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New England Water Science Center - Massachusetts Office

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WaterWatch for Massachusetts

WaterWatch for Massachusetts provides links to the various national USGS WaterWatch, GroundwaterWatch, WaterQualtityWatch, Flood Watch and Drought Watch pages. These national pages display maps, graphs, and tables describing real-time, recent, and past streamflow, groundwater level, and water-quality conditions for the United States. The real-time information generally is updated on an hourly basis.

WaterWatch for Massachusetts provides direct links to USGS data pages for the following topic areas:

Surface-Water Watch for Massachusetts

SurfaceWaterWatch for Massachusetts provides links to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) World Wide Web WaterWatch site that provides streamgage-based maps that:

  • Show the location of USGS streamgages in Massachusetts;
  • Use colors to represent streamflow conditions compared to historical streamflow;
  • Feature a point-and-click interface allowing users to retrieve graphs of stream stage (water elevation) and flow;
  • Highlight locations where extreme hydrologic events, such as floods and droughts, are occurring.

Click on the links below for each topic to go directly to the WaterWatch topic pages for Massachusetts.

Current streamflow conditions

Real-time streamflow The "Real-time streamflow" map tracks short-term changes (over several hours) in rivers and streams. Although the general appearance of the map changes very little from one hour to the next, individual sites may change rapidly in response to major rain events or to reservoir releases.

The map depicts streamflow conditions as computed at USGS gaging stations. The colors represent real-time streamflow compared to percentiles of historical daily streamflow for the day of the year.

This map represents conditions relative to those that have historically occured at this time of year. Only stations having at least 30 years of record are used.
(Find out about

Site Map · Summary plot · Percent plot · Summary table · Table of recent flow and stage · Map

Daily streamflow for day of year The "Daily streamflow" map shows average streamflow conditions for the previous day. The map is similar in appearance to the "Real-time streamflow map" but less likely to reflect the influence of short-term events such as reservoir releases and short-duration precipitation events.

The map depicts streamflow conditions as computed at USGS aging stations. The colors represent daily streamflow compared to percentiles of historical daily streamflow for the day of the year. This map represents conditions adjusted for this time of the year. Only stations having at least 30 years of record are used.
(Find out about

Site Map · Summary plot · Percent plot · Summary table · Hydrologic unit map

Daily steamflow for all days of year The "Daily streamflow" map shows average streamflow conditions for the previous day. The map is similar in appearance to the "Real-time streamflow map" but less likely to reflect the influence of short-term events such as reservoir releases and short-duration precipitation events.

The map depicts streamflow conditions as computed at USGS aging stations. The colors represent daily streamflow compared to percentiles of historical daily streamflow for the day of the year. This map represents conditions adjusted for this time of the year. Only stations having at least 30 years of record are used.
(Find out about

Site Map · Summary plot · Percent plot · Summary table · Hydrologic unit map

7-day average streamflow for day of year The "7-day average streamflow" map shows the average streamflow conditions for the past seven days. By averaging over an entire week, the values on the map are more indicative of longer-term streamflow conditions than either the "Real-time streamflow" or the "Daily streamflow" maps.

The map depicts 7-day average streamflow conditions as computed at USGS gaging stations. The colors represent 7-day average streamflow compared to percentiles of historical 7-day average streamflow for the day of the year. This map represents conditions adjusted for this time of the year. Only stations having at least 30 years of record are used.
(Find out about

Site Map · Summary plot · Percent plot · Summary table · Hydrologic unit map

7-day average streamflow for all days of year The "7-day average streamflow" map shows the average streamflow conditions for the past seven days. By averaging over an entire week, the values on the map are more indicative of longer-term streamflow conditions than either the "Real-time streamflow" or the "Daily streamflow" maps.

The map depicts 7-day average streamflow conditions as computed at USGS gaging stations. The colors represent 7-day average streamflow compared to percentiles of historical 7-day average streamflow for all days of the year. This map represents conditions in the context of all historical data. Only stations having at least 30 years of record are used.
(Find out about

Site Map · Summary plot · Percent plot · Summary table · Hydrologic unit map

14-day average streamflow for day of year The "14-day average streamflow" map shows the average streamflow conditions for the past 14 days. By averaging over 14 days, the values on the map are more indicative of longer-term streamflow conditions than either the "Real-time streamflow" or the "Daily streamflow" maps.

