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DOL  v.  UGI Corp.

DATE: August 27, 1990
CASE NO. 89-OFC-36

In the Matter of

U.S. Department of Labor,


UGI Corp. Gas Utility Division,


    Attorney for Plaintiff

    Attorney for Defendant

    Administrative Law Judge


    On August 20, 1990 Joan M. Roller, Esquire, attorney for the U.S.
Department of Labor, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs,
moved to dismiss the above captioned case on the ground that a
Settlement Agreement dated August 2, 1990 had been signed by all the
parties; Robert P. Davis, Solicitor of Labor, Marshall H. Harris,
Regional Solicitor, Joan M. Roller, Regional Counsel - ESA, for the
Plaintiff, and Norman White, Esquire, for the Defendant.

    A proposed Settlement Agreement was made a part of the moving
papers and is marked Joint Exhibit I.

    I have carefully considered the facts involved in this case and
the difficult legal and factual questions in dispute, as well as the
criteria set forth in 41 CFR Part 60, and upon careful evaluation of
the same, I conclude that the settlement is fair and in the best
interests of the parties.  Moreover, I find that the settlement was
arrived at without duress, and only after full exploration by the
parties of all issues in dispute and the difficult legal and factual
questions involved.
    Accordingly, pursuant to 41 CFR Part 60-30.27, It is my
Recommended Decision that the Settlement (Joint Exhibit I) be approved
by the Secretary of Labor.

                                  PAUL H. TEITLER
                                  Administrative Law Judge

Camden, New Jersey
                              SERVICE SHEET

Name of Case:  U.S. Department of Labor v. UGI Corp. Gas Utility
Case No:       89-OFC-36

    I certify that a copy of the above document was sent to the

                                  Antoinette Rossetti
                                  Legal Technician

DATED:  August 27, 1990


Solicitor of Labor                     Div. of Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Labor               Office of the Solicitor
Room S-2002, FPB                       U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Ave., N.W.            Room N-2464
Washington, DC  20210                  200 Constitution Ave., N.W.
                                       Washington, DC 20210
                                       Attn:  Counsel for Litigation

David O. Williams                      Marshall H. Harris
Office of the Special Counsel          Regional Solicitor
U.S. Department of Labor               U.S. Department of Labor
ETA                                    3535 Market St.
Room N-4671                            Philadelphia, PA  19104
200 Constitution Ave.,                 Attn:  Joan M. Roller, Esq.
Washington. DC  20210

Office of Federal Contract             Norman I. White, Esq.
  Compliance Programs                  McNees, Wallace & Nurick
U.S. Department of Labor               100 Pine St.
Room C-3325                            P.O Box 1166
200 Constitution Ave., N.W.            Harrisburg,  PA  17108-1166
Washington, DC  20210

Acting Associate Solicitor
U.S. Department of Labor
Room 2464
200 Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC  20210
                       SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT
                     U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR


1.   This Agreement is between the Office of Federal Contract
     Compliance Programs (hereinafter OFCCP) and UGI
     Corporation Gas Utility Division, Morgantown Road
     facility (hereinafter UGI).

2.   The problem areas identified in this Agreement were found
     during the review of UGI, which commenced June 10, 1988,
     and they were specified in the Show Cause Notice issued
     July 13, 1988, attached hereto as Exhibit A. OFCCP
     alleges that UGI has violated Executive Order 11246, as
     amended, 38 U.S.C. [[ line 17 SS ]]2012, the Vietnam Era Veterans
     Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended, Section
     503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29
     U.S.C. [[ line 20 SS ]]793 and their implementing regulations by failing
     to meet all requirements of 41 C.F.R. [[ line 21 SS ]]60-2, 41 C.F.R.
     [[ line 22 SS ]] 60-250 and 41 C.F.R. [[ line 22 SS ]]60-741.

3.   This Agreement does not constitute an admission by UGI of
     any violation of Executive Order 11246, as amended, or its
     implementing regulations, 38 U.S.C. [[ line 25 SS ]]2012, the Vietnam
     Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as
     amended or Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
     as amended, and their implementing regulations.  The
     provisions of this Agreement will become part of UGI's
     Affirmative Action Program.

