United States Holocaust Memorial Museum The Power of Truth: 20 Years
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For Teachers: Teaching about the Holocaust

The Museum has many resources for teachers striving to help students learn the history of the Holocaust and reflect upon the moral and ethical questions raised by that history.

Why teach about the Holocaust?
Why teach about the Holocaust?
Consider rationales for teaching Holocaust history that resonate with state standards. Think about how this history links to genocide taking place in the world today. Discover guidelines and discussions that support rationales for teaching this history.
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What do I teach?
What do I teach?
Ever wonder what topics are the most important to teach about a history as vast as the Holocaust? Your core rationale will guide you to topics to emphasize, but this list of essential topics to teach will help you present a comprehensive Holocaust history. Included are stories about Holocaust survivors, lessons for the classroom, activities to assign students and hundreds of useful resources.
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What teacher training opportunities are available?
What teacher training opportunities are available?
Take the time to deepen your understanding of Holocaust history and enrich your teaching skills. In addition to an online workshop, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum offers workshops and conferences onsite at the Museum and in your state.
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Guidelines for teaching
Guidelines for teaching
Educators at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum have developed ten guidelines to assist you in presenting this history ( and others) in a thought-provoking and responsible way. Content and methodology suggestions and cautions will help you make decisions about approach and emphasis. Five additional guidelines, building on the first ten, are presented for teaching about a genocide, such as Rwanda or Darfur.
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