Continuous Learning Opportunities


To maintain your FAC-C Certification, 80 Continuous Learning Points (CLPs) must be accumulated every two years. Refer to the OFPP memo on FAC-C to see what activities and training will fulfill the CLP requirements for FAC-C. 

To maintain your FAC-COR Certification at level I eight CLPs are required every two years.  For levels II and III 40 CLPs must be accumulated every two years.  Refer to your Agency Acquisition Career Manager or your Agency Continuous Learning Policy for the full requirements.

To maintain your FAC-P/PM Certification, 80 CLPs must be accumulated every two years. Refer to the OFPP memo on FAC-P/PM to see what activities and training will fulfill the CLP requirements for FAC-P/PM.

The OFPP issued Guidance on Meeting The Requirements for Continuous Learning Points when they released the FAC-COR policy update in September 2011.

Please consult with your Agency Acquisition Career Manager (ACM) for the training requirements and processes for your agency and for your particular contract assignment. The exact composition of your training will vary depending on your Agency, your experience, and the requirements of the contract. Your Contracting Officer or ACM will make the final determination on your required classes and if any of the options mentioned below will meet your specific needs.

There are multiple paths for earning CLPs. Two of the paths are: online continuous learning courses/modules and resident training. Information about online training is available in two formats. 

  • The Continuous Learning Modules document provides a list of the available online continuous learning courses/modules from the Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI). 
  • DAU’s iCatalog is the interactive version of on-line courses/modules offered by DAU and FAI.

Information on resident training is available for:

Additional Training Options:

Confused about the new WOSB Program? Want to learn more about it? SBA has developed a quick (25 minute) on-line training course for Contracting Officers. The course includes an overview of the program, eligibility requirements for women-owned and economically disadvantaged women-owned small businesses, a Contracting Officer's checklist for using the WOSB Program, a discussion about Parity, Certification, Reviews and Protests, Resources and Questions, and information on how to access the WOSB Program Repository. Click here to begin.

FAI has partnered with DAU to present the Continuous Learning Center within the Department of Defense resource to deliver comprehensive and continuous learning opportunities by supporting the Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (AT&L) workforce. There are 301 continuous learning modules available for training via the FAITAS 2.0. To enroll in CLC, please login to FAITAS 2.0 and select Continuous Learning Modules on the left side of the screen.

FAI has partnered with academic institutions and other organizations to offer educational and training opportunities.

Some seminars and conferences award CLPs; please check the event listing for more information.

Section 508: Training, information and resources to encourage development of technologies to eliminate barriers and make available new opportunities for people with disabilities.

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