February 2013

February 28, 2013

Supporting and Strengthening School Leadership

It's a pleasure to speak again to principals, and to be back before the NASSP.

I'm going to keep my remarks relatively brief. I want to speak first to the impact that sequestration could have on educating our children and youth. And then I want to talk about three elements of our second term agenda that will especially impact principals.

February 14, 2013

Testimony by Secretary Arne Duncan to the Senate Appropriations Committee on the Possible Impact of Sequestration

(As submitted to the Committee. The Secretary deviated from these remarks.)

Madam Chairwoman and Members of the Committee:

February 7, 2013

No Child Left Behind: Early Lessons from State Flexibility Waivers

(As submitted to the Committee. The Secretary deviated from these remarks.)

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