Speeches of Attorney General Edwin Meese, III

1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988


March 3, 1985

Transcript of an Address by the Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before the J. Frank Coakley National Symposium on Crime Sponsored by the National College of District Attorneys, Amelia Island Plantation, Florida

March 14, 1985, 4:00 P.M.

Trancript of the Installation of hte Honorable Edwin Meese III as the Seventy-fifth Attorney General of the United States, United States Department of Justice, The Great Hall, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.

March 19, 1985, 9:00 a.m.

Remarks of the Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before the American College of Trial Lawyers, Lake Buena Vista, Florida

March 20, 1985, 1:00 p.m.

Address of Attorney General Edwin Meese III before the Washington Press Club (including question-and-answer session), Continental Room, Embassy Row Hotel, 2015 Massachusetts Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C.

March 22, 1985

Joint Statement Following the Meeting of Attorney General Edwin Meese III and Mexican Attorney General Sergio Garcia-Ramirez

May 1, 1985, 12:00 Noon

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The Judge Advocates Association, Pentagon Chapter of the Federal Bar Association Law Day Luncheon, Washington, D.C.

June 17, 1985

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The National Sheriffs' Association, Dallas, Texas

June 27, 1985

Remarks of Attorney Geneal Edwin Messe at National Association of High School Coaches

June 28, 1985

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before Colorado District Attorneys' Council, Snow Mass, Colorado

July 9, 1985

The American Bar Association

August 7, 1985

The Knights of Columbus

September 6, 1985

American Enterprise Institute

September 9, 1985

Statement of Edwin Meese III, Attorney General, before the Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and International Law, U.S. House of Representatives, Concerning The Immigration Control and Legalization Amendments Act

September 11, 1985

Statement of Edwin Meese III, Attorney General, before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Concerning International Narcotics Control

September 13, 1985, 8:30 P.M.

Address of the Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before the Federal Bar Association, Westin Hotel, Detroit, Michigan

September 14, 1985, 1:30 P.M. EDT

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The International Association of Jurists, Federal Circuit Court of Appeals, 717 Madison Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C.

September 17, 1985

Remarks of Attorney Geneal Edwin Messe at Dickinson College, Constitution Day Speech

September 18, 1985, 1:00 P.M. EDT

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The Metropolitan Club, One East 60th Street, New York, New York

September 24, 1985

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The San Diego Kiwanis Club, San Diego, California

September 26, 1985

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The Criminal Justice Legal Foundation, Los Angeles, California

September 27, 1985

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The San Diego Crime Commission, San Diego, California

September 28, 1985

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The Greater San Diego Industry Education Association, San Diego, California

September 28, 1985

Remarks of Attorney Geneal Edwin Messe at the California State Bar Association

September 29, 1985

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The Christian Legal Society Breakfast, San Diego, California

October 9, 1985

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The Mid-America Committee, Chicago, Illinois

October 10, 1985

Remarks of Attorney Geneal Edwin Messe at the National Partnership to Prevent Drug and Alcohol Abuse Dinner

October 15, 1985, 4:30 P.M. EDT (3:30 P.M. CDT)

Remarks of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, to The International Association of Chiefs of Police, Astro Arena, Astro Hall, Houston, Texas

November 15, 1985, 1:00 P.M. EST

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The D.C. Chapter of the Federalist Society Lawyers Division, Golden Palace, 720 Seventh Street N.W., Washington, D.C.

December 5, 1985, 1:00 P.M., Zurich Time

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce, Swiss Bar Association, Swiss Bankers Association, Zurich, Switzerland

December 9, 1985

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before United Nations Narcotics Officials, Vienna, Austria

December 10, 1985

Remarks of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, to The American Chamber, Vienna, Austria

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January 23, 1986, 8:30 P.M. EST

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before Economic Club of New York, New York City

January 30, 1986

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, to The Conservative Political Action Conference, Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.

February 10, 1986, 12:45 P.M.

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The Palm Beach County Bar Association, West Palm Beach, Florida

February 21, 1986

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, to The Institute for Contemporary Studies, Mark Hopkins Hotel, San Francisco, California

February 25, 1986

The National Press Club

February 27, 1986

The Constitution As A Bill Of Rights: Separation Of Powers And Individual Liberty, Lecture by The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, at the Bicentennial Program of the University of Dallas, Irving, Texas

March 12, 1986

Statement of Edwin Meese III, Attorney General, before the Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. House of Representatives, Concerning Department of Justice Authorization

March 17, 1986

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before Bangkok American Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand

March 18, 1986

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before East Asia Pacific Narcotics Coordinators Conference, Bangkok, Thailand

March 26, 1986

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The Afghan Refugees Camp, Islamabad, Pakistan

March 26, 1986

Remarks of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before Refugees at the Kacchagarhi Refugee Camp, near Peshawar, Pakistan

April 2, 1986, 1:00 P.M. EST

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The National Legal Center for the Public Interest, Department of State, Washington, D.C.

