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Technical Papers
  • Preassessment Data Report on the MP-69/Hurricane Ivan Oil Discharges, March 2005. High winds and waves associated with passage of Hurricane Ivan on September 15-16, 2004 caused a number of discharges from damaged facilities and pipelines in the Mississippi River Delta. Response and assessment activities for the majority of these discharges were combined into a single effort because these incidents occurred at approximately the same time; oil mixing occurred; and, because multiple responsible parties were involved. Response and Preassessment Phase efforts by responsible parties, state and federal trustees and contractors for eight separate incidents, including six pipeline leaks and two facility discharges, are described in this report.
  • 1993 Tampa Bay Oil Spill: A Tale of Two NRDAs, with One Happy Ending - Case Study: 1993 Tampa Bay Oil Spill: A Tale of Two NRDAs, with One Happy Ending from NRDA Lessons Learned Workshop, May 11-12, 2000, New Orleans, LA. Prepared by Jane Urquhart-Donnelly, Stephanie Fluke, Eugene J. O'Connor, and Gary S. Mauseth.
  • "Putting Response and Natural Resource Damage Costs in Perspective" - This paper was presented at the 1999 International Oil Spill Conference. In the paper, various categories of costs that may result from spill incidents are investigated. The costs for a number of incidents representing a range of spill volumes and locations are discussed. The data show that, contrary to the perception, costs for natural resource damages and assessment comprise only a small portion of total liability from an oil spill.
  • Contaminants in Aquatic Habitats at Hazardous Waste Sites: Mercury, December 1996. Review of published literature on mercury chemistry, bioaccumulation and toxicity. The paper's purpose is to highlight factors to consider in designing and evaluating ecological risk assessments, and in sampling, monitoring and analyzing environmental media in aquatic habitats affected by mercury.
    • The toxicity associated with mercury in tissues (Table 2) from the document has been updated with new studies in an expanded format.
  • PCB Changes in Fish After Remediation of a Hazardous Waste Site, 2007 This paper presents an evaluation of changes over space and time in polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations in several large and small fish. Fish came from many sampling locations in the Upper Hudson River (NY). Fish were sampled before and after removal of PCB-contaminated soil and sediment at the Sherman Island Pool reach of the river. The results of the analysis have implications for long-term monitoring strategies for fish at PCB-contaminated sites. The poster is intended for risk assessors, field biologists, and research scientists interested in the development and application of monitoring programs for contamination in fish tissues to evaluate effectiveness of remediation. This paper, in a poster format, was presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
  • Sediment Quality Guidelines (ERL/ERM), June 1999. The guidelines were initially intended for use by NOAA scientists in ranking areas that warranted further detailed study on the actual occurrence of adverse effects such as toxicity. Also, they were intended for use in ranking chemicals that might be of potential concern. They were not intended as cleanup or remediation targets, nor as discharge attainment targets. Nor were they intended as pass-fail criteria for dredged material disposal decisions or any other regulatory purpose. Rather, they were intended as informal (non-regulatory) guidelines for use in interpreting chemical data from analyses of sediments.

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