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9/11 Generation

I was three at the end of the Gulf War.

Throughout my childhood, I only knew peacetime; until that fateful Tuesday morning that shook America to her core. I was 14 and I couldn’t wrap my mind around what was happening. To this day, I get physically sick watching footage of the 9/11 attacks.

I remember standing outside and watching in disbelief as the smoke rose over my city and the smell of the burning rubble that crept uptown. I remember how the “city that never sleeps,” froze. I remember the footage replaying, watching people – desperate in their final moments – jumping to their death before the inconceivable collapse of the towers.

That night, when President Bush addressed the nation, I got my first inkling of patriotism. I remember that burning in my heart …

“Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts.

Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror.

The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger…”

As the days passed, the silence that lingered over the city eventually grew into an intense feeling of devotion to everything that America stands for.  I wish I could describe the patriotism that surrounded the city as New Yorkers attempted to return to normalcy.

I didn’t recognize that patriotism again until I saw my cousin off for his second deployment to Iraq, and decided I wanted to be a Marine.

Today, that same patriotism resonates throughout our ranks.

Since 9/11, 5.2 million service members have worn the uniform and 44% are still in the military. Each person in uniform today either entered or chose to remain in the military amidst two wars.

2.3 million service members have deployed in support of operations Iraqi Freedom, and Enduring Freedom/New Dawn.

Ten years of war has made us the most combat-hardened generation since World War II.

We are the 9/11 Generation.

All volunteers, who chose to serve in a time of war.

As the 10th anniversary of the attacks on 9/11 quickly approach, we must remember all those we lost that tragic day and pay homage to the generation that has borne the burden of America’s security during a decade of war.

To my fellow Marines, soldiers, Sailors, airmen, wounded warriors, and our families:

Thank you for your service, continued sacrifice and for securing freedom so our children don’t have to witness the horrors we did ten years ago.

Semper Fidelis.

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  • Starreporter

    I was 20 as has happened 9 / 11. It was a huge shock for me. I have it on the radio when I heard on the way from the professionalschool. When I saw it on TV yet, ultimately, is for me a world collapsed …

  • Bijuterii argint

    9/11 was a big crush all over the world. we will never forget that.

  • Josue Padilla

    I too was 6 when I saw that on television. I sat with my dad as the towers collapsed. I am signing up after high school and hopefully go on to OCS later on to see if I have what it takes to lead the best. Im from the 9/11 generation.

  • Studio Videochat

    I am from Romania and even here we have shared those awful moments from 9/11/2001. every year on that date , we remind about that.

  • The_marine89

    on 9/11/01 i was 6 years of age. all i remember from that day is my parents watching the news  at six in the morning and witnessing what happened on that day. im 16 i currently go to the only school named after Todd Beamer. who was aboard united airlines flight 93. I am turning 17 in november and at the end of my junior year i will be signing up for the marines like all my friends have signed up for other branches. my name is Devinn West and im part of the 9/11 Generation.

  • Creekhockey20

    god bless the USA.

  • Michelle

    I was a teenager for three peaceful days. I remember sitting in classroom in Kansas City and getting the feeling that New York was a lot closer than it had ever been. A classmate had a sister in college in Manhattan. We were scared and confused. Today I am proud to be a part of this generation and proud of my friends and relatives who have served in the operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom/New Dawn.