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SAGE, the Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience, is a unique educational program designed to introduce students in geophysics and related fields to "hands on" geophysical exploration and research. The program emphasizes both teaching of field methods and research related to basic science and a variety of applied problems.

SAGE is hosted by the National Security Education Center and the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division of the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Major support for SAGE is provided by the U. S. Department of Energy and U. S. National Science Foundation. SAGE is a National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates program.

ANNOUNCING SAGE 2013 — Our 31st Year!!

For U.S. undergraduates and foreign undergraduates with permanent resident (PR) status: June 17 (Monday) through July 11 (Thursday). Arrival is on June 16.

For all other students and professional attendees: June 20 (Thursday) through July 11 (Thursday). Arrival is on June 19.

Fee $500 includes room and board.

Detailed information is available on How to Apply page.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5:00 PM Mountain Daylight Time, Friday, March 29, 2013.

Watch & Read About Vibroseis


Powerpoint Timed Presentation

What Will I Gain from SAGE?

  • LEARN seismic reflection & refraction techniques.
  • GET to the gravity of the matter.
  • FAMILIARIZE yourself with electromagnetic methods.
  • APPLY geophysics to environmental or archaeological problems.
  • MEET other students with similar geophysical interests.
  • INTRODUCE yourself to career opportunities - make contacts with industry representatives.
  • STUDY the tectonics of an active continental rift.

Read More About SAGE


Support to SAGE includes loans of major equipment and industry-standard software, visits from working professionals, and financial assistance.


2000 Recipient of the Special Commendation Award of the Society of Exploration
Geophysicists to Co-directors

" recognition of meritorious service rendered the scientific community, the Earth sciences, and exploration geophysics."

1998 Recipient of the Excellence in
Geophysical Education Award of the American Geophysical Union acknowledge a sustained commitment to excellence in geophysical education.