University of 
Michigan Documents Center

Elections 2000

Advertising | Archive | Books | Campaign Finances | Candidate Resources | Conventions | Congressional Candidates
Congressional Districts | Debates | Electoral College | Election Process | Lobby Groups | Lobby Group Ratings
Michigan | News Sources | Platforms | Political Parties | Presidential Candidates
Presidential Elections/Historical | Primaries | Public Opinion Polls | State Candidates
Voter Registration | Youth Involvement

Comprehensive | Abortion | Buddhist Temple Fundraiser | Children's Health
Death Penalty | Economics | Education | Energy | Environment | Gun Control
Health Insurance Coverage | Impeachment | Internet | Missile Defense
Patients Bill of Rights | Prescription Drugs | Social Security | Taxes


Bush v. Gore | Bush v. Palm Beach | Candidate Speeches | Civil Rights Probe | Electoral College
Federal Law | Florida Election Results | Florida Law | Gore v. Harris | Jacobs v. Seminole
Media Recount | News Media | Supreme Court Decision | Taylor v. Martin County | Voting Equipment

Bush Cabinet | Congressional Certification | Inauguration
Plum Book | Presidential Appointments | Prune Book

Directory Search

Last updated on January 27, 2006

Election Process

    • Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids (GPO)
      • Describes federal government for grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, and teachers/parents
      • Describes the nation, historic documents, branches of government, national v. state authority, how laws are made, elections, and citizenship
      • Pleasing graphics, a glossary, games and activities
      • Includes list of federal government web sites for children

    • Center for Voting and Democracy
      • Think tank providing background information on election issues
      • Redistricting, proportion representation, instant runoff issues, and voter turnout

    • Election Day Simulation (University of Washington)
      • Game to teach the electoral process; may take 10 minutes to 6 hours
      • Players choose candidate and campaign staff
      • React to circumstances, issues, crises and geography
      • Election results can be analyzed at the end of the game
      • Game must be downloaded from web site to a hard drive

    • This Nation
      • Online textbook on American government
      • Chapters on foundations (American Revolution, constitution, self-rule, federalism), the branches of government, legislative and budget processes, public opinion, voting
      • Glossary of political terms, teaching aids, and a library of full text documents (major Supreme Court decisions, declarations of war, etc.)

    • United States Electoral College (NARA)
      • Electoral college laws and procedures
      • Number of electoral votes per state for the 2000 elections
      • State-by-state electoral college votes, 1789-1996

    • United States Government (Grolier On-Line)
      • Encyclopedic description of constitution, three branches of government, voting, and political parties
      • From the New Book of Knowledge (Grades 3-8)
      • See is American Presidency for links to additional articles in the Academic American Encyclopedia and Encyclopedia Americana

    • United States of America (USIS)
      • Description of U.S. Government structure, economics, and culture for foreign visitors and potential immigrants
      • Textbook on U.S. history
      • Elections 2000 describes the electoral process and campaign finances with a political dictionary and campaign calendar


    • Connect to MIRLYN
    • MCAT lists books within the University of Michigan Library system.
    • Which version to choose?
      • MIRLYN-Web better for printing, downloading, subject searching, and direct connection to web-based products
      • TN 3270 or Telnet
        • Has call number searching
        • Better for sophisticated keyword searching [e.g. k=campaign adj finance adj reform is possible in MIRLYN Classic; only campaign and finance and reform possible in MIRLYN-Web]
      • Searchable by author, title, subject, keyword


    • Controlled vocabulary
    • Used for
      • Foreign material
      • When too many common keywords
    • Find through
      • LC Subject List (Library)
      • Record retrieved through keyword searching

      • Library of Congress Subject Headings: By Subject
        • Campaign funds--United States
        • Democratic Party (U.S.)
        • Electioneering--United States
        • Lobbying--United States
        • Political action committees--United States
        • Political participation--United States
        • Presidents--United States--Election--1972
        • Pressure groups--United States
        • Republican Party (U.S. : 1854-)
        • United States--Elections
        • Voting--United States
        • In MIRLYN Web Advanced Searching, you don't need to know exact order (e.g. voting and united states or united states and voting)

    Boolean Logic

      • Keyword Searching

    PHRASE k=campaign adj finance campaign w finance
    AND k=campaign adj finance and reform campaign w finance and reform
    OR k=elections or voting elections or voting
    COMPLEX SEARCHING k=campaign adj finance and (PAC or political adj action) reads incorrectly as
    (campaign and finance and PAC) or political and action
    TRUNCATION k=election? election?

Periodicals - Full Text [Web]

Comprehensive Sources

    • JSTOR (UMich and Subscribing Libraries Only)
      • Project to convert the full text of historical and economics journals to digital format
      • As of August 2000, political science journals included:
        • American Journal of International Law 1907-1996
        • American Journal of Political Science 1973-1998
          • Midwest Journal of Political Science 1957-1972
        • American Political Science Review 1906-1996
        • International Organization 1947-1994
        • Journal of Politics 1939-1996
        • Philosophy and Public Affairs 1971-1994
        • Political Science Quarterly 1886-1995
        • Proceedings of the American Political Science Association 1904-1913
        • Public Opinion Quarterly 1937-1994
        • World Politics 1948-1995
      • Keyword indexing may be limited to text, abstract, author, article title or journal title

    • Political Information
      • Mega web index to public policy concerns
      • Indexes news, political parties, policy papers and interest group web sites

    • ProQuest (UMich and Subscribing Libraries Only)
      • Research Library indexes some 2300 journals in all fields since the 1980s and provides the full text of many since the 1990s (marked by a full-page symbol)
      • Includes popular and scholarly titles, such as the American Political Science Review and American Politics Quarterly
      • Journals indexed by author, title, keyword, periodical, and date
      • Sample searches
          "campaign finance reform"
          campaign finance and reform
          campaign finance and (reform or bills or legislation)
          campaign finance and (reform or bill? Or legislation)
      • Articles may be marked for downloading
      • Text in HTML and image formats
      • Replaces the Core Journals Project, which printed articles from MIRLYN on request

Individual Titles

    • Ballot Access News
      • Non-partisan newsletter on voting issues within the states
      • Archived since 1994

    • Campaigns and Elections (Congressional Quarterly)
      • Election news, political odds on the candidates
      • Rate Your Rep for comparing voter views against those of a Congressperson
      • Political services and buyer's guide
      • Some sections require password
      • Full text of periodical available to University of Michigan affiliates through Proquest

    • Congressional Quarterly (UMich and Subscribing Libraries Only)
      • Weekly publication with non-partisan political analysis of Congress
      • Identifies major legislation, the issues, and players
      • Political party and election analysis
      • Web coverage begins in 1983 and is searchable
      • Separate index for roll call votes beginning 1995
      • Prior to 1983, use Congressional Quarterly Almanac, (Doc.Cen. JK 1 .C756--Ref.)