April 28, 1986, 9:00 A.M.

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The National Conference on Juvenile Justice Reform, Washington Marriott Hotel, Washington, D.C.

May 6, 1986

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The Metro Crime Stoppers, Martin's West, Baltimore, Maryland

May 20, 1986

Statement of Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, United States Department of Justice, before the Subcommittee on Consumer, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, Concerning the Administration's Product Liability Reform Measure and Related Proposals

May 23, 1986

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before Students of Langley High School, McLean, Virginia

June 11, 1986, 7:30 P.M. EDT

Remarks of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before Joseph Story Society, Center for Judicial Studies, Washington, D.C.

June 14, 1986

The Economic Liberties Conference

June 16, 1986

The Heritage Foundation

June 27, 1986, 12:00 Noon

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The National Conference on Correctional Policy, Washington, D.C.

September 11, 1986, 7:30 P.M.

A Prosecutor's Prosecutor: A Tribute To Henry Wade, by The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, Loew's Anatole Hotel, Dallas, Texas

September 12, 1986

St. Louis School of Law

September 17, 1986, 4:30 P.M.

Remarks of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, at The University of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia

October 6, 1986

Vanderbilt University Law School, "Promoting Truth in the Courtroom"

October 21, 1986

Tulane University, "The Law of Constitution"

December 7, 1986

AMA House of Delegates, Speech on the Family

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January 15, 1987

"Excerpts from a Speech Delivered Before the Abraxas Foundation in Pittsburgh, PA

January 21, 1987

Conference on Terrorism

February 10, 1987 at 10:30 a.m.

Speech Delivered by Attorney General Edwin Meese III before the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors in Los Angeles

February 19, 1987

The Conservative Political Action Committee Conference

March 3, 1987, 2:45 P.M. EST

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The National Association of Evangelicals National Convention, Hyatt Regency Hotel and Convention Center, Buffalo, New York

March 19, 1987, 4:00 P.M. EST

Charles W. Hartman Memorial Lecture Delivered by The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, at The University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi

March 19, 1987

PRIDE Conference

April 21, 1987

Speech to the Fifth Circuit Judicial Conference on Joseph Story

April 28, 1987

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The American Chamber of Commerce in Belgium, The American Club of Brussels, The American and Common Market Club, The Association Belgo-American, The Palace Hotel, Brussels, Belgium

May 1, 1987, 3:30 P.M.

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before the Federal Bar Association, Sheraton Society Hill, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

May 22, 1987

Remarks of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, on The Sentencing Commission's Guidelines before The American Law Institute, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C.

June 12, 1987, 12:30 P.M.

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, at the American Studies Center Bicentennial Program, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C.

June 17, 1987

Remarks of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, at the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, Vienna, Austria

July 31, 1987

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The Judicial Conference of the Tenth Circuit, U.S. Grant Hotel, San Diego, California

August 17, 1987

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The U.S. - China Joint Session on Trade, Investment and Economic Law, Great Hall of the People, Beijing, China

August 19, 1987

Closing Remarks of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The U.S. - China Joint Session on Trade, Investment and Economic Law, Great Hall of the People, Beijing, China

September 11, 1987

Opening Remarks of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The American Enterprise Institute and The United States Department of Justice Bicentennial Conference on "How Does The Constitution Establish Justice ?", The Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.

September 17, 1987

Attorney General Edwin Meese III, statement issued for immediate release

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January 12, 1988, 12:30 P.M.

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, at the American Correctional Association Conference, Phoenix, Arizona

January 31, 1988

Students for America

February 29, 1988

Alabama Governor's Conference on Drug Awareness

March 24, 1988

The Joseph Story Awards Banquet

April 25, 1988, 12:45

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The Economic Club of Detroit, Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan

May 13, 1988, 12:00 Noon

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before The Sixth Annual Judicial Conference, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.

May 25, 1988

The Advanced Obscenity and Child Pornography Conference

July 14, 1988

Statement by Attorney General Edwin Meese III for immediate release

July 21, 1988

Statement by Attorney General Edwin Meese III for immediate release

August 3, 1988

Address of The Honorable Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States, before the International Platform Association, The Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C.

August 4, 1988

Farewell Ceremony for Attorney General Edwin Meese III, United States Department of Justice, The Great Hall, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.

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Updated October 24, 2014