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NOAA Alternative Dispute Resolution Program

Mediation Services: Feedback Form

Please fill out this form to let us know about your experience with ADR.

Pre-Mediation Intake:

  1. Communications during the intake process was:

  2. Were questions answered satisfactorily?

  3. Was the mediation scheduled to meet your needs?

Comments regarding the process:

During the mediation:

  1. The mediation session was:

  2. Were the mediators fair, impartial and professional with all parties?

  3. Did the mediators make you feel comfortable discussing your situation?

  4. Did the mediators help everyone understand the important issues of the situation?

  5. Were you satisfied with the terms of your written settlement agreement?

Comments about the Session:


Post-Mediation Satisfaction:

  1. Has the mediation caused the relationship to be:

  2. Have you referred to the settlement agreement:

Comments about


General Feedback:

  1. How did you originally become of NOAA's Alternative Dispute Resolution Program?

  2. Would you recommend this program to others:




Personal information (optional)

/Series Grade

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