    • National Journal (UMich and Subscribing Libraries Only)
      • National Journal focuses on the politics of the Executive Branch with some reference to current legislation
      • Full text since 1977 available through the University of Michigan's campus license to Congressional Universe
      • Follow the Inside Washington logo on the main Congressional Universe screen

      • Daily periodical with current policy news, issue of the week, and in-depth analysis of 20 current policy issues
      • Virtual Congress features speeches and votes on topics
      • Includes a policy chat room

    • Presidential Studies Quarterly (UMich and Subscribing Libraries Only)
      • Full text available since 1994 on Proquest

Periodical Indexes - No Full Text [Web and Library]

    • Public Affairs Information Service Bulletin (UMich and Subscribing Libraries Only)
      • Subject index to books, articles, and government documents on politics and economics since 1972 in Western European languages
      • This will cover the post-Watergate campaign finance reform debate
      • Government documents include United States, United Nations, League of Nations, and State Governments

    • Social Sciences Citation Index 1956- (UMich and Subscribing Libraries Only)
      • Indexes current periodical articles by author, title/keyword, journal, and author's affiliation
      • Indexes cited authors by name, abbreviated title of book/journal and year
      • Results provide cross references between the cited author, the citating author, and related items
      • Social Sciences Citation Index Examples
      • Connect to MIRLYN to identify library location and call number of book or article


    • AdWatch (Washington Post)
      • Video and transcripts of Presidential candidate ads, including those aired during the primary
      • Searchable by candidate or keyword in transcript
    • All Politics
      • Election 2000 web page has links to VIDEOS of candidate and issue ads
    • Livingroom Candidate
      • Major presidential campaign ads, 1952-2004
      • Uses Windows Media Player or RealPlayer
    • RATS
      • Campaign ad on George Bush's prescription drug plan
      • Included a flashing "Rats," considered by some to be subliminal
      • Advertisement was ultimately pulled
      • AllPolitics includes the news story and various video versions of the ad

Campaign Finances

    • Campaign 2000 (George Washington University)
      • List of state campaign finance databases, arranged by state
      • Also includes state election offices

    • Campaign Finance Reform - Or Not?
      • Academic guide to the campaign finance reform debate
      • Identifies interest groups and current bills before Congress

    • Center for Responsive Politics
      • Non-partisan research group monitoring campaign reform
      • Congressional campaign finance filings
      • Personal Finance Disclosure Reports on Congress and presidential candidates are in pdf format and may be over 3 MB
      • Open Secrets
        • Lobby group campaign contributions to Members of Congress arranged by industry and separately by member
        • Web version in Adobe Acrobat format corresponds to paper version in Documents Center (JK 1991 .M261)

    • FECInfo (Tony Raymond)
      • Congressional and Presidential campaign contributions searchable by name, state, Political Action Committee, or individual
      • Special analyses include contributors by occupation or zip code and candidates receiving the most out-of-state money
      • User-friendly interface

    • Federal Election Commission
      • Summary receipts and disbursements of Presidential and all Congressional candidates
      • Image files of individual campaign committee reports beginning with the 1997/98 cycle
      • Detailed files with individual contributors for 1993/94 and 1995/96 must be downloaded

    • Project Vote Smart
      • Biographies, lobby group ratings, campaign receipts by Political Action Committee subject groupings
      • Candidate answers to the National Political Awareness Test, a questionnaire on issues in the election
      • Congress, Governors, President, and State Legislatures

Candidate Resources

    • Campaigns and Elections (Congressional Quarterly)
      • Election news, political odds on the candidates
      • Rate Your Rep for comparing voter views against those of a Congressperson
      • Political services and buyer's guide
      • Some sections require password
      • Full text of periodical available to University of Michigan affiliates through Proquest

    • Political Resources Online
      • Searchable list of over 3000 political products and services (e.g. pollsters, posters)
        • Approach by specialty, geography, party, and name
      • Calendar of upcoming events, including conventions, state primaries
      • Web sites of federal, state, and local candidates

    • VoteNet
      • Political resources for the candidate
      • Includes books, think tanks, political strategists and pollsters
      • Issues research (abortion, affirmative action, gun control, etc)

Congressional Candidates

    • 2000 Candidate Profiles (Center for Responsive Politics)
      • List of Congressional District and Senatorial races by state
      • Lists campaign finances received and spent and campaign contributions by interest sector
      • Includes top contributors

    • Clerk of the House
      • Historical data includes national electoral college results since the 1st Congress, Presidential and Senatorial election results by state and House by district since 1920
      • Data on the political divisions in Congress since the 34th Congress

    • Congressional District Boundaries
      • American Factfinder
        • Draw Congressional District boundary maps by first going to Reference Maps
        • Then search or browse for name of state
        • Under Boundaries choose Boundaries and Labels for STATE, COUNTIES, CITIES, PLACES, and 105th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS
      • Zip to It (Juan Cabanela)
        • Put in five or nine digit zip code to determine senators and representatives for the 106th Congress

    • Election 2000 Archive (Library of Congress)
      • Archive of over 1000 campaign web sites, August 2000-January 2001
      • Includes political parties, candidates, news sources, and humor

    • Freedom Channel
      • Audio, video (RealPlayer), and text of Presidential, House, Senate, and Gubernatorial candidates on the issues
      • Videotapes of campaign ads
      • Links to campaign web sites

    • Google Web Directory: U.S. Elections
      • Annotated links to quality web sites on U.S. elections, campaign finance, former candidates, political humor
      • Special emphasis on the 2000 presidential elections

      • Web links to Congressional and state-wide candidates
      • No links to state legislative candidates

    • Project Vote Smart
      • Biographies, lobby group ratings, campaign receipts by Political Action Committee subject groupings
      • Candidate answers to the National Political Awareness Test, a questionnaire on issues in the election
      • Congress, Governors, President, and State Legislatures

    • Roll Call Politics
      • Likely candidates for 2000 Congressional elections and a rating of the incumbent's chances
      • Likely winners in the Senate races

    • Washington Post Elections
      • Handicaps Congressional and Senatorial races using the CQ Risk Ratings; describes districts being represented
      • Search for political advertisements which have aired
      • Presidential and Congressional election news stories

    • Incumbents
      • Almanac of American Politics [Library]
        • Biennial biographical directory of Members of Congress
        • Lengthy information about the politics of the Congressional District
        • Brief campaign finances, lobby group ratings, and key roll call votes
        • Documents Center JK 1012 .A44 with current in Graduate Library Stacks

      • Almanac of American Politics
        • Arranged by state and Congressional District
        • Detailed political profile of each district as well as demographic statistics
        • Political profiles of individual Members of Congress with brief election data, lobby group ratings, key votes in the 105th Congress, and campaign finances
        • Paper copy in Documents Center (JK 1012 .A44) with older issues in Graduate Library stacks

      • Politics in America [Library]
        • Profile section includes biographical, campaign finance, district, and election information; bills introduced, current speeches, roll call votes for members of the 106th Congress
        • Doc.Cen. JK 1012 .A44

Lobby Group Web Sites

Lobby Group Ratings

    • League of Conservation Voters
      • Floor votes and LCV ratings on environmental issues beginning 1993

    • Politics in America
      • Printed directory located in the Documents Center (JK 1010.P76-Ref.)
      • Arranged by state and district
      • Political biography, lobby group ratings, major roll call votes

    • Project Vote Smart
      • Votes by Members of Congress on major issues by subject with corresponding lobby group ratings

    • Voter Information Service
      • Ratings of House and Senate members by 25 lobby groups, 1989 to present
      • Arranged by State and District; listings can be confusing when redistricting has occurred

    • Women's Voting Guide
      • Compare the voting record of any member of Congress to user's personal opinion
      • Over 300 issues, including children, crime, defense, environment


