Friday, January 15, 2010

Help for Haiti: Learn What You Can Do

The Whitehouse has set up a webpage for the Haiti earthquake relief effort.

The page is a great resource for information on news and updates, donations to the American Red Cross, ways you can help in the relief effort, getting information about friends or family, and the federal response. You can sign up for e-mail alerts and get the code to add a “Help for Haiti” image to embed on your blog or webpage.

If you’d like to be involved or get information on the effort, please visit:

Our hearts here at TSA go out to the people of Haiti.


Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team


Russ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Why all the fuss Russ? Did TSA scratch your snowboard and make you angry? You sure are showing how much class you have. The Haitians are humans are they not? Are you suggesting we should not help them out?

TSA +1
Russ -20

Russ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob Hanssen said...

I agree with Russ. The TSA is the last place I would turn to in a humanitarian crisis.

Gale -- We can do just fine without you and your agency.

RB said...

We all know that the peoples of Haiti are in major need of help.

The earthquake has destroyed a significant part of the country and killed thousands. It's the survivors who need medical aid, food, water and shelter. I hope the resources they need arrive in time.

I would also be pleased if TSA took a little effort to respond to the hundreds of questions that go unanswered on this blog. While these topics are nowhere near as important as what is happening in Haiti they are still important in there on right.

I call on the Blog Team to step up and deal with the issues that go unanswered.

Co said...

The Haitians need our thoughts, I doesn't matter who reminds us and how often.

Anonymous said...

"The Haitians need our thoughts, I doesn't matter who reminds us and how often."

No, Haitians need food, water, and medical supplies. I don't think our "thoughts" alone are doing much for them.

Anonymous said...

You might not like the TSA but they sure helped us out after Hurricane Ike. I figured I could find something on the internet about what they did for us so I Googled it and found this. . . .

I'm glad they're helping out with the Haitian crisis too. Shame on you!

Bankrupt said...

The funny thing is the US is sending $100 million in cash and China is sending $1 million. Too bad we have to borrow the $100 mil from the Chinese.

Isaac Newton said...

Bob Hanssen said:
I agree with Russ. The TSA is the last place I would turn to in a humanitarian crisis.
And I agree with Bob. Haven't the Haitians suffered enough? Now the TSA want to use them as a distraction from fixing their own problems.

And Co, how's selling that car insurance through your spam working?

GSOLTSO said...

To all that have posted something here that has nothing to do with the purpose of this post - shame on you. This was an attempt by TSA to help garner as much help and assistance as possible for people that are suffering. There is not much anyone could have done to prevent the situation the people of Haiti are in at this point. Regardless of the past interactions with the country, right now they need help just to stay alive. I have been to Haiti, and it was a place as close to being completely bereft of hope as I have ever seen. Now what little bit of stability they had in their lives is completely shattered. Now, we have folks like Russ, Bob Hanssen, and RB that show their true colors by posting off topic commentary. I believe you have a right to speak what you wish, but you show a complete lack of decorum and the collective intelligence level of young children when you do this. Anon #1, thanks for "getting it" and posting in the spirit of this blog entry. Co, you deserve kudos for getting it as well. The Haitian people deserve our thoughts, prayers, concern and whatever assistance our country can spare and then some.

I know what kind of posts will follow this, and it is just about as predictable as it is sad.

To those that get it, please send any kind of help you can, to those that are willing or able to go and help them in an offical capacity, Bless you. To those that want to post petty things, please go to a more appropriate blog subject.

TSA Blog Team

Brian said...

I think at this time we should all put our differences aside, and do what we can to help the Haitians. At this time it doesn't matter why or how they got into this mess. From what I've seen in the news there's 40,000 dead and another 100,00 missing presumed trapped in the rubble. Lets all do whatever we can to help.

Anonymous said...

This is unbelievable. Why does it matter who is attempting to help? Why does it matter that many people on this blog site don't support TSA? The fact is, Haiti needs help and I imagine that if TSA didn't attempt to do something, you would complain about how heartless TSA is. This just proves that no matter what TSA does, you guys will NEVER be satisfied. If this posting helps Haiti at all, then it was a success.

Forex Robots said...

What ever your views are these are human beings who require our help.

There is more resources avaialble from googles home page -

It Would be nice to see some celebs stick their hands in their pockets.

RB said...

Now, we have folks like Russ, Bob Hanssen, and RB that show their true colors by posting off topic commentary.

TSA Blog Team

January 15, 2010 7:15 PM
West where is your post condeming Bob for his reponse about the kid on the watch list?

I agreed that the situation in Haiti is desperate and all help available should be rendered.

Why does it offend you so that I also suggested that the Blog Team, including yourself, take care of unfinished business here?

So go ahead with the personal attacks West, it tells us something about you.

Good way to deflect attention away from the failings of TSA!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The White House reports that more Air Marshals are needed, but where do I see TSA recruitment efforts? At a standstill.

If TSA simply taped into the retired Federal Criminal Investigators GS-1811, you would have more than enough for any emergency.

Anonymous said...

Do and give all you want for Haiti, in a year is will be exactly the same it was the day before... and poor, corrupt, third world cesspool that couldn't take care of its own..

and the TSA has drunk the Kool-aid, I us to be a fan.. now they have demonstrated their worthlessness

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the Rush Limbaugh like comments. Bob was simply putting up the site where people could donate. Next people will be saying it's all a scam, and the Haitians won't see any of the money donated. Better yet, TSA is gonna take it all and use it for their strip-search machines!
Get real people, they need all the help they can get down there. Whether you like TSA or hate them doesn't matter. People need help.

"trying to identify itself with a popular humanitarian relief effort that it has zero to do with."

