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Coastal Ecosystem, Hypoxia and Harmful Algae Problems-Solutions Front and Center at Conference

The leading world venue for showcasing the latest research on oceans, coasts and lakes is the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Aquatic Sciences Meeting.  The research programs sponsored by the NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) lead management solutions for harmful algae, hypoxia and regional ecosystem-scale research. At the [...]

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NOAA awards grant to develop a biofilter to remove algal toxins from the Great Lakes

This article was first published by NOAA. NOAA has awarded a team of scientists $182,982 for the first year of an anticipated four-year $703,777 project for research that could lead to an instrument, called a biofilter, that could break down harmful algal toxins in the Great Lakes into harmless byproducts. This project will build on previous research [...]

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