Water Action Volunteers Stream Monitoring Program

Water Action Volunteers (WAV) is a statewide program for Wisconsin citizens who want to learn about and improve the quality of Wisconsin’s streams and rivers. The program is coordinated through a partnership between the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the University of Wisconsin – Cooperative Extension.

Individual citizens, environmental groups, students and other volunteer groups are participating in WAV programs across the state. 

There are three levels of Water Action Volunteers Stream Monitoring Program. In addition, the program offers a variety of water-related educational materials for educators.

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Research & Special Projects

Our Level 3 projects are defined annually and have a variety of focuses; thus, the type of citizen involvement varies widely in this level of monitoring. Citizens are usually required to follow a specific monitoring schedule at specific locations. To participate in this level citizens should have monitored for one season at Level 1 or have previous water monitoring experience
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In our Level 1 program, citizens initially monitor six water quality parameters in streams that can be waded into safely. They monitor: dissolved oxygen, temperature, transparency, streamflow, habitat, and macroinvertebrates. WAVstaff provide citizens assistance in setting up local stream monitoring programs, training to learn methods for monitoring, written methods, data sheets, and ongoing educational programming.
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Status & Trends

Our Level 2 monitoring program offers citizens a slightly more intensive monitoring experience than Level 1. Citizens will be asked to follow a specific monitoring schedule and may be asked to monitor at specific locations. To participate in this level, citizens should have monitored for one season at Level 1 or have previous water monitoring training and experience. learn more ››


© 2007 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, UW-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX requirements. UW-Extension programs are open to all persons without regard to race, color, ethnic background, or economic circumstances. All rights reserved.
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