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News > Commentary - Wing commander delivers Labor Day message
Wing commander delivers Labor Day message

Posted 8/28/2012   Updated 8/30/2012 Email story   Print story


Commentary by Brig. Gen. Matt Molloy
18th Wing commander

8/28/2012 - KADENA AIR BASE, Japan  -- Team Kadena,

Labor Day weekend is iconic in that it signifies the end of summer, the flood of yellow school buses and the "beginning of the end" of the oppressive heat cycle.

With the more tolerable temperatures and the close of our "critical days of summer" awareness campaign, unsurprisingly we typically see an increase in accidents and fatalities--especially in the off-duty environment.

Therefore, I would ask that as we enjoy spending some quality time off with family and friends this Labor Day weekend, please keep safety and ORM at the forefront of your mind (and yes, risk management works brilliantly for off-duty activities too).

Off-duty ORM is a simple process--it includes things like putting a "sanity check" on your travel plans, wearing protective equipment and seat belts, doing a quick check of your vehicle's tire pressure and fluid levels, and giving yourself plenty of time to get to your destination while using extra caution on Okinawa's slick coral-based roads.

For those of you who spend time in the water, know the latest information on the condition of the surf, the tides, and currents. If it takes you more than ten seconds to decide if the water conditions are safe, they're probably not.

If you choose to drink this weekend, don't mix alcohol and operating a vehicle. It just isn't worth the price you or your loved ones will pay. Off base driving after only one drink can ruin your career.

Don't let your friends drive after drinking either. There are many options to getting home safely to include taxis, friends, supervisors, and Airmen Against Drunk Driving. Let's take care of our wingmen!

Kati and I extend our deepest appreciation for your service and sacrifice to our nation. You make us proud to be part of the Air Force family! Enjoy your long weekend and come back recharged and ready to Aim High...Fly, Fight and Win!

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