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2005 Status Reports

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    12.15.05 - The orbiter boom sensor system, the 50-foot device used to inspect the shuttle's heat shield, was installed in Discovery's payload bay on Wednesday, Dec. 14.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    12.09.05 - Processing continues for NASA's second space shuttle mission in the Return to Flight sequence.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    12.02.05 - Technicians continue to process Discovery for NASA's second space shuttle Return to Flight test mission, STS-121.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    11.22.05 - Waterproofing of the payload bay door hingeline on Space Shuttle Discovery took place last weekend as processing continues for the second return to flight test mission, STS-121.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    11.10.05 - Technicians are continuing wire inspections and adding chafe protection to the reaction jet driver on Discovery as processing continues for the second return to flight test mission, STS-121.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    11.04.05 - Main landing gear wheel and tire assembly and installation are complete on space shuttle Discovery as processing continues for the second return to flight test mission, STS-121.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    10.28.05 - Hinge installation for the right-hand payload bay door is complete on space shuttle Discovery as processing continues for the second return to flight test mission, STS-121.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    10.07.05 - Thermography and eddy current inspections continue on the 22 right-hand wing reinforced carbon-carbon panels on Discovery in Orbiter Processing Facility bay 3.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    10.03.05 - Post-flight window inspections are under way on Discovery in Orbiter Processing Facility bay 3 as processing continues for the second space shuttle return to flight test mission.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    09.02.05 - Discovery is in Orbiter Processing Facility bay 3 with processing under way for the second Space Shuttle Return to Flight test mission, STS-121.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    08.26.05 - Following Discovery's return from Edwards Air Force Base in California atop the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, the vehicle was rolled into Orbiter Processing Facility bay 3.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    07.25.05 - Space Shuttle Discovery is at Launch Pad 39B undergoing final inspections and preparations for the Return to Flight launch attempt of STS-114 tomorrow at 10:39 a.m.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    07.14.05 - Space Shuttle managers say the launch of NASA's Space Shuttle Return to Flight mission, STS-114, will take place no earlier than Sunday, July 17.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    07.12.05 - Just one day prior to the launch of Space Shuttle Discovery, closeouts and procedures are finalized for the liftoff of the Return to Flight mission, STS-114, to the International Space Station.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    07.11.05 - Following the start of the countdown clock last night, the launch team began to work final procedures and closeouts for Discovery's launch to the International Space Station on mission STS-114.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    07.10.05 - The launch countdown clock began at 6 p.m. EDT at the T-43 hour mark counting down toward a launch of Space Shuttle Discovery on mission STS-114 on Wednesday at 3:51 p.m.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    07.09.05 - Final launch preparations are underway with the arrival of the STS-114 crew on Saturday, ordinance reconnections at the launch pad, and the scheduled departure of the SRB retrieval ships.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    07.08.05 - Following the weather briefing at 6:30 a.m. today, hurricane rollback preparations were discontinued and processing resumed toward a July 13 launch for Space Shuttle Discovery.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    07.07.05 - Launch countdown preparations have begun in firing room 3 of the Launch Control Center in anticipation of Discovery's countdown beginning on Sunday at 6 p.m. at the T-43 hour mark.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    07.01.05 - Yesterday, the Space Shuttle Program concluded a two-day Flight Readiness Review (FRR) meeting by announcing a launch date of July 13, 2005, for Discovery on mission STS-114.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    06.24.05 - This week, Discovery is at Launch Pad 39B, and technicians are completing the final steps in preparation for a launch to the International Space Station in the July 13-31 window.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    06.17.05 - On Wednesday, Discovery was rolled out to Launch Pad 39B. The four-mile journey began at 1:58 a.m., and the Space Shuttle arrived more than 10 hours later at 12:17 p.m.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    06.09.05 - Discovery was mated with a new External Tank. Final closeouts and integration tests are being performed. Discovery is scheduled to begin the journey to Launch Pad 39B at 3 a.m. EDT, June 14.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    06.03.05 - In the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), orbiter Discovery was demated, or removed, from its External Tank (ET-120) and Solid Rocket Boosters in high bay 1 on June 2.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    05.27.05 - Space Shuttle Discovery is back in the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB). It was rolled back from Launch Pad 39B Thursday. First motion occurred at 6:44 a.m.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    05.23.05 - Technicians are preparing to roll Space Shuttle Discovery from the launch pad to the Vehicle Assembly Building, now scheduled for early morning on Thursday, May 26.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    05.20.05 - At Launch Pad 39B, an External Tank (ET) tanking test is being performed for the Return to Flight (STS-114) mission to the International Space Station.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    05.13.05 - Work continues at Launch Pad 39B in preparation for an External Tank (ET) tanking test scheduled for no earlier than May 19 for the STS-114 mission.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    05.06.05 - Preparations are under way for a tanking test no earlier than the week of May 15 to continue troubleshooting two issues that arose during another tanking test on April 14.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    04.29.05 - NASA announced today further testing of ice formation, debris liberation and analysis of the External Tank liquid oxygen feedline bellows area is needed prior to a safe Return to Flight.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    04.22.05 - NASA senior management has identified May 22 as the target launch date for STS-114 in the May 15 - June 3 launch window.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    04.15.05 - On April 14, the launch team successfully performed an 11-hour External Tank integrated tanking test on Space Shuttle Discovery.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    04.01.05 - Discovery (OV-103) was rolled from its hanger, Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF) bay 3, to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) on Tuesday, March 29.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    03.25.05 - Technicians in Orbiter Processing Facility Bay 3 are making final preparations for Discovery's rollover to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) on Monday, March 28.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    03.18.05 - In Orbiter Processing Facility bay 3, final processing work continues on Discovery in preparation for its rollover to the Vehicle Assembly Building and mating to its Solid Rocket Boosters and External Tank.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    03.11.05 - In preparation for the rollover to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) this month, technicians are completing final closeouts of Discovery's payload bay and cleaning it for the final closing of its doors next week.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    03.04.05 - Technicians continue to process orbiter Discovery in preparation for the rollover to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) later this month.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    02.25.05 - In Orbiter Processing Facility bay 3, orbiter system testing is 96 percent complete on Discovery for its mission, designated STS-114, to the International Space Station.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    02.18.05 - At today's Space Flight Leadership Council, NASA managers met and refined the launch planning window for orbiter Discovery's Return to Flight mission, designated STS-114, to the International Space Station to May 15 - June 3, 2005.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    02.11.05 - The STS-114 crew visited Kennedy Space Center this week for the Crew Equipment Interface Test (CEIT) as processing continues on orbiter Discovery for its Return to Flight mission.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    02.04.05 - Orbiter system testing is about 85 percent complete on Discovery. Testing includes Auxiliary Power Unit controller checkout, External Tank door functional tests, and filling the water spray boiler tanks.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    01.28.05 - Orbiter Maneuvering System redundant electrical circuit verification testing is complete as processing continues to progress well for Discovery's Return to Flight mission.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    01.21.05 - Testing of the thousands of systems onboard Discovery is 80 percent complete as processing continues in the Orbiter Processing Facility for the Return to Flight mission, designated STS-114.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    01.14.05 - Technicians continue system testing in support of Discovery's roll over to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) in March for the Return to Flight mission, designated STS-114, to the International Space Station.

  • Space Shuttle Processing Status Report

    01.07.05 - During the holiday period, technicians completed a tremendous amount of work in preparation for Discovery's Return to Flight mission, designated STS-114, to the International Space Station.

Status Report Archives