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130124-M-UY849-273.JPG Photo By: Lance Cpl. Alyssa N. Hoffacker

Jan 31,2013
PHNOM PENH, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - U.S. Navy Lt. Kim Nguyen, left, observes as Royal Cambodian Armed Forces surgeons operate on a patient Jan. 24 at the Phnom Penh Preah Ket Melea Hospital in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, during Cambodia Medical Exercise 13-1. “It’s inspiring to see the doctors overcome the challenges they face every day,” said Nguyen. “They are aware they are sometimes short on resources, but modify their care and techniques for the good of patients.” The U.S. service members are working alongside Royal Cambodian Armed Forces medical personnel during subject-matter expert exchanges to increase Cambodia and U.S. medical capability, capacity and interoperability. Nguyen is a general surgeon with 3rd Medical Battalion, Combat Logistics Regiment 35, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, III Marine Expeditionary Force.


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