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To map the oceanic subsurface at a scale and resolution previously unknown, EMGeo unites the latest in computing power with advanced geophysical imaging techniques.October 2012Science Highlights

Finding Hidden Oil and Gas Reserves

Supercomputers + Software + electromagnetic images yield new way to discriminate underground deposits from surrounding geology. Read More »

Spatially resolved activation energy map overlaid with sample topographyOctober 2012Science Highlights

Catching Lithium Ions in Action in a Battery Electrode

New microscopy with nanometer-sized resolution may bring revolutionary new understanding to energy storage technologies. Read More »

Flexible solar module.July 2012Science Highlights

Cutting the Costs of Solar Power with Low-Cost, High-Efficiency Solar Cells

High-efficiency compound semiconductor solar cells can now be printed on flexible, plastics. Read More »

Last modified: 12/13/2012 4:13:04 PM