Data Terminology and Formats

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Standard Data Products

Standard Data Products (SDPs) have been validated for utilization in science research and/or applications.   These products are produced by a Science Investigator-led Processing System (SIPS) or at the PO.DAAC.  A SIPS can be the official science processing segment of a satellite ground data system or the system used by other science teams used to create value added products.


In collaboration with the data provider, PO.DAAC performs quality control on the data products to ensure metadata compliance and data completeness, latency and continuity.  PO.DAAC provides other support, such as web-page hosting, documentation, announcements related to the status of the products, read software and respond to user queries. 


The PO.DAAC Project Science Team and/or User Working Group vet these products to ensure their integrity in terms of accuracy and filling a need within the ocean and climate communities.


These products are freely accessible from the PO.DAAC FTP site.  Metadata are cataloged and at PO.DAAC and searchable here.  Where appropriate these products are also made available through a PO.DAAC data access tool.



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Preview Products

Preview Products are those undergoing review by the PO.DAAC Project Science Team and/or User Working Group. After successful review, these products are promoted to the status of SDP.


These data products and associated metadata are NOT guaranteed for quality and completeness. PO.DAAC provides only limited support for these products.


These products are freely accessible from the PO.DAAC FTP site. Metadata are cataloged and at PO.DAAC and searchable here. Where appropriate these products are also made available through a PO.DAAC data access tool.