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Congressman David Valadao

Representing the 21st District of California

Tax Reform


Today, the United States faces an unprecedented fiscal crisis.  The solution to this crisis lies in reining in government spending, not raising taxes.

The average American works the first three hours of their day just to pay their federal, state and local taxes.  I believe Americans should be working to provide for themselves and their families, not feed government coffers.  I will support policies that rein in out of control government spending, lower taxes, and keep wages in the pockets of hardworking Americans.

I believe we can balance America’s budget without increasing tax rates.  However, Congress must make tough decisions now in order to safeguard our future. Implementing a fairer tax code with strong incentives to work and invest will broaden the tax base, lower the tax burden for all Americans, and provide increased support for necessary federal programs. Removing burdensome regulations on small businesses will stimulate economic growth and put Americans back to work.