    • Election 2000 (Michigan Electronic Library)
      • Primary and caucus results
      • County election web sites with sample ballots and election results
      • Michigan political parties

    • Michigan Election Results (MEL)
      • Live posting of election results from the State of Michigan on November 7
      • Live results beginning at 8 p.m. from Allegan, Baraga, Barry, Branch, Calhoun, Cass, Cheboygan, Eaton, Emmet, Hillsdale, Jackson, Lenawee, Missaukee, Newaygo, Oceana, Ottawa, Roscommon, St. Joseph and Van Buren counties
      • Links to clerk web sites for Berrien, Clinton, Genesee, Ingham, Kent, Macomb, Muskegon, Oakland, Washtenaw, and Wayne counties

    • Michigan Electronic Voter Guide 2000
      • Candidates for State House, U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress with election district maps, name/address/picture, and statement of concerns
      • Text of ballot proposals
      • Links to state political parties with summaries of their platforms and campaign finances
      • Voter registration information

    • Michigan Elections (Michigan Department of State)
      • State-wide general and primary election results by district beginning with the 1994 primaries; registered voters
      • Election, campaign, and lobby registration laws
      • Filing deadlines, ballot proposals
      • Election districts for the various state offices arranged by county
      • Campaign finances of individual candidates
      • Voter registration instructions

    • Washtenaw County Clerk
      • Ballot proposals and candidates throughout all county jurisdictions
      • Primary results
      • Campaign finances
      • Voter registration information

News Sources

Comprehensive News Sources

    • Academic Universe (UMich and Subscribing Libraries Only)
      • Full text of newspapers around the world for past 10 years
      • Use General News Topics
      • The Major Newspapers has the full text of about 30 U.S. newspapers
      • Use the Regional Subfiles for local newspapers

    • Editor and Publisher On-Line Newspapers
      • Links to over 1000 newspapers worldwide
      • Arranged by continent and country; for the United States, subdivided by state
      • Identifies newspapers on the web which may not be in Academic Universe

    • Election 2000 Archive (Library of Congress)
      • Archive of over 1000 campaign web sites, August 2000-January 2001
      • Includes political parties, candidates, news sources, and humor

Individual Titles

    • AllPolitics (Time/CNN)
      • Daily news coverage of U.S. politics
      • Issues matrix includes Time/CNN public opinion polls
      • Expected to have exit poll information and final results

    • Campaign 2000 (C-Span)
      • Video clips of Presidential candidate speeches and interviews
      • Links to campaign web sites

    • Capitol Watch On-Line
      • Daily stories on U.S. politics
      • Links to major political magazines, news magazines and newspapers

    • Christian Science Monitor
      • Daily newspaper with the full text of lead articles (U.S., international, cultural, crossword)
      • Archive back to 1980 searchable by subject

    • Lycos Vote 2000
      • Current focus on presidential election but will include state and local in future
      • Current election news
      • Summary of issues with links to candidate positions and list of interest group web sites

    • Political Insider
      • Today's political news summarized from various news sources
      • Links to public opinion polls, issues, elections, humor, columnists, and newspapers

      • Election news from the 2000 Presidential campaign
      • Includes public opinion polls and campaign finance data

    • U.S. News Online (U.S. News and World Report)
      • Articles on current United States politics and elections
      • "News You Can Use"

    • Washington Post Elections
      • Handicaps Congressional and Senatorial races; describes districts being represented
      • Search for political advertisements which have aired
      • Presidential and Congressional election news stories

    • Web White and Blue
      • Especially good for news media coverage

Policy Issues

Comprehensive | Abortion | Buddhist Temple Fundraiser | Death Penalty | Economics | Education
Environment | Gun Control | Health Insurance Coverage | Impeachment | Internet
Missile Defense | Patients Bill of Rights | Prescription Drugs | Social Security | Taxes

Comprehensive Sites

    • See also Political Party Platforms

    • Atlantic Monthly Unbound
      • Several articles apiece on such ssues as abortion, defense, foreign policy, health, immigration, and religion
      • Executive Decision section encourages user to choose policy options

    • Council on Foreign Relations
      • Briefing papers on over 25 foreign policy issues, including China, Russia, United Nations, global warming, oil, and border control
      • Separate section provides Bush and Gore statements on the same issues
      • Public opinion data on foreign relations through the Clinton Administration

    • Electronic Policy Network
      • Articles on public policy issues, including civic participation, economics, education, health, and medical care
      • Host server for American Prospect, Idea Central, and Political Science Quarterly

    • Foreign Policy Association
      • Membership organization geared toward debate and education on foreign policy
      • Briefing papers on foreign policy issues from its own sources and those of other think tanks

    • Freedom Channel
      • Audio, video (RealPlayer), and text of Presidential, House, Senate, and Gubernatorial candidates on the issues
      • Videotapes of campaign ads
      • Links to campaign web sites

    • Intellectual Capital
      • Non-partisan weekly periodical on public policy issues
      • Sample topics include education, welfare reform, chemical weapons, Internet policy, and America's cities
      • Interactive cyberpoll with results and selected comments

    • Jefferson Project
      • Extensive links to U.S. and foreign government and political sites
      • Political parties, magazines, and humor
      • Links to web sites on political issues, such as environment, abortion, gun control
      • No annotations

    • National Issues
      • Full text articles on both sides of national public policy issues
      • Sample topics include education, social security, taxes, foreign relations, and gun control
      • Each topic provides and overview, links to articles, candidate opinions, statistics, and primary sources

      • Daily periodical with current policy news, issue of the week, and in-depth analysis of 20 current policy issues
      • Virtual Congress features speeches and votes on topics
      • Includes a policy chat room

    • Political Information
      • Mega web index to public policy concerns
      • Indexes news, political parties, policy papers and interest group web sites
      • Sample search: +michigan +concealed-weapons

    • Presidential Candidates on the Issues
      • Summary of the Democrat, Republican, and Reform Party candidates on 20 issues
      • Includes some quotations
      • Arranged by candidate and also by issue for comparison purposes

    • Public Policy Connection
      • Links to web sites on public policy and the full text of recent articles
      • Subjects include land, environment, public safety, transportation, water, and waste
      • Special focus on privatization

    • Shadow Conventions
      • Billed as citizen alternative to Republican and Democratic Conventions
      • Held in same cities at same time
      • Video clips of speakers on drug policy, money in politics, and poverty

    • Townhall
      • Conservative position on elections and public policy issues, such as missile defense, taxes, government reform

Individual Issues

    • Abortion
      • Abortion (Policy.Com)
        • Excerpts from articles, interest groups, and candidates on abortion opinions
        • Includes key court decisions, partial birth abortion, and RU-486
      • Abortion Statistics (Statistical Abstract of the United States
        • Annual publication with data compiled from various government and non-government sources
        • Section 2, includes abortion statistics
        • The 1998 edition, tables 124-126, has abortions by race, 1975-95; abortions by age; and abortions by state
      • State Homicide Laws (National Right to Life)
        • State homicide laws recognizing an unborn's right to life
        • Divided into three categories and subarranged by state
        • Includes citation to the law
      • U.S. Teenage Pregnancy Statistics (Alan Guttmacher Institute)
        • Teen pregnancies by outcome (births, abortions, miscarriages), 1972-96
        • Birth, abortion, and pregnancy rates per 1000 women
        • Age distributions are 14 and under, 15-17, 18-19, and all under 20

