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REE Work-Life Programs

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Overview

The REE Mission Area, as employers, are concerned with the well-being of their employees, the successful accomplishment of agency missions, and the need to maintain employee productivity. To that end, it is the REE agencies' policy that:

  • Appropriate prevention, treatment and rehabilitation programs and services are available to employees with emotional, personal, alcohol and/or drug abuse problems.

  • To the extent feasible and when it will enhance the performance of the employee, such programs and services are extended to the families of employees and to employees who have family members with these problems.

All REE employees should be aware of the services provided by the EAP. These programs are cost-free to employees, are designed to help employees address and overcome problems such as alcohol and drug abuse, work and family pressures, and job stress which can adversely affect performance, reliability and personal health.

Professional Counselors

EAP is free to employees and staffed by professional counselors who help you address problems. A counselor will discuss the problem with you and after helping you assess the problem, provide short-term counseling. If needed, the counselor will also refer you to other professional services and resources within their community for further information and assistance.


Confidentiality is critical to the EAP program. Your privacy is protected by strict confidentiality laws and regulations and by professional ethical standards for counselors. The details of your discussions with the counselor may not be released to anyone without your written consent. Employees must obtain approval of their supervisor prior to going to any EAP sessions during work time. However, you do not need to tell why you are going or what was discussed.

Offered Services

EAP can assist in any type of problem which may impact on-the-job performance, behavior, attendance and/or conduct. This may include alcohol/drug related issues as well as family and relationship issues such as domestic violence, child abuse or neglect, separation or divorce, single parenting, teenage adjustment or parent-child issues. Some emotional concerns that can be addressed are stress, anger management, depression, terminal illness of a family member, guilt, loss, or grief. Recently, some EAP contracts have begun offering legal and/or financial services. Please contact your EAP Coordinator to find out if these services are offered under your area's EAP contract.

Length of Counseling

Employees can use up to six 1-hour EAP visits without having to use their leave. However, if the counseling is during work time, the employee must obtain the approval of the supervisor prior to going for their appointment. EAP referrals to other resources is the responsibility of the employee. Since those resources may incur a cost, employees can coordinate any further treatment with their Federal Employees Group Health Insurance, who may cover some of the costs, depending upon the carrier.

Help for Supervisors

EAP can be beneficial to supervisors and managers as well when they have a performance problem, or are not sure how to handle a situation. EAP counselors can provide guidance, techniques and training on how supervisors can refer an employee for counseling.

Obtaining Services

The employee can call to make an appointment with an EAP counselor. The employee can schedule the appointments before, during and after the workday. EAP counseling can be through self-referral or supervisor-initiated referral.