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News > June 2012 Crime and Punishment
June 2012 Crime and Punishment

Posted 9/24/2012   Updated 10/3/2012 Email story   Print story


355th Fighter Wing Judge Advocate

9/24/2012 - DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz.  -- JUNE 2012

Courts Martial
Courts-martial: All courts-martial are open to the public. Visit our USAF Public Docket website at http://www.afjag.af.mil/docket/index.asp
Airman Edward J. Wagner IV., 355th Operations Support Squadron, was tried by special court-martial on 21 June 2012. He was charged with one charge and two specifications of larceny and one charge and specification of false official statement. At a trial before officer members he plead guilty to one specification of larceny and not guilty to the other specification of larceny and specification of false official statement. He was found guilty of the remaining charges by the panel and sentenced to a bad conduct discharge.

Article 15 Actions: During June 2012, D-M commanders administered sixteen Nonjudicial Punishment actions under Article 15 of the UCMJ. The punishments imposed reflect the commander's determination of an appropriate punishment after considering the circumstances of the offense and the offender's record. A "suspended" punishment does not take effect unless the offender engages in additional misconduct or fails to satisfy the conditions of the suspension. The suspension period usually lasts for six months unless a lesser amount is specified.

Willful Dereliction - An Airman First Class received a suspended reduction to the grade of Airman and 21 days extra duty.

Spice and Marijuana Use - An Airman received a reduction to the grade of Airman Basic, 30 days extra duty, and a reprimand.

Marijuana Use - A Senior Airman received a reduction to the grade of Airman First Class, forfeiture of $355.00 pay, 30 days extra duty and a reprimand.

Spice and Marijuana Use - An Airman received a reduction to the grade of Airman Basic and 30 days extra duty, and a reprimand.

False Official Statement and Drunk Driving - A Senior Airman received a suspended reduction to the grade of Airman, reduction to the grade of Airman First Class, forfeiture of $934.00 pay per month for 2 months, 45 days extra duty, and a

Failure to Obey - An Airman First Class received a reduction to the grade of Airman, 14 days extra duty, and a reprimand.

Adultery - A Staff Sergeant received a suspended reduction to the grade of Senior Airman, 21 days extra duty, and a reprimand.

Failure to Obey (x3) and False Official Statement - An Airman First Class received a reduction to the grade of Airman Basic and 21 days extra duty.

Failure to Obey, Altering Gov. ID, and Signing False Official Statement - An Airman First Class received a reduction to the grade of Airman and 30 days extra duty.

Assault - A Senior Airman received a reduction to the grade of Airman First Class, and a reprimand.

False Official Statement and Wrongful Use Of Prescription Drugs - An Airman First Class received a reduction to the grade of Airman forfeiture of $400.00 pay per month for 2 months, restriction for 21 days, and 21 days extra duty.

Marijuana Use - A Senior Airman received a reduction to the grade of Airman, 15 days extra duty and a reprimand.

Failure to Obey - An Airman First Class received a suspended reduction to the grade of Airman, restriction for 13 days and 9 days extra duty.

Failure to Obey - An Airman First Class received a suspended reduction to the grade of Airman, restriction for 13 days and 9 days extra duty.

Failure to Obey - An Airman First Class received a suspended reduction to the grade of Airman, restriction for 13 days and 9 days extra duty.

Dereliction - A Staff Sergeant received a suspended reduction to the grade of Senior Airman, forfeitures of $400.00 pay per month for 2 months,.

NJP Top 3 Offenses 2012
1. Dereliction of Duty (Willful)
2. Failure to Obey Lawful Order
3. False Official Statement

Article 15 Metrics:
DM 86% Compliant
Serve 80% of all Article 15s within 10 calendar days of discovery of the crime
Discovery? When commander, first sergeant or military law enforcement learns of the crime.

DUIs at D-M
                            2011     2012*
355 MXG              27           4
355 MSG              9             7
355 FW                 0             0
355 MDG              0            1
355 OG                 1             0
12 AF                     3             0
TENANTS            12           4
DMAFB TOTAL    52          16
* Current as of 30 June 12

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