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ENERGY STAR for Government

Government agencies spend more than $10 billion a year on energy to provide public services and meet constituent needs — while grappling with tightening budgets. Yet nearly one-third of the energy used to run typical government buildings goes to waste. EPA provides local and state governments, as well as federal agencies, a proven energy management strategy and no-cost tools to save energy and money and demonstrate their environmental leadership.

ENERGY STAR Tools and Best Practices Supporting the Recovery Act

Recovery.gov icon
  • Use Sample Text Word document (169KB) to incorporate ENERGY STAR into Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant activity worksheets.

View pre-recorded training:

  • Make the Most of Your Energy Efficiency Stimulus Funding — Plan, Monitor, and Report Results with ENERGY STAR Tools (1hr)
  • Maximize Stimulus Funding with Performance Contracting and ENERGY STAR (1.20 hr)
  • ENERGY STAR and Revolving Loan Funds (1 hr)
  • ENERGY STAR and State Energy Programs for Commercial Buildings (1.20 hr)

Learn more about leveraging EPA's Portfolio Manager PDF (900KB) and the benchmarking starter kit to quickly and easily prioritize energy efficiency projects in buildings, measure progress, and verify/report results.

Incorporate ENERGY STAR qualified products into ARRA funded projects for single and multi family homes, public buildings, and K-12 schools.

What Governments Can Do

Local and state governments, as well as federal agencies, that partner with EPA and take the ENERGY STAR Challenge demonstrate their commitment to taxpayers as well as the environment.

Learn more about ENERGY STAR for:

Local GovernmentsState GovernmentsFederal AgenciesWater and Wastewater Utilities