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McCaskill: Members of Congress Must Learn to ‘give a little to get a lot’

Senator responds to State of the Union address

February 12, 2013

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill tonight released the following statement in response to the President's State of the Union address:

"We already know the biggest challenges facing our country, but we also already know the obstacles. As the President pointed out, tackling the debt in a comprehensive, balanced way would unleash enough capital to boost jobs in every sector of the economy. Missouri needs those jobs, and our families and businesses need economic certainty. But we get nowhere without bipartisan compromise, and elected officials have got to give a little, so everyone can get a lot. That's why I'm personally committed to continuing my work with Republicans and Democrats to cut more spending, clean special goodies out of the tax code, and continue to boost job opportunities."

McCaskill attended tonight's State of the Union with Republican Senator Deb Fischer (Neb.).



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