About Featured Job Sites


Hero 2 Hired
A full service website that provides valuable job search tools, including a jobs search engine for those who know what sort of job they want; military skills translator where you can enter your military occupational code to get a list of career path that fits with your military training experience; and, a career assessment tool the provides a short survey to determine what career type best fits with the soldiers background.

Vet Sucess
The Veterans Affairs (VA) maintained website provides four different options for veterans to search for employment. The goal of VetSuccess In Transition is to assist Veterans in exploring the options available to them during this particular period of their lives in order to ensure their seamless transition from military to civilian life.

USA Jobs
The Federal Government has a long and outstanding record of employing veterans. There are laws providing Veterans' preference and special appointing authorities for veterans, as well as the fact that agencies recognize that hiring veterans is just good business. Federal service provides a means for veterans to continue their noble service to this country.  The Office of Personnel Management created a web site, a single depository without redundancy and misinformation that meets all veterans' employment information needs.

US.jobs is an initiative offered by leading global employers in alliance with the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA). 

My Next Move for Veterans
The Labor Department managed site is a very helpful tool for veterans preparing to enter the workforce or change jobs. The website allows our veterans to enter in their military occupation code and discover civilian jobs where their skills translate.  They can browse job openings available in more than 900 career fields. The site also tells veterans who’s hiring in their area, what the overall hiring outlook is, how much different jobs pay, and where to receive training needed to get hired.

Updated: Tuesday, August 14, 2012