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News and Features by Year » 2007

NOAA-EPA Collaboration Links Air, Land, and Water Pollution to Improve Environmental Management

The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science served a major role in developing the scope and authorship of a suite of papers that link atmospheric deposition of contaminants with their transport, fate, and effects in coastal watersheds and estuaries. Individual papers focused on sulfur, nitrogen, mercury, and persistent organic pollutants and their adverse ecological impacts [...]

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Collaboration to Enhance Contaminant Monitoring of the Southern California Bight

Scientists from the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science ‘s Mussel Watch Program recently initiated a collaborative effort with the Southern California Coastal Water Resources Project (SCCWRP) to enhance long-term contaminant monitoring of the Southern California Bight. Starting on December 8, 2008, the 24 current Mussel Watch sites will be collected plus an additional 13 sites due [...]

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Smithsonian Oceans Book Features NCCOS Work

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Smithsonian released the book, Hidden Depths: Atlas of the Oceans , for the Smithsonian’s 2008 Ocean Exhibit on December 3. Terry McTigue from the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science was the lead author and editor for the Vital Ecosystems chapter. Terry worked with authors from [...]

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New Seascape Ecology Approach May Help Managers Identifying Essential Fish Habitat in Mangroves

National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science researchers have published a study on fish distribution and abundance in Caribbean mangroves that may help in the identification and evaluation of critical or essential fish habitat, the placement of marine protected areas, and the design of habitat restoration projects. The study develops an exploratory seascape ecology approach using the [...]

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NCCOS Publication Makes Top 25 List

A paper written by a scientist from NCCOS, titled “Management of Productivity, Environmental Effects and Profitability of Shellfish Aquaculture – the Farm Aquaculture Resource Management (FARM) model,” published in the journal Aquaculture in April 2007, was ranked by ScienceDirect as number 5 of the top 25 Hottest Articles from April to June 2007. The published [...]

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Greater Integration of NOS Activities to Benefit Management of Vieques Island Habitats

Scientists the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, along with others from NOS, met in Silver Spring on Nov. 28 to discuss the status of the NOAA Vieques Program. Significant attention was given to developing a strategy to complete an ecological assessment of Vieques, Puerto Rico to support local resource management. Meeting participants provided status [...]

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Sediment Contamination Report to Enhance Management of a Natural Reserve Area in Southwest Puerto Rico

The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science released a report on sediment contamination for Southwest Puerto Rico that provides important baseline data which can support the sustained management of local marine resources. The report titled, “An Assessment of Chemical Contaminants in the Marine Sediments of Southwest Puerto Rico presents the first in-depth characterization of [...]

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Benthic Habitat Maps Support Development of Biological Monitoring Program in Palau

Digital maps of Palau’s seafloor and coral reef habitats recently completed by National Centers for C0astal Ocean Science researchers will serve as a key piece in establishing a biological monitoring program in Palau. This product will support Palau in meeting the goals of the Micronesian Challenge, a call on Micronesian nations to conserve 30 percent [...]

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