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Spurring Small Business

Small businesses create over 60% of all new jobs and are the backbone of our local economy. They are integral to America's economic recovery and I strongly support policies that help Americans sustain, grow and start businesses.  

Small businesses lead the way with cutting edge innovation and ingenuity.  By employing local workers, they help stimulate the demand for goods and services in the community.  We must ensure the viability of these businesses.

To assist small businesses I will fight for access to better credit sources for new and existing companies seeking to expand operations.  To support local entities, I have initiated and conducted a series of Small Business Seminars to connect local owners with needed resources.  I encourage lenders to provide small businesses with the credit necessary to operate, expand, and add jobs.  Small businesses also need fair tax relief which will provide necessary investments in future growth. 

There is nothing small about small business commitment to our community or their impact on the nation. Within the Eleventh Congressional District of Ohio, small businesses have often led our economic recovery and prosperity and I am committed to help them grow and thrive.

To receive information concerning my Small Business Series, please email

News of Note

SBA Launches Blog and Website to Connect Small Business Owners with Information about the Affordable Care Act

In January, 2013, The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) launched a  web page and blog dedicated to educating small business owners about the Affordable Care Act. The new tools will serve as a gateway for small business owners connecting them with information provided by SBA’s federal partners responsible for implementing the law, including the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The Affordable Care Act has many beneficial measures specifically for small businesses, including slowing premium cost growth and increased access to quality, affordable health insurance. SBA’s new web page,, breaks down the key provisions of the Act based on business size in the following categories: self-employed, fewer than 25 employees, fewer than 50 employees and more than 50 employees. 

The web page also provides links to other useful information for small businesses, including a glossary of key health care reform terms, an interactive timeline with dates for when certain reforms will be implemented, a state-by-state breakdown of health care options, and how to learn more about specific tax provisions and regulations. Additional resources will be added as they become available.

The blog, entitled Health Care Business Pulse (, will provide small business owners with continuous updates about the implementation of the Act. The blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal or tax advice. Readers should consult their legal or tax professionals to discuss how specific matters relate to their individual business circumstances.

Press Statements

Filtered by Small Business, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

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