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U.S. History Topics » Famous People » Explorers

See Featured 31 Resources
American Journeys provides eyewitness accounts of North American exploration, from the Vikings in Canada (1000) to the diaries of mountain men (1800). Read the words of ship captains, fur traders...  (Institute of Museum and Library Services)
Lewis and Clark: The National Bicentennial Exhibition is a multimedia exhibit that follows the Corps of Discovery from the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers through the human geography of western North America. Explore 29 places and events...  (Missouri Historical Society, supported by Multiple Agencies)
Vistas: Visual Culture in Spanish America, 1520-1820 examines colonial-era Spanish America -- a region that covered much of the Americas, extending from California to Chile from the 16th century to the early 19th century. Primary...  (Smith College, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
Exploration and Explorers looks at Europe's view of North America before and after Columbus, Martin Waldseemuller's 1507 map of the world, Diego Gutierrez's 1562 map of America, Spanish and Portuguese...  (Library of Congress)
Historic Maps in K-12 Classrooms offers lesson plans built around historically important maps on 18 topics: Columbus's world (1482), an Indian map of the Southeast (1721), Captain Cook and Hawaii (1778), "Nouvelle...  (Newberry Library, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities) provides lessons, teaching guides, best practices, and other resources for teaching history. See videos on "what is historical thinking," teaching history in elementary school, and...  (, supported by Department of Education)
African American History Month Federal Resources The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution...  (Library of Congress)
Web de Anza is an interactive environment for studying Spain's exploration and colonization of "Alta California" (1774-1776). Diaries and letters (available in both English and Spanish), maps and...  (University of Oregon, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
Meeting of Frontiers: America and Russia is a bilingual, multimedia digital library that tells the story of the American exploration and settlement of the West, the parallel exploration and settlement of Siberia and the...  (Library of Congress)
1492: An Ongoing Voyage examines the rich mix of societies coexisting in the New World before Europeans arrived. It looks at what was life like here before 1492; how Europeans, Africans, and Americans...  (Library of Congress)
Map Collections: 1544-1996 offers thousands of digitized online maps. The collections are broken into seven categories, cities and towns, conservation and environment, discovery and exploration, immigration and...  (Library of Congress)
Pioneering the Upper Midwest: Books from Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, 1820-1910 portrays the states of Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin from the 17th to the early 20th century through first-person accounts, biographies, promotional literature, local histories...  (Library of Congress)
The Lewis and Clark Expedition: Documenting the Uncharted Northwest recounts the expedition's crossing of the Lemhi Pass and Lolo Trail, and the time spent at Fort Clatsop near the Pacific Ocean. Although the Corps of Discovery did not realize its...  (National Park Service, Teaching with Historic Places)
Explore the West with the Lewis and Clark Expedition is a travel itinerary of 41 forts, Indian villages, mounds, mountain passes, trails, caves, and other sites along the 8,000-mile journey. The expedition -- launched from St. Charles...  (National Register of Historic Places, supported by National Park Service)
Fill up the Canvas features journal entries from 20 points in the journey of Lewis and Clark: mission preparations, winter in St. Louis, first council with Indians, death of Sergeant Floyd, first...  (Library of Congress)
Rivers, Edens, Empires: Lewis & Clark and the Revealing of America looks at historical maps, relations with Indians, and expedition artifacts -- the blunderbuss, Jefferson's secret message to Congress, his instructions for Meriwether Lewis, and...  (Library of Congress)
Zoom into Maps offers hundreds of historical maps -- maps showing European exploration of the Americas; migration, population, and economic activity; the growth of roads, railways, canals, river...  (Library of Congress)
Lewis and Clark as Naturalists presents flora and fauna as they described it on their 3,700-mile journey launched in St. Louis in May 1804. Follow the Lewis and Clark trail using an interactive map, or browse the...  (Smithsonian Institution)
Lewis and Clark: Mapping the West features maps of the famous expedition. The Corps of Discovery collected 30 maps from Indians, trappers, and traders, and prepared 140 maps -- most of them drawn or compiled by Clark...  (Smithsonian Institution)
First American West: The Ohio River Valley, 1750-1820 consists of letters, journals, books, newspapers, maps, and images documenting the land, peoples, and exploration of the trans-Appalachian West. The first European travelers, their...  (Library of Congress)
Lewis and Clark 200 represents an effort by 32 federal agencies and organizations to provide a web portal for information about Lewis and Clark historical places. It profiles Lewis and Clark and other...  (Multiple Agencies)
Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail provides information about activities and education programs related to the 3,700-mile trail that the Corps of Discovery traveled. Most of the trail follows the Missouri and Columbia...  (National Park Service)
The American Revolution and Its Era: Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies, 1750-1789 features more than 2,000 items, many with distinct coloration and annotations. Cartographers can compare multiple editions, states, and impressions of several of the most important...  (Library of Congress)
Study of Place offers two online science units for middle-school students. Antarctic Exploration tells the story of Sir Ernest Shackleton's 1914 expedition to Antarctica and how, when his ship...  (TERC, supported by National Science Foundation)
Lewis and Clark offers maps, manuscripts, timelines, and photos related to the famed expedition. It includes resources for learning about Meriwether Lewis, Sacagawea, Congress's role in the Louisiana...  (Library of Congress)
Waldseemüller's Map: World 1507 is a lesson designed around one of the world's most important maps. The first to use the name "America," this map resulted from an effort to document geographic discoveries of the late...  (Library of Congress)
Drake's West Indian Voyage 1588-1589 is a lesson investigating maps of a voyage by Sir Francis Drake that involved attacks on Spanish settlements off the coasts of Africa (Santiago), South America (Cartagena), and North...  (Library of Congress)
Parallel Histories: Spain, United States, and the American Frontier explores the history of Spanish expansion into North America, American expansion westward, and the meeting of the two frontiers. The site provides maps, texts, manuscripts, and prints...  (Library of Congress)
The Luso-Hispanic World In Maps includes maps created back to the early 16th century, when exploration and new discoveries brought the need for improved information about the world. The maps, most of which are hand...  (Library of Congress)
The Lewis and Clark Expedition presents 13 documents and photos related to the 1804-6 expedition into the newly acquired Louisiana Territory. The documents include a list of Indian presents Lewis purchased, his...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
The Lewis and Clark Journey of Discovery provides games, quizzes, profiles of members of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, and lesson ideas and teacher resources...  (National Park Service)

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