in the 16th century.



School children sitting in front of computers
Date Published: 
October 4, 2011
Through partners of USAID’s Limited Excess Property Program, excess computer equipment is used to provide training to local students in both El Salvador and Nicaragua.


Oct 4 2011
School children sitting in front of computers

Through partners of USAID’s Limited Excess Property Program, excess computer equipment is used to provide training to local students in both El Salvador and Nicaragua. Under the LEPP program, private voluntary organizations, such as Food for the Poor, receive excess government property for use in their overseas programs. This property serves to build the capacity and the speed and efficiency of local in-country partners, including schools, hospitals and training facilities.

Solar Panels

Oct 3 2011
Couple standing behind solar panels installed in a field

Humana People to People India’s Development Grants Program-funded “Community Development with Solar Illumination” project promotes the development and utilization of renewable energy via solar devices and services.  The project provides quality illumination based on solar energy to rural households in 100 villages for 30-35,000 people.  Better illumination facilitates the education of children and provides a smoke-free indoor home environment for work done after dark.   Through the installation of solar panels and provision of 60 lanterns in each of 100

USAID, Cisco & World Learning

Nov 3 2010
Man in tribal garb using a computer in a classroom

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Cisco and World Learning today announced a new collaboration to promote local entrepreneurs, workforce development and economic growth in developing countries. The collaboration will work through the Cisco Entrepreneur Institute and Cisco Networking Academy-programs that provide entrepreneurship and information and communications technology (ICT) education, mentoring networks, and technology resources-to help individuals develop and manage successful businesses.

Solar Panels

Couple standing behind some solar panels in a field
Date Published: 
October 3, 2011
Humana People to People India’s Development Grants Program-funded "Community Development with Solar Illumination" project promotes the development and utilization of renewable energy via solar devices and services.

USAID, Cisco & World Learning

Man dressed in tribal garb using a computer in a classroom
Date Published: 
October 10, 2011
USAID, Cisco and World Learning collaborate to promote local entrepreneurs, workforce development and economic growth in developing countries.
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