    • Death Penalty
      • Broken System: Error Rates in Capital Cases
        • Report issued by the Columbia University Justice Project on June 12
        • Known as the Liebman Study
        • Shows that 68% of death penalty verdicts were thrown out when appealed
        • 7% of cases were let go
        • Predominant cause is poor defense lawyers
        • Rates states on death penalty errors
      • Capital Punishment Statistics (BJS)
        • National data on executions since 1930 and current prisoners on death row
        • State by state executions for last 30 years and state law
        • Race and sex data, reasons for execution
        • Various formats: text, pdf, and spreadsheet
      • Survey of the Federal Death Penalty System (Dept. of Justice)
        • Review decision to seek the death penalty in federal courts, 1988-2000
        • Statistics on Justice Dept. attorneys to seek death penalty by race of defendant and U.S. Attorney District
      • Texas Death Row Statistics
        • Official web site of the Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice
        • Names of persons on death row, birthdates and race
        • Those no longer on death row and reason
        • Scheduled executions
        • Last meal requests, media witness lists
        • Death row facts, including execution process

    • Economics
      • Dismal Scientist
        • Most current leading economic indicators, date of next release, analysis, and monthly figures for previous year
          • Includes consumer credit and confidence, prices, savings, housing starts, durable goods orders
          • Links to original government sources of the indicators
        • Forecasts of economic indicators for next two years (e.g. expected consumer price index)
        • 130 business, demographic, labor, income, real estate, and vital statistics variables for states
          • Examples are gross state product and health insurance coverage
          • May be viewed or states may be ranked
        • 60 demographic, labor, income, and real estate variables for 257 metropolian areas, which may be viewed or ranked
        • Extensive list of links to economic data
      • Economic Indicators: Historical (FRB-St.Louis)
        • Gross Domestic Product, price, employment and monetary data
        • Most time series begin in the 1940s
        • ASCII or various spreadsheet formats
        • See also Ted Bos' Economic Time Series
      • Household Economics (Census Bureau)
        • Historical and current data on personal income and poverty
      • Prosperity for America's Families (pdf)
        • Gore-Lieberman economic plan, released September 6, 2000
        • Economic goals and specific means for achieving them
        • Approximately 950 KB in pdf format

    • Education
      • Improving Student Achievement: What NAEP State Test Scores Tell Us (Rand Corporation)
        • Results of state scores in the National Assessment of Educational Progress
        • States showing the highest improvement: North Carolina, Texas and Michigan
        • Differences in test scores in Texas and California given the same type of families and the differences in public policy
        • Released July 2000
      • National Assessment of Educational Progress [Nation's Report Card/NCES]
        • Extensive reports on national and state test scores of 4th, 8th, and 12th grade students by various demographic characteristics
        • Separate surveys on science, mathematics, history, geography
        • All publications in Adobe Acrobat
        • A bibliography lists published NAEP documents since 1970
      • What Do Texas Test Scores Tell Us? (Rand Corporation)
        • Compares results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress with the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills
        • Concludes that two results don't match; the former shows a slightly widening gap in the races; the latter shows them narrowing
        • Released in October 2000

    • Environment
      • Chemical Scorecard
        • Ranks states, counties, and zip codes by toxic chemical air pollution and cancer risks posed by air pollution
      • Global Warming (EPA)
        • Scientific reports and fact sheets on the causes and effects of global warming
        • Statistics embedded in text and as separate tables
        • Annotated links to related global warming web sites

    • Gun Control
      • Center for the Prevention of Handgun Violence
        • Advocacy group headed by Sarah Brady
        • State gun control laws, including child access laws and waiting periods
        • National gun law loopholes and proposed legislation
        • Firearm facts
      • Gun Control v. Gun Rights (Open Secrets)
        • This 1999 article analyzes the campaign contributions of the gun rights v. gun control groups
        • Table of gun rights votes arranged by name of Congressman with the campaign contributions received from gun rights groups and his/her vote with the guns rights position
      • Homicide and Suicide Rates Associated with the Implementation of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
        • Article appearing in the Journal of the American Medical Association (August 2, 2000)
        • Compares the 32 states which implemented a waiting period to purchase a gun versus those who had implemented a waiting period prior to 1994
        • Authors conclude that the Brady Law had no effect in curbing homicide or suicide, except for the suicide of people 55+
      • National Gun Policy Survey 1998 (National Opinion Research Center)
        • Extensive public opinion survey on gun ownership, regulation, violence, and safety issues
        • Text in pdf and with statistical tables
        • Shows American public support for gun control
      • National Rifle Association
        • Federal and state laws and firearms
        • Proposed federal legislation on guns
        • Statements on Smith and Wesson agreement

    • Health Insurance Coverage
      • Alpha Center
        • Health insurance coverage by state for various public and private plans
        • Data extracted from the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey
      • Census Bureau
        • Longitudinal and cross-sectional health insurance statistics by state and various socioeconomic characteristics
        • Data covers 1987-95
      • Children's Health Insurance Program
        • Health Ruling Stuns Bush (Detroit News)
          • Article on Eastern District Court of Texas Ruling, August 9, 2000
          • Judge William Wayne Justice ruled that Texas had not lived up to its CHIP obligations for providing health insurance to poor children
          • Citation: Detroit News, August 31, 2000, p. 4
        • Frew v. Gilbert
          • Court ruling not on District Court web site
          • University of Michigan affiliated can search for decision using Academic Universe
            • Go to Federal Case Law; conduct an advanced search (more options); search by a combination of judge and date (August 2000) or case name and date (August 2000)
        • State Children's Health Insurance Plans (HCFA)
          • State plans for covering uninsured children in a medicaid-based insurance program
          • State's annual report on coverage, submitted in 2000
      • President's Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry
        • Recommendations include clear goals, improved measurement of health quality, public-private partnerships, group purchases
        • Consumer strength, accountability, health care workers, focusing on vulnerable populations
        • Issued July 1998
      • Uninsured in America (PBS News Hour)
        • National survey results (pdf format) of public perceptions of the numbers and causes for people without health insurance coverage
        • Surveys of the uninsured about the effects and problems they encounter
        • Pop-up menus with a chronology of health insurance in America, individual state requirements for child health coverage, and the percent of non-elderly who are uninsured

    • Impeachment of President William Jefferson Clinton (UMich)
      • Extensive news coverage and primary documents on President Clinton's impeachment
      • Includes Starr Report, House Judiciary documents, and floor debates
      • Senator Lieberman's statement in September 1998

    • Internet
      • Al Gore's Web Site
        • Testimonials on Gore's leadership
        • List of bills he sponsored
        • Plans for the future of the internet
      • THOMAS
        • Search bills by Congress with "computer" as keyword and "Senator Gore" as author
        • The High Speed Computing Act is PL 102-194 (S.272)
      • Hobbes Internet Timeline
        • Brief "bullet history" of the internet since 1969
        • Includes domain host statistics
        • Does not focus on federal legislation but includes information about NSFNet
      • Net Election
        • Data on the 2000 candidates use of the internet by party, incumbency, office sought

