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Welcome to the New Jersey Wing Basic Encampment Homepage--we invite you to look around! 

You are viewing the web site dedicated to the 2013 New Jersey Wing Basic Encampment (BE13). This web site is here to pass along vital information concerning the BE13 that all officers, cadets, and their parents should be aware of.

During the week long encampment, cadets will attend classes covering topics such as US Air Force structure and mission, aerospace power, and aerospace heritage; CAP emergency services, aerospace education, and the cadet program; and aerospace career opportunities and requirements. Cadets will participate in physical fitness and drill and ceremonies activities daily. We are planning orientation flights in CAP and military aircraft , when available, provide the chance for cadets to experience flying first hand. Throughout all activities, the values of discipline, teamwork, personal responsibility, sportsmanship, confidence, and respect are taught and encouraged. New Jersey Wing has been conducting Basic Encampments for decades. Over these many years we have been guests in barracks on McGuire Air Force Base, Lakehurst Naval Air Station, and Fort Dix. As our Armed Forces began to consolidate and military bases were realigned we even found ourselves running the basic encampments in the field utilizing military tents on Fort Dix bivouac sites. No matter the location and no matter the conditions we have maintained one thing, a great Basic Encampment experience!

Join Us 3 August 2013 - 11 August 2013

During BE13 the Air Force has agreed to house us in their dorms located within the Fort Dix area of Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst (JB MDL). The support we are receiving from the Air Force is an example of the value they place on CAP and the importance of the Cadet Program as a source of future Air Force leaders. This support is extremely significant considering that we are still a nation at war and JB MDL is a training hub preparing many of our airmen and troops prior to deploying. With this in mind we understand that the needs of our nation take precedence over BE13 and our command staff has been developing contingency plans if required.

If you have any questions please let us know!

Capt David Isom, CAP
Commander, 2013 NJW BE13 and CLS

Contact the NJW BE13 Team