
How Has Exporting Helped Your Business?

March 12, 2012

President Obama announced the National Export Initiative (NEI) two years ago, with the goal of doubling exports by 2014. Here is a timeline of those first two years.

While it is an ambitious goal to double exports within five years, there are many individual successes of companies finding new markets, new buyers and new opportunities that will help realize this goal.

For example, there’s the exporter of routers who sells in 80 countries, or the aircraft manufacturer who lands a large order in Japan. Together these successes will help increase our national exports.

Here at the International Trade Administration, we’ve helped to coordinate 77 trade missions to 38 countries with 1,123 companies participating. In case you didn’t know, that’s a lot. A whole lot. These companies have reported that they’ve secured more than $1.25 billion so far in export sales as a direct result of these trade missions.

The success of the NEI depends on your successes. We invite you to share your export success stories with us. How has exporting helped you and your business?


  1. I applaude your mission to increase exports, and you have done a great job in doing so. Increasing our exports is important to reduce our trade deficit and help boost our economy. While you have helped coordinate many new trade missions, do you think that President Obama’s goal of doubling exports in five years in attainable?

  2. Any company that can increase exports and help reduce the deficit is fantastic. I think we are going to have to do it in areas we excel in and develop others we can excel in in the future. It will be forever difficult to compete with low wage countries for textile and inexpensive household items.

  3. This initiative has helped many SMEs expand their production to target wider regional markets and beyond

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