     Subject to the performance of all promises and
     representations contained herein and in its Affirmative
     Action Program, all identified problem areas in this
     Agreement in regard to the compliance of UGI with
     Executive Order 11246, as amended, 38 U.S.C. [[ line 35 SS ]]
     2012, the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of
     1974, as amended. Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act, as
     amended, and their implementing regulations, shall be

4.   UGI agrees that OFCCP may review compliance with this
     Agreement.  As part of such review, OFCCP may require
     written reports, inspect the premises, examine witnesses,
     and examine and copy documents, as may be relevant to the
     matter under investigation and pertinent to UGI's
     compliance.  UGI shall permit access to its premises during
     normal business hours for these purposes, upon written notice
     by OFCCP specifying the time and date of the visit.  If the date
     of the proposed visit is inconvenient for UGI, it may request
     an alternative date.

5.   Nothing herein is intended to relieve UGI from compliance
     with the requirements of Executive Order 11246, as
     amended, 38 U.S.C. [[ page 2 line 9 SS ]] 2012, as amended, 29
     U.S.C. [[ page 2 line 9 SS ]] 793 or their implementing regulations.
     UGI hereby agrees that it is subject to the requirements of Executive
     Order 11246, 38 U.S.C. Section 2012, 29 U.S.C. Section 793 and
     their implementing regulations.

6.   UGI agrees that there will be no retaliation of any kind
     against any beneficiary of this Agreement, or against any
     person who has provided information or assistance, or who
     files a charge, or who participates in any manner in any
     proceeding under Executive Order 11246, as amended, 38
     U.S.C. [[ page 2 line 19 SS ]] 2012, the Vietnam Era Veterans
     Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended, or Section 503
     of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended or any other equal
     employment statute or Executive Order.

7.   (a) If, at any time in the future, OFCCP believes that UGI
     has violated any portion of this Agreement, UGI will be
     promptly notified of that fact in writing.  This
     notification shall include a statement of the facts and
     circumstances relied upon in forming that belief.  In
     addition, the notification will provide UGI with 15 days
     from receipt of the notification to respond in writing
     except where OFCCP alleges that such delay would result in
     irreparable injury.  The original of the notification
     letter will be sent to the Vice-President and General
     Manager of the Morgantown Road facility with a copy to the
     Industrial Relations Manager at the Morgantown Road

     (b) It is understood that enforcement proceedings for
     violation of this Agreement may be initiated at any time
     after the 15 day period has elapsed (or sooner, if
     irreparable injury is alleged) without issuance of a show
     cause notice.  UGI may request a brief extension of time
     to respond to the notification letter, which request will
     not be unreasonably denied.
     (c) It is further recognized that liability for violation
     of this Agreement may subject UGI to sanctions set forth
     in Section 209 of the Executive Order, or the sanctions
     set forth in 60-250.28, or the sanctions set forth in
     60-741.28 and/or appropriate relief.


1.   Problem Area:

     UGI failed to compile and maintain the support data
     required for the analysis of its Affirmative Action
     Program.  Specifically UGI failed to compile and maintain
     any data on application flow for hires and applicants
     considered for promotional opportunities during the
     period January 1, 1989 through December 31, 1989, in
     violation of 41 C.F.R. 60-2.12(m), 60-3.4, and 60-3.15(a).

     Corrective Action:

     UGI must compile and maintain the support data required
     for the analysis of its affirmative action program,
     including applicant flow for hires and applicants
     considered for promotional opportunities.

2.   Problem Area:

     UGI failed to develop and execute action-oriented
     programs designed to eliminate problems and obtain goals
     for females and minorities in the Managers I job group and
     for minorities in the Skilled Craft job group during the
     period January 1, 1989 through December 31, 1989, in
     violation of 41 C.F.R. 60-2.13(f) and 60-2.2(c)(1).

     Remedy:    Within thirty (30) days of the effective date
     of this Agreement, UGI will implement the following
     affirmative action steps which will ensure that a good
     faith effort is made to attain established goals and
     objectives for females and minorities in the Managers I
     job group and for minorities in the Skilled Craft job

     a.   UGI represents that the Managers I job group is
          generally filled by promotions from within the
          company, from the Managers II and Professional
          job groups.  When recruiting outside the company
          for applicants for job vacancies in the
          Managers I and II and professional job groups,
          UGI's Employee Relations Manager will
          specifically define the minimum education,
          experience, and other qualifications for the
          vacant positions.  Additionally, UGI's
          Employee Relations Manager will utilize these
          minimum qualifications in all if his/her
          recruitment efforts, including written
          solicitations to employment agencies and
          recruitment sources.