The map depicts 14-day average streamflow conditions as computed at USGS gaging stations. The colors represent 14-day average streamflow compared to percentiles of historical 14-day average streamflow for the day of the year. This map represents conditions adjusted for this time of the year. Only stations having at least 30 years of record are used.
(Find out about

Site Map · Hydrologic unit map

28-day average streamflow for day of year The "28-day average streamflow" map shows the average streamflow conditions for the past 28 days. By averaging over past 28 days, the values on the map are more indicative of longer-term streamflow conditions than either the "Real-time streamflow" or the "Daily streamflow"" maps.

The map depicts 28-day average streamflow conditions as computed at USGS gaging stations. The colors represent 28-day average streamflow compared to percentiles of historical 28-day average streamflow for the day of the year. This map represents conditions adjusted for this time of the year. Only stations having at least 30 years of record are used.
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Site Map · Hydrologic unit map

Monthly streamflow for month of year

Site Map · Hydrologic unit map · Map

Flood Conditions

Massachusetts FloodWatch The "Flood and high flow" map shows the location of streamgages where the water level is currently at or above flood stage (depicted as a black triangle) or at high flow (depicted as blue circles) The high flow conditions are expressed as percentiles that compare the current (i.e., within the past several hours) instantaneous flow value to historical daily mean flow values for all days of the year. Please note that flood conditions may be more extensive than shown on the map because the National Weather Service (NWS) has not identified a flood stage (for flood forecasting purposes) at all USGS streamgaging sites. Also, the NWS has determined flood stages for some non-USGS streamgaging sites, which are not shown on the map. The most complete depiction of streamgages at or above flood stage is on the NWS River Conditions Map(Find out about )

Site Map · Table of recent flow and stage (flood stage in red) · Summary of recent flood and flow · Map

Drought Watch

Massachusetts Drought Watch: Surface water View a map showing the 7-day average streamflow conditions in hydrologic units of the United States and Puerto Rico for the day of year. The colors represent 7-day average streamflow percentiles based on historical streamflow for the day of the year. Thus, the map shows conditions adjusted for this time of the year. Only stations having at least 30 years of record are used. Subregions shaded gray indicate that insufficient data were available to compute a reliable 7-day average streamflow value. During winter months, this situation frequently arises due to ice effects. The data used to produce this map are provisional and have not been reviewed or edited. They may be subject to significant change.(Find out about )

7-day below normal streamflow for day of year The "below normal 7-day average streamflow" map shows the average streamflow conditions for the past 7 days. By averaging over 7 days, the values on the map are more indicative of longer-term streamflow conditions than either the "Real-time streamflow" or the "Daily streamflow" maps.

The map depicts below normal 7-day average streamflow conditions as computed at USGS gaging stations. The colors represent below normal 7-day average streamflow compared to percentiles of historical below normal 7-day average streamflow for the day of the year. This map represents conditions adjusted for this time of the year. Only stations having at least 30 years of record are used.
(Find out about

Site Map · Summary plot · Hydrologic unit map

7-day below normal streamflow for all days of year The "below normal 7-day average streamflow" map shows the average streamflow conditions for the past 7 days. By averaging over 7 days, the values on the map are more indicative of longer-term streamflow conditions than either the "Real-time streamflow" or the "Daily streamflow" maps.

The map depicts below normal 7-day average streamflow conditions as computed at USGS gaging stations. The colors represent below normal 7-day average streamflow compared to percentiles of historical below normal 7-day average streamflow for all days of the year. This map represents conditions in the context of all historical data. Only stations having at least 30 years of record are used.
(Find out about

Site Map · Summary plot · Hydrologic unit map

14-day below normal streamflow for day of year The "below normal 14-day average streamflow" map shows the average streamflow conditions for the past 14 days. By averaging over 14 days, the values on the map are more indicative of longer-term streamflow conditions than either the "Real-time streamflow" or the "Daily streamflow" maps.

