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Search results for “appliances”


Appliances typically refer to electronic devices used in a space to perform a task. Kitchen appliances include dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, etc.

Learn more about purchasing green appliances in the Green Products Compilation.

Learn & Plan Topics

  • Materials, Furniture, and Furnishings Replacement

    Daily wear and tear means that materials, furniture and furnishings require periodic replacement.

  • Water Efficiency

    Buildings are significant users of the Earth’s potable water supply.  The goal of a responsible building operator should be to encourage a smarter use of water, both inside and outside the facility.  Indoor water use reduction is typically achieved through efficient plumbing fixtures, fittings, appliances and process equipment used to heat and cool the building; outdoor water use reduction efforts should focus on water-wise landscaping.

  • Best Practices Applicable to All Project Types

    This section presents key issues that should be considered for each project type. It is intended to help you think about your overall project, before you begin to compare and select specific materials. This will enable you to select the "best" strategies and materials for your project, given the opportunities and constraints you have identified. Use the sidebar to navigate to your specific project type.

  • Keys to Success

    Sustainable design, construction, operation, and renovation are best thought of as an integrated process, rather than a collection of things. The process involves new ways of designing, constructing and operating our buildings and facilities.

  • Space Reconfiguration and Renovation Projects

    As needs change over time, tenants often need to convert space or phase the conversion of individual space or rooms to meet these changing needs.


  • Kitchen Appliances

    Kitchen equipment, such as dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, and water coolers, can be energy and water intensive; its important to seek out energy and water efficient models. Many newly manufactured kitchen appliances are ENERGY STAR rated, which means that they use less electricity and/or water.

Green Products

  • Everything 47

    • Learn & Plan Topics 5

      • Learn
      • Plan
    • Whole Building 0

    • Compare Materials 1

Procure Products 41

in the Green Products Compilation