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Coastal Ecosystem, Hypoxia and Harmful Algae Problems-Solutions Front and Center at Conference

The leading world venue for showcasing the latest research on oceans, coasts and lakes is the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Aquatic Sciences Meeting.  The research programs sponsored by the NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) lead management solutions for harmful algae, hypoxia and regional ecosystem-scale research. At the [...]

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Weather Service Debuts Florida Red Tide Alerts

As part of a pilot initiative known as “beach hazard statements,” NOAA’s National Weather Service in Tampa Bay began to issue red tide warnings to beachgoers in an area where a bloom  of algae is responsible for causing fish kills and breathing problems in people. While the announcement is new, the forecasts themselves are well [...]

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NOAA: Tortugas marine reserve yields more, larger fish

A new NOAA research report finds that both fish populations and commercial and recreational anglers have benefited from “no-take” protections in the Tortugas Ecological Reserve in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The report, “An Integrated Biogeographic Assessment of Reef Fish Populations and Fisheries in Dry Tortugas: Effects of No-take Reserves,” is the first to [...]

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NOAA Communicator – Issue 22 – November, 2012

James Morris, a National Ocean Service ecologist, works in the Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research in Beaufort, N.C., conducting research on invasive species, aquaculture, and other issues that affect coastal ecosystems. The center is one of the NOS National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science. In 2011, Morris received the Presidential Early Career Award [...]

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Research Incorporated into Course Curriculum Illustrates Evolution Concepts

Teaching college undergraduates introductory biology includes helping students understand the relationships between genes, mutations, and the environment interacting together as biological evolution.  A complete understanding of evolution requires knowledge that spans many biological sub-disciplines  including genetics, cell biology and ecology.  A group of professors at Michigan State University developed case studies for teaching evolution. These cases, [...]

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International Harmful Algae Conference Brings Together HAB Experts

The Republic of Korea hosted the 15th International  Conference on Harmful Algae (ICHA), October 29 – November 2, 2012.  The meeting featured the latest scientific research by the international harmful algal blooms (HAB) community on topics including population dynamics, toxins, modeling/forecasting, taxonomy, genomics, management, control and mitigation. NOAA representatives who gave presentations, chaired sessions and represented [...]

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Scientist Honored for Forging Internship Opportunities

On October 19, NCCOS scientist Dr. Teresa McTigue was awarded the University of Maryland’s 2012 Distinguished Alumna Award by the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences’s Department of Biology. Dr. McTigue was honored for her commitment to supporting and enhancing undergraduate programs and her work to establish NOAA internship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students [...]

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Omani Scientists Learn Algae and Toxin Sampling and Identification

As part of a formal agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency, two researchers from the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science visited Muscat, Oman this week as “IAEA Experts.” The seminar provided the 15 participants with an overview of algae and toxin sampling techniques and visual identification of algae species. Next March, the Americans return [...]

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