
Citizens Group Calls Lamborn a Perfect Conservative

      America’s oldest and largest grassroots conservative organization, the American Conservative Union (ACU), has once again honored Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) with a 100 percent score for his adherence to conservative principles in Congress.

      “At a time when Congress is budgeting for bankruptcy, I am doing all I can to bring some fiscal sanity to Washington. The President’s new budget raises taxes by $1.8 trillion through 2020, while spending a record $3.8 trillion in a single year. Americans are demanding accountability from Washington and a stop to out-of-control spending. This rating is recognition that I am true to my word. With every vote I take in Washington, I am honoring my pledge to keep taxes low and reduce government spending.” – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

      The ACU ratings are determined by the Congressman’s vote on 25 pieces of legislation in 2009 that are chosen based on their reflection of conservative or liberal philosophy. To earn a 100 percent conservative rating, the Congressman consistently voted to protect the rights of the taxpayer against wasteful spending, recognize the necessity for a strong national defense, and fight to protect life.

     In addition to his 100 percent score for 2009, Lamborn is one of only 13 Representatives to hold a lifetime 100 percent rating from the ACU.

     Since its founding in 1954, the ACU’s ratings have been considered the most respected conservative assessment of the legislative branch. The ACU’s ratings are a go-to-guide to determine whether an elected official’s philosophical rhetoric matches his or her record. 

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