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Los Alamos Space Weather Summer School


Application for the 2013 session are now accepted until Feb. 15, 2013

Applicant Information

The program is designed for graduate students. Attempts will be made to identify highly qualified students from a diverse background, including academic, institutional, and cultural diversity. Acceptance into the program will be based on the student’s academic record and nomination letter, which will be reviewed by a panel of experts. Students with a variety of academic disciplines related to space science are being sought, including space physics, planetary sciences, aerospace engineering, or a related field. Students will receive a fellowship to cover relocation and living expenses. Housing is the responsibility of the student, however, we will work with the students to find housing after they have been accepted into the program. This program is open to all citizenships. Students at non-US institutions must submit, in additional to a letter of recommendation from your advisor, two additional letters which are necessary to support a visa application.

How to apply

Step 1: Fill out the application form: Application

Step 2: Email the following application material as PDF attachment to swx-school@lanl.gov.

  1. Cover letter describing your interests, possible project ideas, and mentor requests.
  2. Current resume
  3. Transcripts (unofficial transcripts are acceptable)
  4. Nomination letter from your advisor
  5. Two additional reference letters if you are NOT enrolled in a US graduate program.

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