Reminder: Policies Affecting Submission of NIH Grant Applications for Due Dates on or after January 25, 2011

Notice Number: NOT-OD-11-021

Key Dates

Release Date: November 24, 2010

Related Notices

NOT-OD-11-023: Correction: Reminder of Policies Affecting Submission of NIH Grant Applications for Due Dates on or after January 25, 2011
NOT-OD-09-149: Restructured Application Forms and Instructions for Submissions for FY2011 Funding
NOT-OD-10-077: Policy Reminder Concerning Appendix Materials for All NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Grant Applications
NOT-OD-10-088: Reminder: NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH/FDA Return to a Two-day "Error Correction Window" for Grant Applications Effective May 8, 2010
NOT-OD-10-115: Enhancing Peer Review: New NIH Policy on Post-Submission Application Materials
NOT-OD-10-123: NIH, AHRQ, and NIOSH to Eliminate Error Correction Window for Due Dates On or After January 25, 2011
NOT-OD-10-135: Enhancing Peer Review: Reminder of and Correction to Previous Notice on A2 Resubmission Opportunities for Eligible Applications
NOT-OD-10-140: New Time Limit for NIH Resubmission Applications
NOT-OD-11-007: NIH, AHRQ, CDC, FDA & NIOSH to Require Use of Updated Electronic Application Forms in 2011
NOT-OD-11-008: Updated Electronic Application Forms Required for F, K, T and D Submissions with Due Dates of January 25, 2011 and Beyond

Issued by

National Institutes of Health (NIH)


This Notice serves as a reminder of several policies affecting the submission of NIH grant applications for the January 25, 2011 due date and thereafter.

Reminders and Clarifications

NIH policy on page limits. The NIH instructs reviewers that they need not consider inappropriate text or materials that have been placed in application sections without page limits (e.g., Protection of Human Subjects), or in the Appendix, as a way to circumvent page limits for the Research Strategy or other page-limited sections. In egregious cases, NIH has the authority to withdraw such an application from review or consideration for funding. See NOT-OD-10-077.

End of two-day correction window. Beginning with due dates on or after January 25, 2011, NIH will eliminate the error correction window from the application submission process. This applies to electronic and paper-based submissions. See NOT-OD-10-123.

NIH policy on post-submission application materials. The NIH restricts acceptable post-submission materials to those resulting from unforeseen administrative issues (with exceptions specified for institutional training mechanisms and certain RFAs). Corrections of oversights/errors discovered after submission of the application will not be allowed. See NOT-OD-10-091.

New form requirements. Applications for Career Development, Institutional Training and Career Development, and Individual National Research Service Award programs must use new ADOBE-FORMS-B1 packages for deadlines on or after January 25, 2011. Applications for all other NIH programs requiring electronic submission may use the new forms now, but must use them for due dates of May 7, 2011 and beyond. See NOT-OD-11-007 and NOT-OD-11-008.

End of the “grandparent” period for legal A2 applications. The last A2 submission (when the A0 application was assigned to August 2009 Council or before) will be received for the January 7, 2011 AIDS date (May 2011 Council). For October 2012 Council (shold be October 2011 Council per NOT-OD-11-023) and beyond, no NIH A2 application will be accepted. See NOT-OD-10-135.

New time limit for NIH resubmission applications. For resubmissions submitted for the January 25, 2011 due date and after, the NIH will not accept a resubmission later than thirty-seven months after the date of receipt of the initial New, Renewal, or Revision application. See NOT-OD-10-140.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Division of Receipt and Referral
Center for Scientific Review
6701 Rockledge Drive MSC 7720
Bethesda, MD 20892-7720
Voice: 301-435-0715
Fax: 301-480-1987


NIH Review Policy Officer

Weekly TOC for this Announcement
NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices

Office of Extramural Research (OER) - Home Page Office of Extramural
Research (OER)
  National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Home Page National Institutes of Health (NIH)
9000 Rockville Pike
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  Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) - Home Page Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS) - Government Made Easy

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