USGS - science for a changing world

Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Outreach and Education

Foyer Displays at the UMESC

Online panoramic view

The entrance foyer of the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (2630 Fanta Reed Rd., La Crosse) is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

A variety of displays have been made for use by visitors of all ages to learn about USGS science and the environment. These include information on invasive species (i.e. sea lampreys, round gobies, zebra mussels), migratory songbirds, native freshwater mussels, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) , and radiotelemetry methods used to track fish and wildlife for research.

Live fish and native freshwater mussel shells from the Mississippi River can be viewed. A "hands on" table has bones, feathers, furs, etc. and a "wildlife tracks" display to learn about animal tracks and the life history of mammals from the area.

Visitors can use computers to learn about highlighted Center research studies and find information on any bird found in North America. These displays are very educational for teachers, students and any member of the public.

For information about tours contact Randy Hines, at (608) 781-6398.

Foyer display
Foyer bird display


Foyer mussel display Foyer tracks display
Foyer posters Foyer resources for Teachers
Fishes of the Upper Mississippi display

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Page Contact Information: Contacting the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Page Last Modified: January 5, 2011