    • Patients' Bill of Rights
      • Patients Bill of Rights (S.1344, 106th Congress)
        • Thomas provides text of bill, amendments and debates
        • Debated on Senate floor the week of July 12 with roll call vote on July 15
        • Indefinitely postponed by Senate after provisions incorporated into H.R. 2990
      • Patients Bill of Rights (H.R. 2723,106th Congress)
      • Patients Bill of Rights H.R. 2990, 106th Congress)
        • Replaces earlier Senate and House bills
        • Laid on table as of February 2000
      • Pending Patient Protection Legislation (Kaiser Family Foundation)
        • Chart with detailed comparison of the provisions in conference version of H.R. 2990, the Patients Bill of Rights
        • Covers access to emergency services, hospital stays for mastectomies, etc.
        • Statements by lobby groups from the various sides of managed care reform
      • Senate Democratic Policy Committee
        • Links to S.6, an alternative bill sponsored by Tom Daschle
        • Lists medical cases and whether or not patients would be covered by Republican bill
      • Senate Republican Conference
        • Attacks cost of Daschle/Kennedy plan (S.6)
        • Virtues of S.1344
      • Senator Ted Kennedy
        • See press releases for July 1999 for floor statements on the Patients Bill of Rights

    • Taxes and Budget
      • Bureau of Public Debt
        • Annual public debt to the penny beginning 1791
        • Monthly figures for past year and daily figures for last month
      • Campaign 2000--Taxes
        • Detailed, scholarly background on tax issues in the 2000 Presidential campaign
        • Includes flat tax, capital gains, marriage penalty, tax reform, and estate taxes among the issues
        • Analyzes frequent claims made about taxes
        • Candidate positions are quoted; access using the search key
        • Public opinion polls searchable by source and date
      • Citizens for Tax Justice
        • Reports analyze the effects of the Bush and McCain tax cut plans
        • Differences between Republic and Democratic marriage penalty revokation plans
      • Congressional Budget Office
        • Text of selected reports, beginning 1995, on the federal budget, budget issues (e.g. cost of army helicopters), and five-year economic projections
        • Bibliography of printed publications not available on the web
      • Joint Committee on Taxation
        • Short reports and studies on the impact of various tax law changes
        • Includes assessment of the marriage penalty tax

Political Parties

Presidential/Vice Presidential Candidates



    • 2000 Presidential Race (Open Secrets)
      • Campaign fundraising of all Presidential candidates
      • Total receipts, expenditures, and cash left over
      • Campaign contributions by individual, corporation, zip code, metropolitan area and state
      • Personal Finance Disclosure Reports on Congress and presidential candidates are in pdf format and may be over 3 MB

    • Debates
      • Commission on Presidential Debates
        • Recommended schedule of 2000 debates and how to participate
        • Text of debates for 1858, 1948, 1956, 1960, and every four years since 1976
        • Text of 2000 debates, public opinion polls, and discussion groups
      • Debate 2000
        • Webcast of the Democratic Presidential debate (Jan. 5, 2000) and the Republican (Jan. 6, 2000)

Presidential Debates

Type Commission Gore Bush Decision
Presidential October 3
October 3
September 12
Meet the Press
October 3
October 11
October 11
October 3
Larry King Live
October 11
October 17
October 17
October 17
October 17
Vice Presidential October 5
Danville, KY
October 5
Danville, KY
October 11
October 5
Danville, KY
To be determined

    • Election 2000 (State Department)
      • Biographies of Presidential candidates and description of election process
      • Special features: a calendar of primary, caucus and convention dates and a description of the electoral college with the number of votes per state

    • Election 2000 Archive (Library of Congress)
      • Archive of over 1000 campaign web sites, August 2000-January 2001
      • Includes political parties, candidates, news sources, and humor

    • Freedom Channel
      • Audio, video (RealPlayer), and text of Presidential, House, Senate, and Gubernatorial candidates on the issues
      • Videotapes of campaign ads
      • Links to campaign web sites

    • Go Vote
      • Match your views to the Presidential candidates
      • Also includes daily election news

    • Google Web Directory: U.S. Elections
      • Annotated links to quality web sites on U.S. elections, campaign finance, former candidates, political humor
      • Special emphasis on the 2000 presidential elections

    • Presidential Campaign 2000 (Northern Lights)
      • Search for the full text of news articles on the candidates
      • History of the caucus, list of primary dates, and links to the nominating convention web sites

    • Presidential Candidates on the Issues
      • Summary of the Democrat, Republican, and Reform Party candidates on 20 issues
      • Includes some quotations
      • Arranged by candidate and also by issue for comparison purposes

    • Project Vote Smart
      • Biographies, lobby group ratings, campaign receipts by Political Action Committee subject groupings
      • Candidate answers to the National Political Awareness Test, a questionnaire on issues in the election
      • Congress, Governors, President, and State Legislatures

    • Skeleton Closet
      • WARNING: this is old-fashioned mud-slinging
      • Questions about the 2000 and 1996 Presidential candidates with summaries and quotations from sources
      • Doesn't say anything good about anyone

    • Vanishing Voter (Harvard)
      • Weekly poll on public interest in 2000 Presidential elections
      • Data and press releases begin with November 1999

    • Washington Post Elections
      • Handicaps Congressional and Senatorial races; describes districts being represented
      • Search for political advertisements which have aired
      • Presidential and Congressional election news stories

Presidential Elections/Historical

    • America Votes (Richard Scammon)
      • Votes for President and Governor by state and county beginning 1952
      • Votes for Members of Congress by Congressional District beginning 1946
      • Only available in paper copy: Reference Room JK 1967 .A1 A68
      • Two-year time lag between the general elections and publication date

    • Clerk of the House
      • Historical data includes national electoral college results since the 1st Congress, Presidential and Senatorial election results by state and House by district since 1920
      • Data on the political divisions in Congress since the 34th Congress

    • David Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections
      • Maps and tables with Presidential votes since 1860
        • Maps outline state electoral votes
        • Tables show major and independent presidential and vice presidential candidates, popular and electoral votes, and percentages for both
      • County election data for 1912, 1968, and 1980-2000
      • County map of Presidential vote for 2000
      • This is truly wonderful!

    • Elections USA
      • Presidential election results by state since 1948
      • Historical Senator and gubernatorial winners by state
      • List of gubernatorial and Congressional candidates by state for 1998 elections
      • Summaries of current public opinion polls

    • Images of American Political History
      • Collection of 500 public domain images (black and white and color) of American history since colonial days
      • Includes Presidents, maps of Presidential election results, slavery and civil rights
      • Searchable or browsable by time period and subject category

    • National Election Studies (UMich-Center for Political Studies)

    • Portraits of the Presidents
      • Portraits of presidents, Washington through Clinton, in the National Portrait Gallery
      • Brief Presidential biography and background on the painting
      • Thumbnail sketch and full screen version

    • President (SUNSITE/LIA)
      • Position papers of the Presidential Research Group, American Political Science Association
      • Presidential historic sites
      • Links to Presidential Libraries

    • Presidential Elections, 1860-1884
      • About 2000 political cartoons and banners for the Presidential elections arranged by date
      • Essays on the campaigns

    • Presidential Job Performance (Roper Center)
      • Public opinion polls on President Clinton's job
      • Separate charts from Gallup, Yankelovich, ABC, NBC, and CBS rate the President several times per year since 1993
      • Gallup ratings include begin with 1938 and rate president's since FDR