     b.   When recruiting outside the company for
          applicants for job vacancies in the Managers I
          and II job groups and the Professional job
          group, UGI's Employee relations Manager agrees
          to recruit minority and female applicants by
          providing position descriptions that list the
          duties, minimum qualifications, and salary
          information for each job to at least the
          following organizations, at least two (2) weeks
          before interviewing is initiated:

          1.   LaMonte Owens, Inc.
               805 East Willow Grove Avenue
               Philadelphia, PA  19118
               (215) 248-0500
               Mr. LaMonte Owens - President

          2.   R & L Enterprises
               701 South 12th Street
               P.O. Box 53874
               Philadelphia, PA  19105
               (215) 629-0704
               Mr. Raymond Mungro - President

          3.   Execu Search Personnel Consultants
               1319 Chestnut Street, 2nd Floor
               Philadelphia, PA  19103
               (215) 977-9510
               Mr. Walter Mites - Manager

     c.   UGI represents that the Skilled Craft job group
          is filled pursuant to the posting provisions of
          its collective bargaining agreement with Local
          No. 600 of the Gas Fitter-Utility Employee
          Union.  Skilled Craft jobs are normally filled
          by persons holding Operatives jobs.  Operative
          jobs are normally filled from the entry-level
          Laborers job group.  When recruiting applicants
          outside the company for job vacancies in the
          Skilled Craft, Operative, or Laborers job
          groups, UGI's Employee Relations Manager will
          specially define the minimum education,
          experience, and other qualifications for the
          vacant positions.  Additionally UGI's Employee
          Relations Manager will utilize these minimum
          qualifications in all of his/her recruitment
          efforts, including written solicitations to
          employment agencies and recruitment sources.

     d.   When recruiting outside the company for
          applicants for job vacancies in the
          Skilled Craft, Operative, and Laborers job
          groups, UGI's Employee Relations Manager
          agrees to recruit minorities by providing
          position descriptions that list the duties,
          minimum qualifications, and salary information
          for each job to the following organization, at
          least two (2) weeks before interviewing is

               Office of Employment Security
               625 Cherry Street
               Reading, PA  19602
               (215) 378-4310
               Mr. Salvatore A. Natale - Job Services Manager

     e.   UGI's Employee Relations Manager will maintain
          records of all his/her recruitment efforts,
          referrals, interviews, job offers, rejections,
          and reasons for rejection for every Manager I,
          Manager II, Professional, Skilled Craft,
          Operative, and Laborer job group vacancy.  In
          addition, the Employee Relations Manager will
          maintain the resumes and/or applications of all
          applicants for vacancies in the above-listed
          six job groups.  The Employee Relations Manager
          will maintain these records for the entire time
          this Agreement is in effect.

     f.   If, it becomes evident that these
          action-oriented programs are not effecting
          recruitment of females and minorities into the
          Managers I and Skilled Craft job groups, UGI's
          Employee Relations Manager will develop new
          strategies to generate female and minority
          applicants as opportunities occur.


UGI will submit two (2) reports to OFCCP.  Both reports will include
the number of contacts made with the recruitment sources listed
herein, the jobs for which applicants were requested and the
results.  For each referral include:

          Date of referral
          Name of Applicant
          Race of Applicant
          Sex of Applicant
          Referral source
          Job under consideration
          Whether applicant was interviewed

The first report will also include documentation showing that UGI
has established a system to compile and maintain the support data
required for the analysis of its Affirmative Action Program
including applicant flow for hires and applicants considered for
promotional opportunities.

The first report is due on January 15, 1991 and will cover the period
July 1, 1990 through December 31, 1990 the second report is due July
15, 1991 and will cover the period January 1, 1991 through June 30, 1991.

This Settlement Agreement shall remain in full force and effect
until such time as UGI is found by OFCCP to have met the terms of this
Agreement but shall expire no later December 31, 1991.

Upon full execution of this Settlement Agreement by all the parties,
plaintiff will file with the Office of the Administrative Law Judges
a motion to dismiss its complaint.

UGI Corporation Gas Utility          Office of Federal Contract
Division, Morgantown Road Division   Compliance Programs


_______________________             ______________________
Norman White, Esquire               Robert P. Davis
                                    Solicitor of Labor
Attorney for Defendant UGI

Date: 8/2/90                        ______________________
                                    Marshall H. Harris
                                    Regional Solicitor

                                    Joan M. Roller
                                    Regional Counsel - ESA

                                    U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR

                                    Attorneys for Plaintiff


Phone Numbers