TSA may not have anything to do with it, doesn't mean the officers who work there aren't going to help any way they can. Yes, I work for TSA, I have also responded to many natural disaster areas to lend a hand, with TSA, and seperate from TSA. I am also trying to go to Haiti myself, to put that experience to use. Believe it or not, many TSO's are competent and know what they're doing.

Anonymous said...

"Do and give all you want for Haiti, in a year is will be exactly the same it was the day before... and poor, corrupt, third world cesspool that couldn't take care of its own.."

Yes. Haiti may go back to what it was.

A people impoverished by paying back loans that never should have been given to monstrous leaders.

Goldberg said...

They need our sympathy but that alone is not going to fill up their stomach.Respect to Mr. president but what they need is food to eat,water to drink and financial help.Next important fact is that it should be made sure that they really get the help,which has been provided to them.

HappyToHelp said...

GSOLTSO said...
“To all that have posted something here that has nothing to do with the purpose of this post - shame on you. This was an attempt by TSA to help garner as much help and assistance as possible for people that are suffering.”

I agree with you 100% West. It’s a shame that a few of them are our regular posters/readers. There are quite a few government blogs who have posted on this as well. It should be no surprise to our readers that this post was coming. This is a high traffic blog and such a blog post can do a lot of good.

With that said, I to will echo the “shame on you”. You know who you are.

TSA Blog Team

HappyToHelp said...

Anonymous said...
“The White House reports that more Air Marshals are needed, but where do I see TSA recruitment efforts? At a standstill.

If TSA simply taped into the retired Federal Criminal Investigators GS-1811, you would have more than enough for any emergency.”

Good suggestion. Please fill out the compliments and suggestions form .

TSA Blog Team

GSOLTSO said...

HTH sez - "I agree with you 100% West. It’s a shame that a few of them are our regular posters/readers. There are quite a few government blogs who have posted on this as well. It should be no surprise to our readers that this post was coming. This is a high traffic blog and such a blog post can do a lot of good.

With that said, I to will echo the “shame on you”. You know who you are."

Thanks man, I have no problem addressing things in other threads (well, other than not being able to sit down and read all the comments as fast as I would like!), but this is a plea for assistance to people that are dying daily, and will continue to die from things most people aren't even thinking of yet, like sepsis, untreated injuries, outbreaks of disease due to lack of hygiene that comes from crowding 500,000 people into a handful of parks.

To RB = Facepalm

TSA Blog team

Jannis said...

RB said… “Good way to deflect attention away from the failings of TSA!”
Good way to deflect attention away from the purpose of the post, to send help to the Haitians. I can see that not only is TSA, as part of the US federal government, trying to help I applauded them for doing it.

Anonymous said...

Over 20% of the comments in this thread are from spammers. Why do you allow this in a moderated blog?

TSO-Joe said...

I'm part of the TSA's National Deployment Force. Currnetly, 40 Officers are deployed to SFB to assist with the incoming C17 flights from Haiti, bring US Citizens and Hatia forgein nationals with passports to the US.

When the huge C17 lands, it's backdoor opens. Personel from US Cutoms, Ice, and CBP go in and assess the flight. Then the people who were evacted from Haiti walk out on the tarmack and head for the doors to Customs. We, the TSO's, assist these people, sometimes with wheelchairs, sometimes by holding their kids hands, sometimes with their luggage, into the Customs area. If any need medical attention, EMT's are standing by. Once processed, they will head to the Red Cross relief center where they can get food, water, blankets, and other items. The Red Cross will get arrange to get these people home (by bus, cab, air). When they are ready, the TSO's help them onto buses which will bring them to MCO for their final rides.

When we arrived, we replaced TSO's from MCO. We started with 12 hour, overnight shifts, but have since started 8 hour shifts. Some of us even had shots for various stuff in anticipation of going to Haiti, but those plans were halted with only a few sore arms to show for it.

When there people come off the huge C17, they are tired and weary. What stikes me is that 90% of them have NOTHING with them! The hardest flights are the orphan flights. These kids are cold, scared, and tired. One child, though, came off the flight with a wide smile for everyone. I will not forget him. Another TSO told me that when she assisted a family onto the bus, the mother came back and told her that her daughter had not spoken since they left Haiti until she had been helped by the TSO.

This effort is 24/7, as we're never sure when the flights will arrive. we have orders to stay until 2/26.

Bob said...

TSO-Joe, Please send me an e-mail to


Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team

izlesene said...

I agree with you 100% West. It’s a shame that a few of them are our regular posters/readers. There are quite a few government blogs who have posted on this as well.

Forex Course said...

I donated for the Haiti appeal but I always feel like I need to do more than just donate.

Sure the money will be put to good use but without the people volunteering to help out on the ground then the money is virtually pointless. I am currently looking at the viability of going out there for a few weeks, the country is still in a mess even now.

Forex Training said...

The Haiti disaster still brings a tear to my eye. It was covered again on TV over here, they were saying that people are still living in tents and most of the clean-up just hasnt happened yet. I think we all need to donate again to get things moving again over there.

sam said...

I don't know what the TSA has to do with a humanitarian crisis, don't they deal with things other then that?

Bir Mühendis said...


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Interesting Facts


bayilik said...

“Good way to deflect attention away from the failings of TSA!”
Good way to deflect attention away from the purpose of the post, to send help to the Haitians. I can see that not only is TSA, as part of the US federal government, trying to help I applauded them for doing it.

Womens Ski Goggles said...

"I agree with Russ. The TSA is the last place I would turn to in a humanitarian crisis."

TSA may not be the first place you would turn to in a crisis, but all help in a crisis is appreciated.

Forex Forum said...

Haiti needs help and I imagine that if TSA didn't attempt to do something, you would complain about how heartless TSA is. This just proves that no matter what TSA does, you guys will NEVER be satisfied.