    • Presidents of the United States (IPL/Summers)
      • Extensive web site with pages for each President, Washington to Clinton
      • Picture, biographies, election results, first ladies, cabinets, highlights of administration, historical documents, and links to related Internet sites
      • Special attention paid to links describing historical events and biographies of cabinet members

    • Road to American Democracy, 1984-1990 (Harvard/MIT Data Center)
      • Variables include 100% population items from the 1990 Census (race, households, families) plus biennial voting and registration data, 1984-1990, for cities and townships
      • Registration and voting data by voting precinct, 1984-1990
      • Data may be downloaded in zipped format or searched on line and cross-tabulated
      • Reviewing the codebook (pdf or zipped format) is necessary to use the data
      • Data results in SPSS, SAS, STATA, and sometimes ASCII formats

    • Turnout Files (Roll Call)
      • National voter registration and turnout for the 1992-96 elections by age, gender, ethnicity, education, and labor force status
      • Articles on voter turnout issues in future elections

    • United States Electoral College (NARA)
      • Electoral college laws and procedures
      • Number of electoral votes per state for the 2000 elections
      • State-by-state electoral college votes, 1789-1996

    • What Makes A Good President (American Psychological Association)
      • Press release of presentation made at the American Psychological Association Convention on August 5, 2000
      • Identifies stubbornness and disagreeableness as the two most important personal characteristics for great presidents
      • Classifies past U.S. presidents into eight personality types


Public Opinion Polls

    • AllPolitics (Time/CNN)
      • Excellent coverage of elections and public opinion polls
      • Use search engine and type "poll"
      • Separate archive for 1996 Election Polls

    • American Customer Satisfaction Index (UMich Business School)
      • Quarterly report since 1994 on consumer satisfaction with individual companies
      • Arranged by product or type of service with percent change over the previous survey and for the period
      • Satisfaction with local governments by type of service and type of area
      • Federal government satisfaction survey in 1999 arranged by agency, service, and type of consumer

    • American Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy
      • Special survey conducted by the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
      • Charts and graphs on public opinion on national priorities, U.S. role in resolving world problems, major foreign affairs issues
      • Adobe Acrobat only

    • American Public Opinion Index
      • Most comprehensive source for public opinion polls
      • Ref. Room HM 261 .A4631
      • Corresponding microfiche in Serials/Microforms as MICRO-F X423

    • Canalipsos
      • European, international, and U.S. opinion on public affairs
      • Articles since 1997 include data in text
      • French language

    • Gallup Organization
      • Summary results of most current public opinion polls
      • Gallup Poll, 1935 to present, also available in the Graduate Library Reference Room as HN 90.P9 .G18

    • General Social Survey (ICPSR, NORC, UC-Berkeley)
      • Annual survey since 1972 of public opinion and lifestyle
      • Covers poverty, religion, contraceptive use, opinion on foreign affairs
      • ICPSR site provides background on survey as well as printed publications resulting from the survey
      • Primary data extraction available from ICPSR and UC-Berkeley
      • Computer-Assisted Survey (UC-Berkeley)
        • Data may be manipulated on-line
        • Quick start instructions for the initiate:
          • Choose Demonstration Survey Data Archive
          • Choose the survey you would like and the "browse" option; start
          • Choose "Alphabetical Variable List"
          • Choose your variables and write down their corresponding code names
          • Go back to the original screen and choose "run crosstabulations;" start
          • Imagine the output as a spreadsheet and type in the desired vertical and horizontal code names; also choose output as statistics or percentages
        • Example of General Social Survey
          • Percentage of Protestants who strongly agree with death penalty
          • In "run crosstabulations," type in "deathpen" as vertical and "relig" as horizontal; check off percentaging as vertical; run the table
          • Example of American National Election Studies

    • Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
      • Non-profit organization providing public policy information on issues affecting black Americans
      • Summaries of selected papers include public opinion polls on such topics as race relations, children, black participation in the Republican Party
      • Full text of annual report

    • Kaiser Family Foundation Surveys
      • Surveys on American values, sex, health care issues, politics, and morals
      • Full text since 1996
      • Most in pdf format

    • Louis Harris Associates
      • Public opinion results of last two months
      • Primarily government and economic questions

    • National Council on Public Opinion Polls
      • Principles of disclosure
      • 20 questions journalists should ask when reading poll results

    • National Election Studies (UMich-Center for Political Studies)
      • Documentation on voting, public opinion, and political participation studies
      • Studies 1994+ available for ftp for use with SAS or SPSS
      • Documentation in Word Perfect format
      • Its Guide to Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior provides summary data on social, economic, partisanship, and public opinion, 1952 to present

    • National Opinion Research Center (U-Chicago)
      • Home of the General Social Survey with links to data at ICPSR
      • Studies describes its economic, education, social, and health statistics programs
      • Studies and data on a variety of topics (guns, stress, abortion, smoking) appear in the Library section of the menu

    • Pew Research Center
      • Text and statistics of U.S. public opinion polls on politics, public policy, and the press
      • Issues covered since 1995 include the Presidential elections, TV news viewership, Medicare reforms, campaign financing, churches, and the death of Princess Diana
      • Data on the public's attention to major news stories beginning 1986
      • Archive of files since 1985 available upon request

    • Polling Report
      • Biweekly periodical with public opinion polls on politics, business, and culture
      • Examples include favorite actor of all time, the President's approval rating
      • Includes articles on public opinion trends by opinion analysts, pollsters and academics

    • Presidential Job Performance (Roper Center)
      • Public opinion polls on President Clinton's job
      • Separate charts from Gallup, Yankelovich, ABC, NBC, and CBS rate the President several times per year since 1993
      • Gallup ratings include begin with 1938 and rate president's since FDR

    • Princeton Survey Research Center
      • Links to Internet sources on public polls
      • Information on conducting polls

    • Public Agenda
      • Nonpartisan, issue-oriented think tank
      • Presents eighteen issues, including abortion, crime, gambling, immigration, internet privacy, social security, and welfare
      • For each issue provides background, links to lobby groups, a digest of news stories, basic statistics, and a variety of state laws
      • Numerous public opinion polls

    • Public Opinion Poll Question Database (University of North Carolina)
      • Data base of questions asked in the Harris, Carolina, Southern States, and All State polls since the 1960s
      • Searchable by subject, poll, and decade
      • Catalog provides additional information and often frequency distributions

    • Public Opinion Quarterly (UMich and Subscribing Libraries Only)
      • Full text of scholarly journal analyzing public opinion worldwide
      • Searchable by keyword, author, journal, date
      • Part of JSTOR project
      • Public Opinion Quarterly Index is a free index, 1937+
      • Full text also in Graduate Library as HM 261 .A1 P98 with a backup on microfilm as FILM X375

    • Pulse (Epinet)
      • Bimonthy web magazine focusing on one issue
      • Provides context to the public opinion polls and links to in-depth articles
      • As of May 1999, one issue devoted to Social Security

    • Roper Center/Public Opinion
      • Primarily information about the Center
      • Searchable catalogs of its public opinion polls, the Latin American Survey Data Bank and the Japanese Survey Data Bank
      • Roper polls can also be searched in Academic Universe (UMich and Subscribing Libraries Only) in the Reference/Polls and Surveys section

    • Vanishing Voter (Harvard)
      • Weekly poll on public interest in 2000 Presidential elections
      • Data and press releases begin with November 1999

