United States Department of Veterans Affairs
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Marc I. Rosen, M.D.

Dr. Rosen received his M.D. in 1986 from the University of Pennsylvania. He is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine and a staff psychiatrist in the VA Connecticut Healthcare System. He works to develop and test the efficacy of behavioral interventions for consumers with comorbid psychiatric and substance abuse disorders. One line of Dr. Rosen's research considers whether interventions targeting spending decisions by consumers might reduce their substance use and improve other outcomes. This question has been approached with surveys, analysis of data from quasi-experimental designs, and clinical trials. In clinical trials, Dr. Rosen's group has tested the efficacy of a money management-based intervention called Advisor Teller Money Manager (ATM). ATM involves a positive conception of the power of money to help consumers achieve their goals and to dampen the temptation to spend loose cash on illicit drugs and alcohol.

A second line of research considers interventions targeting treatment non-adherence. A difficulty in counseling consumers concerning the need to take prescribed medication is the difficulty in knowing when the medications were taken. In a series of studies, Dr. Rosen's group has tested the efficacy of counseling in which consumers are provided electronically-generated feedback describing when medications were taken as prescribed and when they were missed. Review of feedback has been particularly effective when coupled with material reinforcement for verified medication-taking.

Dr. Rosen’s work has been recognized by continuous NIH grant support since 1993, VA merit review and HSR&D support, and participation in NIH and VA IRGs. A video, treatment manuals, and study instruments are available at his group’s website: http://www.behaviorchange.yale.edu.