Midwinter Greetings 2010
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U.S. Antarctic Program - News Section United States Antarctic Program
U.S. Antarctic Program Personnel Send Midwinter's Greetings
Midwinter Greetings from McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Midwinter Greetings from McMurdo Station, Antarctica

Once again, the wintering population in Antarctica is celebrating Midwinter's Day as they have since the early days of exploration. The winter solstice is a turning point when people begin to think about the coming summer and the end of the austral night. Throughout the continent celebrations are held and messages of good will circulate among the stations.

Midwinter Greetings from South Pole Station, Antarctica
Midwinter Greetings from South Pole Station, Antarctica

Beginning with the International Geophysical Year, the President of United States has sent a special Midwinter's Message to all of the wintering personnel at U.S. and other nation's Antarctic stations. This year, President Obama emphasized that

Midwinter Greetings from Palmer Station, Antarctica
Midwinter Greetings from Palmer Station, Antarctica
Research on Antarctica bridges the past and future. It is a window to the past, giving us clues to the mysteries of the Earth's evolution and providing a platform from which we can learn about cosmological processes that predate the first star or galaxy in the universe.

In closing President Obama commended the international wintering community for their dedication and commitment to discovery and for their ability to inspire and encourage people around the world.

This year, greetings were sent from McMurdo, Palmer, and South Pole stations. To learn more about the history of the celebration, see the article Midwinter MomentExternal U.S. government site in the The Antarctic SunExternal U.S. government site.


Curator: Webmaster, ASC   |   NSF Official: Winifred Reuning/Peter West, Office of Polar Programs
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