    • Washington Post
      • Public opinion polls on public affairs since January 1997
      • Subjects include Presidential popularity, sanctions toward Iraq, violence in schools
      • Descriptions supplemented by statistical tables

State and Local Candidates

    • Freedom Channel
      • Audio, video (RealPlayer), and text of Presidential, House, Senate, and Gubernatorial candidates on the issues
      • Videotapes of campaign ads
      • Links to campaign web sites

    • Google Web Directory: U.S. Elections
      • Annotated links to quality web sites on U.S. elections, campaign finance, former candidates, political humor
      • Special emphasis on the 2000 presidential elections

      • Web links to Congressional and state-wide candidates

    • Project Vote Smart
      • Biographies, lobby group ratings, campaign receipts by Political Action Committee subject groupings
      • Candidate answers to the National Political Awareness Test, a questionnaire on issues in the election
      • Congress, Governors, President, and State Legislatures

    • State Political Parties (National Political Index)

    • State Vote 98 (National Conference of State Legislatures)
      • Listing by state of pre- and post-election political party numbers in the legislatures
      • Searchable data base of state initiatives and referenda
      • Not really updated for 2000

    • Mayoral Elections Data Base (US Conference of Mayors)
      • Lists current year's elections by name of city
      • Identifies state, winner, if incumbent, percentage of vote, and month of election
      • Identifies forthcoming election months

Voter Registration

    • How to Register to Vote
      • State-by-state guide to voter registration laws, qualifications, deadlines
      • Procedure includes links to state agencies and the names of county clerks
      • Brief section of voting facts and close races won by a few votes

    • Secretary of State Offices (Political Resources)
      • Links to state Secretary of State offices
      • Individual web sites often have campaign information and election results

    • State Voter Registration Offices (League of Women Voters)
      • Telephone number and web link to state election officials
      • Many states have on-line form for voter registration with instructions and application deadlines

    • Voting and Registration Data (Census Bureau)
      • Sociodemographic characteristics of voters (age, race, sex, employment, and education status) since 1964
      • Does not include who people voted for
      • Projections of voting age population for the current election by state and then age, race, sex

    • Voting Assistance Guide
      • Appendix B lists prsidential and state primary dates and runoff dates
      • Located in the Graduate Library Reference Room (JK 1876 .A36)
      • PDF version of Voting Assistance Guide

Youth Participation

    • Choose or Lose (MTV)
      • Aimed at youth market
      • Campaign issues in 2000 election
      • Humorous cartoons of the Presidential candidates

    • Rock the Vote
      • Campaign issues for youth (civil rights, money)
      • Voter registration drive
      • History and mission of Rock the Vote

    • Youth, Voting and the 2000 Election (Kaiser/MTV)
      • Public opinion poll of 18-24 year olds on plans to vote, reasons for not voting, preferred Presidential candidates, and top issues
      • Press release in HTML format with questionnaire results in pdf format

Election Results and Dispute



    • ABC News
      • Real-time coverage of votes for President, House, Senate, Governor, and state ballot proposals
      • National and state data

    • Almanac of American Politics (UMich Only)
      • Presidential election results for each Congressional District is found under the description of the district and its representative
      • See 2002 edition for original 2000 district boundaries; see 2004 for the 2003 district boundaries

    • CNN
      • Presidential Election with vote totals by state and county
      • House of Representatives - by state and Congressional District with district and county totals plus biographies
      • Senate with state and county totals, biographies
      • Governor with state and county totals, biographies
      • Selected Ballot Measures arranged by state with ballot summaries, state and county totals
      • Also includes declared and undeclared races and news on Presidential results

    • Congressional E-Mail List - 107th Congress
      • Preliminary list based on November 7, 2000 elections
      • One text file arranged by house and then state
      • Indicates election status (re-elected, new, not running, not declared)
      • Provides official e-mail list of incumbents and campaign e-mail for newly-elected Congressmen

    • David Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections
      • Maps and tables with Presidential votes since 1860
        • Maps outline state electoral votes
        • Tables show major and independent presidential and vice presidential candidates, popular and electoral votes, and percentages for both
      • County election data for 1912, 1968, and 1980-2000
      • County map of Presidential vote for 2000
      • This is truly wonderful!

    • Election Night Coverage by the Networks
      • Hearing before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Feb. 14, 2001

    • Election 2000 Archive (Library of Congress)
      • Archive of over 1000 campaign web sites, August 2000-January 2001
      • Includes political parties, candidates, news sources, and humor

    • Election 2000@ICPSR
      • List of national data sets for election results, exit polls, and public opinion
      • Sample ballots from Florida counties

    • Election Day Exit Polls (Roper Center)
      • Sells CDs of detailed election polls from the news organization pools for 2000 (Voter News Service) and 2004 (Edison Media Research)
      • Detailed microdata at the national and state level includes Presidential and Senatorial choices, reasons for voting, and voter characteristics (age, income, religion)
      • Documents Center CD-ROM (Docs CD-ROM Do258) has data in ASCII and SPSS formats for manipulation
      • CD includes national and state summaries for both years in pdf (e.g. religion cross-tabulated by preferred candidate but not religion by income by preferred candidate

    • National Association of Latino Elected Officials
      • Number of Latinos in the U.S. House, state houses, and state senates before and after the election
      • Arranged by state

    • National Governors Association
      • Comprehensive results of gubernatorial elections in states and territories
      • Biographies of new governors
      • State ballot proposals

    • Presidential Votes by County
      • Map appears in Newsweek, November 20, 2000, p. 19

    • Women Candidates
      • Center for American Women and Politics
        • Historical data (since 1974) on women elected to state and federal offices
        • Some tables by state or incumbent/challenger status
        • Includes winners and losers in the 2000 election by name
      • Gender Gap
        • Summary numbers of women who won elections for Congress and governorships in November 2000

State and Local

    • Michigan Election Results (MEL)
      • Live posting of election results from the State of Michigan on November 7
      • Live results beginning at 8 p.m. from Allegan, Baraga, Barry, Branch, Calhoun, Cass, Cheboygan, Eaton, Emmet, Hillsdale, Jackson, Lenawee, Missaukee, Newaygo, Oceana, Ottawa, Roscommon, St. Joseph and Van Buren counties
      • Links to clerk web sites for Berrien, Clinton, Genesee, Ingham, Kent, Macomb, Muskegon, Oakland, Washtenaw, and Wayne counties

    • State Secretaries of State
      • Links to state web sites carrying election results

Recounts for Presidential Election

Bush v. Gore | Bush v. Palm Beach | Candidate Speeches | Civil Rights Probe
Federal Law | Florida Election Results | Florida Law | Gore v. Harris | Jacobs v. Seminole
Media Recount | News Media | Supreme Court Decision | Taylor v. Martin County

Media Recount

    • Florida Ballots Study (CNN)
      • Detailed methodology, including pictures
      • Election reform efforts in Florida
    • Recounts Would Have Favored Bush (Washington Post)
      • Results of year-long media recount of Florida vote
      • Story released on November 12, 2001
      • Provides various scenarios, including an interactive scenario for the reader

News Media

    • CNN News
      • Latest news updated every 10 minutes
      • Analysis and public letters
      • CNN Law Library includes complaints, legal cases, motions, and decisions

    • Decision 2000 (Court TV)

