United States Institute of Peace

The Iran Primer

Iran Policy

Pew: More Americans Favor Firm Stand on Iran

            The Pew Research Center conducted a poll on the U.S. public‘s views on the Middle East in early October.

West Claims Sanctions Now Biting

             After six years of international sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program, Western powers claim that their punitive measures are having a signifi

New U.S. Sanctions Target 50 Iranian Entities

On July 12, the United States announced broad new sanctions on Iranian front companies and banks linked to the proliferation of nuclear and missiles programs.

White House Briefing on New U.S. Sanctions

On June 28, three senior Obama administration officials gave a briefing on the growing impact of international sanctions on Iran and the new U.S.

Part I: Khamenei Denies Nuclear Weapon

At a meeting with Iranian nuclear scientists on Feb.

CSIS: Iran’s Growing Missile Capabilities

Anthony Cordesman

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