The map depicts below normal 14-day average streamflow conditions as computed at USGS gaging stations. The colors represent below normal 14-day average streamflow compared to percentiles of historical below normal 14-day average streamflow for the day of year. This map represents conditions adjusted for this time of the year. Only stations having at least 30 years of record are used.
(Find out about

Site Map · Hydrologic unit map

28-day below normal streamflow for day of year The "below normal 28-day average streamflow" map shows the average streamflow conditions for the past 28 days. By averaging over 28 days, the values on the map are more indicative of longer-term streamflow conditions than either the "Real-time streamflow" or the "Daily streamflow" maps.

The map depicts below normal 28-day average streamflow conditions as computed at USGS gaging stations. The colors represent below normal 28-day average streamflow compared to percentiles of historical below normal 28-day average streamflow for the day of year. This map represents conditions adjusted for this time of the year. Only stations having at least 30 years of record are used.
(Droughtwatch: 28-day below normal streamflow for day of year

Site Map · Hydrologic unit map

Monthly below normal streamflow for month of year

Site Map · Hydrologic unit map

Hydro-climate data network

Real-time streamflow: Site map

Daily streamflow for day of year: Site map

Daily steamflow for all days of year: Site map

7-day average streamflow for day of year: Site map

7-day average streamflow for all days of year: Site map

14-day average streamflow for day of year: Site map

28-day average streamflow for day of year: Site map

Monthly streamflow for month of year: Site map

Historical StreamFlow

Annual summary

Groundwater Watch for Massachusetts

Groundwater Watch is a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) World Wide Web site that displays maps, graphs, and tables describing real-time, recent and past groundwater conditions. There are four national networks available on Groudwater Watch:

  • Active Groundwater Level Network contains water levels and well information from more than 20,000 wells that have been measured at least once within the past year regardless of measurement frequency, aquifer monitored, or the monitoring objective.
  • Climate Response Network monitors the effects of droughts and other climate variability on groundwater levels and consists of a national network of about 140 wells.
  • Real-Time Network records at 15-60 minute intervals, stored onsite, and then transmitted to USGS offices every 1 to 4 hours and are relayed to USGS offices via satellite, telephone, and/or radio and are available for viewing within minutes of arrival.
  • Long-Term Groundwater Data Network is comprised of active wells measured on a periodic, monthly or yearly basis for periods of 20, 30 or 50 years, whose records are at least 80% complete.

Click on the links below for each topic to go directly to the Groundwater Watch topic pages for Massachusetts.

Current groundwater conditions

Active water level network: Site MapActive Water Level Network Map

Site maps by county:

Barnstable Hampshire
Berkshire Middlesex
Bristol Nantucket
Dukes Norfolk
Essex Plymouth
Franklin Worcester

Real-time water level network: Site MapMap

Long-Term Groundwater Network

Annual Data: 20 yrs or more30 yrs or more50 yrs or more

Monthly Data: 20 yrs or more30 yrs or more50 yrs or more

Daily Data: 20 yrs or more30 yrs or more

Drought Watch

Massachusetts Drought Watch: Groundwater

Hydro-climate data network

Climate Response Network: Site MapMap

Water-Quality Watch for Massachusetts

Water-Quality Watch is a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) World Wide Web site that provides access to maps, graphs, statistics, and tables describing continuous real-time water-quality data collected in surface waters throughout the United States as part of the USGS mission to describe water resources. Measurements include streamflow (through WaterWatch) water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity. Continuous real-time water-quality data are used for decisions regarding drinking water, water treatment, regulatory programs, recreation, and public safety.

Click on the links below for each topic to go directly to the Water-Quality Watch topic pages for Massachusetts.

Current water-quality conditions

Water temperature: Site mapTable

Turbidity: Site mapTable

Specific conductance: Site mapTable

Dissolved Oxygen: Site mapTable

pH, field: Site mapTable

Discharge: Site mapTable


Real-Time Water Data Retrieval Map

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