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Education Opportunities

In addition to providing training for those already in the workforce, the AVESTAR™ Center is exploring use of the facility to enhance graduate and undergraduate engineering education.  With support from the NETL-Regional University Alliance (NETL-RUA), the real-time dynamic simulators are used to augment engineering education in the areas of process simulation, dynamics, control, and safety.  Students and researchers learn how the plant responds dynamically to changes in the manipulated inputs, as well as how the control system impacts plant performance, stability, and robustness.  The 3D virtual ITSs are used for plant familiarization, walk-through, equipment animations, and safety scenarios.

Faculty members from two- and four-year institutions of higher education are encouraged to contact Richard Turton, Professor of Chemical Engineering from the West Virginia University College of Engineering and Mineral Resources and a registered professional engineer, to explore options.

The AVESTAR™ Center is interested in forming collaborations for enhancing the educational experience through the submission of joint proposals to funding agencies such as the National Science Foundation.

Example courses at West Virginia University include:Education Opportunities

  • Process Control for Chemical Engineers (CHE 435 Chemical Engineering Process Control) will allow chemical engineering seniors to spend approximately 4-6 hours in the facility learning about how control loops are implemented in a real process and how a real, complex process responds to changes in operating conditions, etc.
  • Process Simulation, a new course for juniors and seniors (CHE 483C – Simulation of Chemical Processes), will cover the theory of steady state and dynamic simulation and the development of operator training simulators. It is expected that students will spend 3-4 weeks working in the simulator facility and learning the key features of the OTS and practicing start-up and malfunction scenarios.

Contact: Richard Turton, Richard.Turton@mail.wvu.edu, (304) 293-6277