
Class Schedule For Fiscal Year 2013:
Class Number WLC Start Date Graduation Date
WLC 004-13 11 February 2013 14 March2013
graduation ceremony information: 1500 hrs at the NCO Academy.
WLC 005-13 18 March 2013 17 April 2013
WLC 006-13 22 April 2013 22 May 2013
WLC 007-13 28 May 2013 27 June 2013
WLC 008-13 01 July 2013 01 August 2013
WLC 009-13 05 August 2013 05 September 2013
WLC 010-13 09 September 2013 09 October 2013

Report time is 0800 at the NCO Academy, East Range Building 6055 in PT uniform (shorts and short sleeve t-shirt w/ organization PT belt)

* Graduation cermonies will be held at the SGT Smith Theater at 1500 hrs unless indicated above with asterisks.