    • Guide to Election Court Challenges (MSNBC)
      • Easy-to-understand guide to key cases
      • Includes Supreme Court, recount challenges in Leon County Circuit Court, and absentee ballot challenges
      • Plaintiff, defendant, court handling the case, summary, related documents, and time line

    • Miami Herald
      • Coverage of voting machines, recounts, and election challenge cases

    • Miami Herald Recount Results
      • Various scenarios for recounting the undervotes in Florida counties
      • All but one scenario shows Bush would have won under Gore-recommended standards and Gore would have squeaked by under Bush recommended standards
      • Article dated April 4, 2001

    • MSNBC
      • News and analysis of the recount effort

    • Palm Beach Post
      • Election 2000 coverage on the Florida recount
      • Article on March 10 concludes that Palm Beach butterfly ballot cost Al Gore the election

Candidate Speeches

Absentee Ballot Applications

Jacobs v. Seminole County

Taylor v. Martin County

Contest of Election Results
Gore v. Harris
(Sauls and FLA Supreme Court)

Florida Election Results

    • Broward County
      • Use pulldown menu for cumulative election results for Nov. 7, 2000

    • Election Results and Recount By County (CNN)
      • County-by-county Presidential election results in Florida
      • November 7th totals and additions/subtractions as a result of recount

    • Election 2000@ICPSR
      • List of national data sets for election results, exit polls, and public opinion
      • Sample ballots from Florida counties

    • Florida Division of Elections
      • Total official election results for the state
      • Press releases by Secretary of State Katherine Harris

    • Miami-Dade
      • Pre-election information but little in results as of November 20, 2000

    • Palm Beach County
      • Precinct level results for President

    • Volusia County
      • Recount by precinct and results of overseas ballots

Florida Law and Courts

Civil Rights Probe

    • Civil Rights Commission Probe (Civil Rights Commission)
      • Links to documents and letters
      • Initial report claims problem in Florida was disenfranchisement rather than recount
      • Copy from GPO
    • Draft Report of Civil Rights Commission (Washington Post)
      • Found no conspiracy but charges that Florida officials were inept in administering elections
      • African-Americans were disenfranchised due to election roll purging and undercounts

Federal Law

    • Constitution of the United States Annotated
      • Constitution and Amendments annotated with references to Supreme Court cases as of 1996
      • Article II and 14th Amendment are basis for Bush petition
      • Senate and Government Printing Office project

    • United States Code (via Cornell Law School)
      • Text of all laws in force
      • Presidential elections are covered in Title 3
      • Searchable by popular title of law, title and section of the U.S. Code, or keyword
      • Currently the best interface

Supreme Court Case
Bush v. Gore

    • Continues Gore v. Harris
    • Supreme Court Stay (CNN)
      • Stay against manual counting of Florida votes until hearing held
      • Issued December 9, 2000
    • Supreme Court Decision (SC - pdf)
      • Complex decision rendered on December 12, 2000
      • Reverses Florida manual recount due to lack of standards
      • Remands decision to Florida Supreme Court to establish standards
      • Says time has run out; December 12 is legitimate deadline
      • Another Copy (Cornell)
        • HTML and PDF formats for per curiam decision, one concurrence, and four dissents
      • Another Copy (CNN - pdf)
      • Another Copy (Court TV - pdf)
    • Bush Brief (C-Span)
      • 57 pages in pdf
      • Filed December 10, 2000
    • Gore Brief (CNN)
      • 58 pages in pdf
      • Filed December 10, 2000
    • Supreme Court Hearing (CNN)
      • Transcript of hearing held on December 11, 2000
      • Another Copy (C-Span)

Supreme Court Case
Bush v. Palm Beach County Canvassing Board

Electoral College

    • College Bound (Time)
      • Article with FAQs on the electoral college
      • Includes role of Lieberman and Gore in the new Senate
      • Time Magazine, November 20

    • Electoral Pledges (NARA)
      • List of states requiring and not requiring electors to vote for the winner of the popular Presidential vote
      • For non-mandatory states, provides citation to the law and possible penalties

    • Faithless Electors
      • State list of how electors are chosen, whether names appear on the ballot, and whether they are bound by law to vote for candidate receiving popular vote

    • Federalist Paper #68
      • Explanation of the Electoral College by Alexander Hamilton

    • Time to Reform the Electoral College? (
      • Issue analysis of the electoral college
      • Articles and excerpts of Congressional testimony
      • Dated July 2000

    • United States Electoral College (NARA)
      • Electoral college laws and procedures
      • Number of electoral votes per state for the 2000 elections
      • State-by-state electoral college votes, 1789-1996

Voting Equipment

    • Accuracy, Integrity, and Security in Computerized Vote Tallying by Roy Saltman, 1988, National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 500-158 (Media Union Microfiche C 13.10 500-158)
      • Accuracy of various computerized voting methods
      • Recommendation 1.7 concerns the pre-scored punch cards (votematic) involved in the 2000 election
      • This 1988 report entered into evidence at the Leon County trial on recounting election results, December 2, 2000

    • Accuracy, Integrity, and Security in National Elections: The Role of the U.S. Congress
      • Article presented by Roy Saltman in 1993 at the Third Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy
      • As described by author, article notes that Congress had failed to exercise legislative oversight on computers producing federal election results
      • Recommends application of the Computer Security Act

    • Effective Use of Computing Technology in Vote Tallying, 1975, National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 500-30 (Media Union QC 100.U576 no. 500-30

    • Election Data Services
      • Includes 1998 voting equipment study showing voting equipment used by county, precinct, population, and registered voters in the U.S. (numbers and percentages)
      • Map of Presidential election results by county

    • National Association of State Election Directors
      • Lists vendors of approved voting equipment

    • Voting Equipment
      • Bottom of page describes voting systems used in the United States
      • Background on voting standards

    • Voting Methods (USA Today)
      • Pop-up map shows the various voting methods by county

After the Election

Congressional Certification of Electoral Vote

    • Congressional Record
      • Joint Session of Congress debates and votes
      • Issued as House proceedings for January 6, 2001
    • C-Span Video
      • Aired on January 7, 2001
      • Access through Road to the White House

Bush Cabinet

Presidential Appointments

    • Bush-Cheney Transition
      • Application forms for appointment
    • Plum Book
      • List of positions available for Presidential appointment, pay scale, and incumbent
      • "Plum" refers to "Political Plum"
    • Presidential Appointee Initiative (Brookings)
      • Practical guide to people receiving job offer from the incoming administration
      • Offices available, making the decision, dealing with the press, life after government service
      • Requisite forms, appointment process, Senate confirmation hearings
      • Also includes articles and nomination rumors
    • Prune Book 1997
      • Administrative skills needed for federal executive jobs
      • Prepared by industry to assist changes in administration

Presidential Inauguration

    • I Do Solemnly Swear (Library of Congress)
      • Pictures of Presidential inaugurations and texts of inaugural addresses
      • Browsable by President and subject; searchable by keyword

    • President Bush's Inaugural Address (January 20, 2001)

    • Presidential Inaugural.Com
      • Will carry commercial advertisements about activities and accomodations for the inauguration on January 20, 2001
      • Prior to the election includes the oath of office, inaugural history links

Navigation Map

Grace York, Political Science Librarian
Christina Campbell, Documents Assistant, August 2000
University of Michigan Library
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