G. Brian Burke

Author's details

Name: G. Brian Burke
Date registered: January 28, 2013
URL: http://www.ctg.albany.edu


Brian is a senior program associate at the Center for Technology n Government, University at Albany, State University of New York. He works closely with governments at all levels in the United States and internationally on understanding how policies, management practices, and information and communication technologies interact with and influence the performance of government and government’s relationships with citizens and other non-government actors.

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  1. Maximizing the Value of Open Data Initiatives — January 29, 2013

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  1. Maximizing the Value of Open Data Initiatives — 1 comment

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Maximizing the Value of Open Data Initiatives

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Public agencies are under pressure to create new capabilities to open government data. A common assumption when opening government data is that simply supplying more data freely and in more formats will lead to more use. In turn, that use will lead to value creation and will motivate government to make the necessary changes to …

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