


Digital Analytics Program to Help Agencies Measure Web Performance

Support for agencies’ implementation of upcoming Digital Government Strategy milestones continues with the rollout of the Digital Analytics Program to help agencies measure performance and customer satisfaction to improve service delivery. This new program helps agencies by providing digital metrics guidance and practices, training and tools and implementation support.

The Digital Government Strategy Milestone 8.2 calls for agencies to implement performance and customer satisfaction measurement tools on all .gov websites. The Digital Services Innovation Center, housed at GSA, is rolling out a comprehensive Digital Analytics Program to help.

Step One was the release of guidance and best practices on Digital Metrics in August. This includes comprehensive info and measures for digital services, as well as outlining the common set of agency measures for web sites.

Step Two begins when the Innovation Center releases a common tool October 15 as a shared service to help federal executive branch agencies comply with the strategy by collecting and reporting on the 10 required performance metrics. The solution uses a page tagging technique to collect metrics, which has become an industry standard. There is no cost to agencies to use the tool.

By using a common web analytics tool across agencies, we’ll be able to deliver an unprecedented, government-wide view of how well agencies serve their customers online. Being able to share this data will also create new possibilities for agencies to collaborate in improving service and learn from each other.

The new solution isn’t intended to replace any of the products agencies are already using. But it can supplement current efforts and can serve as a stand-alone solution for agencies without a metrics tool.

What’s next?
Agency leads for Digital Strategy will be identifying a point-of-contact (POC) for Digital Analytics for their agency. The POC will be the primary person that GSA works with on implementing the common tool and page tags. This will keep the implementation as streamlined as possible.

Want to learn more?

Check out future training from DigitalGov University related to metrics and other topics.


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1 comment

  1. pool online says:

    Funny that there wasn’t such a tool untill now.

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